The Effects of Glucagon on Hepatic Metabolism in People With Type 2 Diabetes After Caloric Restriction...
Type2diabetesCaloric restriction (and RYGB) improves insulin action and lowers fasting glucose, glucagon and EGP, without changes in postprandial EGP and glucagon concentrations. Caloric restriction also improves hepatic steatosis and lowers fasting AA. These changes may represent restoration of glucagon's hepatic actions. This experiment will determine whether caloric restriction improves glucagon's actions on hepatic amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in T2DM in comparison to a baseline experiment performed separately in people with T2DM.

Care Companion Diabetes
Type 2 DiabetesDigital health interventions have the potential to help patients with diabetes effectively manage their disease at home. Many digital health studies provide patients with educational materials and self-care recommendations. The digital health interventions allow patients to conveniently access these materials on their phones or computers, and enable care teams to provide essential knowledge for diabetes management. Digital health based education intervention is a reasonably inexpensive method that offers high coverage and motivational encouragement to help patients improve their health at home.This study aims to provide patients with timely education for diabetes management and has the potential to improve clinical outcomes for patients with diabetes.

The SHINE Study: Safety of Implant and Preliminary Performance of the SHINE SYSTEM in Diabetic Subjects...
Diabetes MellitusDiabetes Mellitus7 moreThe objectives of SHINE study are to confirm the safety aspects of the SHINE SYSTEM. Moreover, the goal of this clinical investigation is the initial evaluation of sensor's performance by assessing sensor's ability to qualitatively detect the appropriate analytes in subjects with diabetes of 18 years and older.

Semaglutide and Vascular Regeneration
AtherosclerosisCardiovascular Diseases3 moreSEMA-VR is a prospective, randomized, 6-month long, open-label study of semaglutide. Approximately 100 participants with type 2 diabetes and/or obesity will be randomized (1:1) to receive semaglutide at escalating doses (up to 1.0 mg/week) or usual care without semaglutide for 6 months. The goal of this trial is to understand how semaglutide exerts cardio-protective effects in people with type 2 diabetes and/or obesity. The main question it aims to answer is: • Does semaglutide treatment preserve or increase the number of vessel-repairing cells circulating in the blood? Participants will: Be allocated to receive either semaglutide or usual care for 6 months Provide a blood sample at the baseline visit and another blood sample at the 6-month visit Researchers will compare participants receiving semaglutide to those receiving usual care for any differences in the 6-month change in the number of vessel-repairing cells in the blood.

Prepare for Your Diabetes Care
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With HypoglycemiaAging1 moreAs adults with type 2 diabetes age, they are increasingly vulnerable to treatment-related hypoglycemia and its related complications (including hospitalization and death). This study proposes to evaluate, in a randomized clinical trial, a strategy of expanded advance care planning to support older adults in value-aligned re-assessment of diabetes treatment regimens with their primary care team. If the aims of this project are achieved and incidence of clinically-significant hypoglycemia is reduced, this Prepare for Your Diabetes web-based patient educational care strategy could be scaled and applied in a wide variety of healthcare settings and chronic conditions in which evolving risks, benefits, and consequences of treatment require re-assessment with age.

My ESSENCE - A Research Study on Mindfulness for African-Americans With Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 DiabetesSleep1 moreThe proposed research and training will allow Dr. Alana Biggers to obtain critical research skills and study a mindfulness meditation program designed to improve sleep and reduce stress in African-American adults with diabetes. If effective, this program may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among African-Americans with type 2 diabetes who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Effects of Modulators of Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis and Glucokinase Activity
Type 2 DiabetesIt has been shown that individuals with type 2 diabetes have higher blood sugar throughout the night than individuals without type 2 diabetes. However, it is still unknown if this rise in blood sugar can be controlled using medications. This study will examine the effects of three different diabetes treatments to determine if they improve night time blood sugars. Participants will be randomly assigned for 8 weeks to one of the following three groups: GROUP 1: Insulin. Participants will be instructed on self-injecting insulin glargine once-daily in the morning. The dose will be increased by the study team to avoid episodes of low blood sugar and to maintain fasting blood sugar concentrations between 70 to 180 mg/dl. GROUP 2: Metformin. Participants will start the drug (500 mg twice daily) with meals. After 72 hours and in the absence of side effects, they will increase the dose to 500 mg with breakfast and 1,000 mg with supper. After a further 72 hours and in the absence of side effects, they will increase the dose to 1,000 mg twice daily with meals and continue until the end of the trial. The dose will be adjusted by the study team to maintain fasting blood sugar concentrations between 70 to 180 mg/dl. GROUP 3: Dorzagliatin. This medication dose will be 75 mg twice daily. The investigators anticipate fasting glucose concentrations will be between 70 to 180 mg/dl since the dose of this medication cannot be titrated.

