Pain Relief in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain Using HeatTens vs. Standard Care.
Chronic Low Back PainMovement Evoked PainA two-armed randomized controlled clinical trial with blind assessments and a follow-up period of 4 weeks is developed. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the combination of heat and TENS (HeatTENS device) on pain in people with chronic low back pain. A sample of 70 patients will be recruited. Following baseline measurements, subjects will be randomly allocated to the experimental or the control group. The experimental group will be asked to use the device on a daily basis, 30 minutes per day. The control group will have no device. After 4 weeks of FU, measurements will be repeated.

Placebo In Chronic Back Pain (Phase 2)
Chronic Low Back PainThis study is designed to examine brain properties for placebo response in chronic back pain patients. The investigators have preliminary data indicating that, in blinded clinical trial studies with neutral instructions regarding treatment, chronic back pain (CBP) patients can be subdivided into placebo responders and non-responders, and these differences are PREDICTABLE a priori, by brain activity. The results imply that CBP placebo may have clinical utility and that its properties can be studied by human brain imaging techniques. In Phase I of the study, the investigators seek to identify brain imaging parameters that predict the propensity for the placebo response in an independent CBP cohort. In Phase II, the investigators will evaluate the interaction between placebo response and medication treatment in individuals stratified as placebo responders versus non-responders. This research is designed to critically assess the neurobiology of placebo analgesia for chronic pain in a partially-blind clinical trial.

Effects of Association of Trunk Stretching and Segmental Stabilization Exercises in Chronic Unspecific...
Low Back PainThe incidence of chronic nonspecific low back pain is the highest in the world population and can lead to disability. One of the standards treatments for this condition is the segmental stabilization exercises, as well as trunk stretching. However, there is no study that associates these two treatments for nonspecific low back pain. This study will be a controlled clinical trial, randomized, prospective, single-blind with a quantitative approach that compares the efficacy of the association between segmental stabilization + trunk stretching with segmental stabilization + placebo stretching in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain.

Visceral Manipulation in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainNon-specific chronic low back pain is a common multifactorial condition common to the world population. It is defined as a pain and discomfort located below the ribs and above the gluteal folds that may or may not have referred pain in the leg for more than 12 weeks. Visceral manipulation is a manual therapy technique that aims to normalize mechanical, vascular and neurological dysfunctions of the viscera with the objective of improving its functioning. Visceral dysfunction may potentially activate or exacerbate the symptoms of low back pain in the presence of compromised movements between the internal organs and its connective tissues. There are two ways in which a change in visceral mobility could interfere with low back pain, referred visceral pain and central hypersensitivity. The first occurs due to neural convergence, since there is no spinocortical tract that only sends visceral or somatic afferences, its afferences are crossed in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The second is that the prolonged and continuous activation of nociceptors, due to the alteration in the mobility of the gastrointestinal and urinary system, can generate central hypersensitivity. Therefore, the investigators hypothesized that through the visceral manipulation the fascial adherences would lyse and the visceral spasms would demise, reducing the peripheral input, thus, lessening pain in the low back.

Physiotherapy Re-education of Pre-activation of the Transverse Abdominis in Patients With Chronic...
Chronic Non-specific Low-Back PainHypothesis: The hypothesis of the study is that the physiotherapeutic re-education of the pre-activation of the transverse abdominal muscle decreases pain intensity in patients with chronic non-specific low-back pain by at least 30% and is more effective than conventional treatment. Aims: the principal aim is to determine the effectiveness of a physiotherapeutic re-education program based on the pre-activation of the transverse abdominal muscle on pain intensity in adult patients diagnosed with chronic non-specific low-back pain compared to conventional treatment in a primary care setting. The secondary aims of the study are to assess the effects of a physiotherapeutic re-education program based on the pre-activation of the transverse abdominal muscle on: (1) disability and limitations for the development of the activities of daily living associated with LBP, (2) transverse abdominal muscle muscle contraction, (3) to assess whether the resistance training parameters applied to older adults are valid for young adults and (4) to determine whether the training protocols used for the cervical spine could be extrapolated to the lumbar spine.

Effect of Strength Training for Chronic Low Back Pain Patients (IRMA20)
Musculoskeletal PainLow Back PainLow back pain (LBP) is common in the population and has great socioeconomic consequences for societies across Europe and the United States. About a third of working-age adults have frequent LBP, and for about 10% the pain becomes chronic with consequences for work and leisure activities. A Cochrane review from April 2017 concluded that physical exercise is an intervention with few adverse events and positive outcomes on pain and function in adults with chronic pain. However, when scrutinizing the specific studies of the review there are large differences in adherence to the exercise interventions and consequently in the results obtained. Thus, there is a need for simple exercises that the patients can easily adhere to.

Cupping Therapy in Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainIntroduction: Low back pain is a very prevalent condition in the population and windsurf therapy has been presented as a non-pharmacological treatment currently used in this population. However, there is a lack of studies that evaluate such effects, besides a standardization of application of the technique in this condition. This protocol describes a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study that aims to assess the effectiveness of windsurf therapy in improving pain and other symptoms of individuals with chronic non-specific back pain. Methods: Ninety individuals with chronic nonspecific and localized chronic low back pain from 18 to 59 years, will be recruited according to the inclusion criteria. Afterwards they will be randomized to one of the 2 groups: intervention group (GI) where it will be submitted applied to the windspiration with 2 suctions; and placebo group (GP) with simulated application. Both applications will occur in parallel to the vertebrae from L1 to L5 bilaterally. The application will be performed once a week for eight weeks. The volunteers will be evaluated before treatment (T0), immediately after the first intervention (T1), 4 weeks after treatment (T4) and 8 weeks after treatment (T8). The primary endpoint will be pain, and the secondary ones will be kinesiophobia, physical function, lumbar range of motion, sleep quality, patient expectation, quality of life, and psychological factors. Discussion: This is the first protocol that proposes to evaluate the effect of windsotherapy on lumbar ROM, sleep quality, kinesiophobia and psychological problems. Few studies have been done on windsurfing individuals with low back pain, requiring further studies with good methodological quality. Because there is no consensus on the use of windsurf therapy in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain, our protocol will be the basis for the use of the technique by health professionals and for new studies to be performed.

Influence of the Pilates Method in the Treatment of Unexpected Chronic Lombar Pain
Lower Back PainThis study aims to verify the influence of the Pilates Method on the improvement of pain in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain

Are Paraspinous Intramuscular Injections of Botulinum Toxin A (BoNT-A) Efficient in the Treatment...
Chronic Low-back PainStudying the therapeutic effect of paravertebral injections of BoNT-A (botulinum toxin A) requires further studies to confirm the reported short-term therapeutic effect and to determine potential predictive factors of efficacy.

Platelet-rich Plasma for Low Back Pain
Discogenic PainPlatelet-rich PlasmaThis study aims to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on discogenic low back pain by comparing the pre- and post-interventional outcomes in patients receiving intradiscal injection of autologous PRP.