
Active clinical trials for "Metaplasia"

Results 81-90 of 109

Endoscopic Grading of Intestinal Metaplasia

Narrow-band ImagingMagnifying Endoscopy1 more

Long-term Helicobacter pylori infection causes premalignant gastric conditions, such as atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. Image-enhanced endoscopy techniques such as narrow-band imaging (NBI) and magnifying endoscopy improve the diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia (GIM). However, there are no comparative data on the utility of NBI and magnifying endoscopy for diagnosing GIM.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Effect of Zinc on Barrett's Metaplasia

Barrett's Metaplasia

Using orally administered zinc to patients already diagnosed with the pre-cancerous condition, Barrett's Esophagus, this study is asking two questions: can this zinc administration cause molecular-level changes in the Barrett's tissue? are the changes measured indicative of chemopreventive action by zinc regarding cancer progression?

Unknown status1 enrollment criteria

New Classification of Stomach Using Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy

Gastric CancerIntestinal Metaplasia2 more

The aim of the present study was to propose a new pCLE classification of gastric pit patterns and vessel architecture, and to assess the accuracy and interobserver agreement of this new pCLE classification system in the stomach.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Volatile Markers in Digestive Cancer

Colorectal CancerColorectal Adenoma7 more

The study is aimed to determine the potential of volatile marker testing for identification of gastrointestinal cancers (in particular - colorectal and gastric cancers), the related precancerous lesions in the stomach and colon. The study will be addressing the role of confounding factors, including lifestyle factors, diet, smoking as well as addressing the potential role of microbiota in the composition of exhaled volatile markers.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Comparison Between Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy, White-light Endoscopy and Virtual...

Intestinal MetaplasiaIntestinal Dysplasia

The investigators hypothesis that clinical applicability and overall diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of pCLE for diagnosing gastric preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions is acceptable pCLE, as compared to white-light endoscopy (WLE), AFI and magnifying NBI has higher sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosing gastric pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions

Unknown status17 enrollment criteria

OLGA and OLGIM Stage System for Gastric Cancer

Stomach NeoplasmsAtrophic Gastritis1 more

To validate OLGA and OLGIM staging system with serum pepsinogen for estimating GC risk according to Lauren's histologic classification in South Korea. Also attempted to estimate synergistic interaction among the several risk factors to help establish surveillance strategy.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Effect of H. Pylori Eradication on the Reversibility of Atrophic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia...

Helicobacter Pylori InfectionAtrophic Gastritis1 more

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection has been associated with a development of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. H. pylori related atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia have been regarded as pre-malignant lesion. However, the role of H. pylori eradication treatment in the reversibility of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia has not been clearly defined. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between H. pylori eradication and the reversibility of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia in Korean patients.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Gastric Cancer Precursor Lesions (GCPL) Study

Intestinal MetaplasiaGastric Cancer

Background: Gastric cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths around the world. This disease is a serious problem in places like East Asia, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe. Researchers want to study the causes of gastric cancer and its precursors. They want to reduce the number of people with stomach cancer. Objectives: To learn more about bacteria factors and other causes of gastric cancer. To study potential markers associated with precancerous gastric lesions (intestinal metaplasia). Eligibility: Adults ages 40-70 years at certain hospitals in Chile who: Are going to have upper gastrointestinal endoscopies OR have stomach cancer and need surgery Design: Participants will give gastric tissue samples. Some participants will donate a portion of the stomach tissue that is removed as part of their clinical care. Participants will give access to reports of their stomach exam. They will allow researchers to photograph the microscope slides of their tissue samples. Participants will answer questions. The topics of the questions include: Age, height, weight Education Habits including tobacco and alcohol Personal and family history of disease Reproductive history Diet Some participants will give blood, urine, saliva, and stool samples. Study staff will collect the blood. They will tell the participants how to collect the other samples themselves.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Different Fluorescein Sodium Dosage for the Detection of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia

Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia

The purpose of this study is to assess whether lower fluorescein sodium dosage can perceive the same detection rate per patient and per lesion for the detection of gastric intestinal metaplasia.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Immunological Disorders of T Lymphocytes and Endocrinological Disorders as Pathogen...

The Follow-up Duration Was 1-8 Years.The Main Reasons Behind Visiting the Hospital Were Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection,9 more

Background: Squamous metaplasia refers to the pathological transformation of the urothelium leading to non-keratinised stratified squamous metaplasia (N-KSM). Objective: To present the investigators experiences in the diagnosis and treatment of N-KSM of the urinary bladder in children.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

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