Circadian Rhythm and Metabolic Effects of Exercise
Diabetes MellitusType 22 morePhysical exercise is efficacious in controlling blood glucose levels in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. An individual's exercise capacity and ability to utilize glucose as an energy source oscillates throughout the day. Hence, the beneficial effects of exercise on blood glucose levels may depend on the time of day when the exercise bout is performed. However, the time of day in which the most beneficial adaptations to exercise can be achieved remains unknown. This project aims to answer the following questions: Does time of day impact the beneficial effects of exercise on blood glucose? If so, when can the most beneficial effects of exercise be achieved? Which metabolic mechanisms links time of day, exercise and blood glucose control? To address these questions, individuals with or without Type 2 diabetes will perform an exercise session at two different times (09:00 and 16:00), and continuous glucose monitoring will be used to assess the effects of exercise on blood glucose. We will determine the specific metabolic processes which promote the most beneficial blood glucose response. To achieve this, we will measure which metabolic substrates (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) are used and which metabolites produced in blood, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in response to exercise at different times of the day.

Native American Diabetes Project
DiabetesDiabete Type 26 moreDiabetes in the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population is a public health crisis that is best addressed using a holistic approach. Given the disproportionate rates of diabetes and diabetes-related outcomes among AIANs, this is the perfect opportunity to provide a culturally tailored health promotion intervention among the largest urban AIAN population in the U.S.; approximately 171,163 AIANs reside in Los Angeles County. It is imperative to develop culturally tailored interventions with a community-based participatory research approach. Particularly given a legacy of historical mistrust, development of trusted and mutually beneficial partnerships is imperative. The goal of this pilot study is to reach up to 312 Native Americans with diabetes to participate in an intervention to lower blood sugar and feelings of social isolation. The intervention will include 12 weeks of diabetes-friendly, medically tailored meals, and four weeks of virtual diabetes wellness classes. Participants will also attend an initial meet-and-greet before the classes start, a check-in meeting after the classes end, and up to three additional follow-up meetings. There may also be an in-person meeting near the end of the study. Partners for these activities include Project Angel Food and United American Indian Involvement (UAII). Each of the four virtual classes will be held for 90-minutes through the Zoom platform. Each participant will be part of a 180-day cohort. Participants will complete surveys and attend three clinic visits as part of the study.

The Effect of Massage on Diabetic Parameters
Diabetes MellitusType 21 moreThis research aims to investigate the effect of massage on diabetic foot risk, HbA1c and physiological parameters in individuals with type 2 diabetes. This randomized controlled experimental design will be carried out in Bolu Izzet Baysal State Hospital Köroğlu Unit Internal Medicine Polyclinic and Internal Medicine Service. According to power analysis, the minimum sample size was determined as 60 people, 30 of which were in the intervention group and 30 in the control group. Data collection tools include "Peripheral Neuropathy Sign and Symptom Score", "Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)", "Glycemic Control Assessment (HbA1c)", "Physiological Parameters (blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation)", "Inlow's 60-second Diabetic Food Screen". A total of 24 massage sessions will be applied to the intervention group, 2 times a week during the 12-week working period. Participants in the control group will continue their medical treatment protocols and massage will not be applied.