Optimal rTMS for Cognitive Deficits and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
SchizophreniaNegative Symptoms in Schizophrenia3 moreNegative symptoms and cognition decline are major challenges in clinical management of schizophrenia. Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has been highly involved in the mechanisms of negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. However, the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over left or bilateral DLPFC has not yet been well studied. The aim of this study is to describe how the effectiveness of rTMS over different targets for cognitive deficits and negative symptoms in schizophrenia will be evaluated. The study will provide evidence to determine whether a bilateral DLPFC rTMS and is more effective than a left DLPFC rTMS alone to optimize treatment protocol in schizophrenia.

New Techniques for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Affective Disorder
Affective DisorderThe purpose of this study is to explore the pathological mechanism of cognitive impairment in patients with affective disorder based on brain gut axis research, preliminarily verify the clinical efficacy of new neural regulation technology on cognitive impairment, and establish an evaluation model to predict the efficacy of physical therapy for affective disorder.

Executive Functioning Training Study
AgingCognitive Function Abnormal3 moreCognitive aging in people with HIV (PWH) is of increasing concern for several reasons: 1) between 52%-59% of PWH experience cognitive impairment known as HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) which impacts everyday functioning and quality of life; 2) HAND increases in severity and prevalence with age; and 3) 70% of PWH in the United States will be 50 and older by 2030. Fortunately, cognitive training programs can individually target specific cognitive impairments in PWH and possibly reduce the severity and prevalence of HAND and improve everyday functioning and quality of life. This approach is based around the underlying concept of intra-individual variability as controlled through higher level allocation of cognitive resources, known as executive functioning. This feasibility study will use a two-group pre-post experimental design of adults with HAND including: 1) a 20-hours of Executive Functioning Training group (enroll 60, n=48 with attrition), and 2) a no-contact control (enroll 60, n=48 with attrition). Aim 1 - Feasibility: To determine feasibility and acceptability of the intervention (i.e., attrition, feedback). Exploratory Aim 1 - Cognition: Compare adults who receive Executive Functioning Training to those who receive no training to determine whether they improve in global cognitive ability and overall cognitive IIV. This high impact study is innovative in the following ways: 1) This is the first study aimed to reduce cognitive IIV in PWH. 2) This is the first study to use IIV as a guide to target solely executive functioning training to improve global cognitive ability, which may reduce the severity and prevalence of HAND. 3) Over the last decade, the epicenter of HIV has emerged in the Deep South where this study will occur. Most participants in this study will be older PWH who identify as lower social economic status (SES) and/or African Americans and experience HAND symptoms.

Improving Patient Memory for Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment
Memory ImpairmentSleep DisorderThe main empirical question to be addressed is: What types of memory support are most potent for patients who are experiencing a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) relative to non-MCI patients?

Safety and Target Engagement of Centella Asiatica in Cognitive Impairment
Mild Cognitive ImpairmentAlzheimer's DiseaseThis clinical trial is focused on determining whether biological signatures of target engagement by a Centella asiatica water extract product administered orally for 6 weeks can be measured in comparison to placebo. This study will also assess the safety and tolerability of the Centella asiatica water extract product.

Musical Attention Control and Executive Function Training for Adults With MDD
Major Depressive DisorderCognitive Dysfunction1 moreThe investigators have developed music-based cognitive training sessions derived from Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) techniques. The music-based cognitive training sessions will address areas of attention and executive function, which appear to progress over time and worsen as an individual experiences more episodes of depression. The aim of this pilot is to test 8-weeks of music-based cognitive training to improve cognitive function among adults with major depressive disorder.

Efficacy of Chinese Traditional Medicine "Smart Soup" in Cognition and Behavior Regulation in Alzheimer's...
Alzheimer DiseaseMild Cognitive ImpairmentIt is a prospective interventional randomized controlled single center trial. The goal of the trial is to evaluate the efficacy of smart soup on cognition, behavior, biomarkers and safety in Alzheimer's disease (aMCI and dementia).

Cognitive Outcomes of Brain Stimulation As a Later-in-Life Treatment
Mild Cognitive ImpairmentDementia1 moreThis is a pilot study being done to attempt to improve episodic memory problems in persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. The pre-supplemental motor area (preSMA) and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) have been shown to play a role in episodic memory and language retrieval. Prior studies have suggested that neurostimulation targeting this region can improve episodic memory and word recall. The purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) to the preSMA/dACC region and its influence on word retrieval and other cognitive functions in patients with MCI or dementia. Entraining the preSMA/dACC circuit with 10 sessions of HD-tDCS will allow us to study whether neurostimulation may be an effective treatment.

Intra-cortical Inhibition and Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia
SchizophreniaCognitive deficit is a core symptom of schizophrenia (SZ), but its pathological mechanism is poorly understood and the treatment effect is poor. The excitatory-inhibitory microcircuit (E-I) function imbalance formed by inhibitory interneurons and excitatory pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex is a new mechanism of cognitive deficits in SZ discovered in recent years. Cortical E-I is expected to be a new target for the treatment of cognitive deficits in SZ. Paired transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS)-induced intracortical inhibition (ICI) is dependent on cortical E-I functional integrity. We found that ICI deficiency is stable in SZ and is closely related to cognitive function. Therefore, ICI is likely to be a system-level biomarker for cognitive deficits caused by E-I imbalance. However, no study has yet explored the genetic basis of ICI and its impact on the occurrence, development and treatment response of cognitive deficits in SZ. Based on this, we intend to verify the value of ppTMS-induced ICI as a biomarker of E-I imbalance in SZ patients and normal controls at different stages: 1. To explore the correlation of ICI with multidimensional cognitive deficits and E-I pathway genes; 2. To explore ICI Combining candidate genes and serum inflammatory factors can predict whether TMS can improve the efficacy of cognitive deficits, and can be used for precise treatment of SZ cognitive deficits at the level of pathological mechanisms.

Technology Assisted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention for Anxiety in People Living With...
DementiaCognitive Impairment1 moreThis study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a remotely-delivered, technology-assisted psychotherapy program, supported by an innovative software platform for people with cognitive impairment experiencing anxiety.