Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention on Function in Older Frail People With Diabetes in Latinamerican...
Frailty SyndromeFrail Elderly Syndrome2 moreRandomized clinical trial, international, multicentre, single-blind, two parallel groups, pragmatic. It will be carried out by investigators in several Latin American countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) and with random allocation 1:1 of the participants to Usual Care Group (UCG) or Intervention Group (IG). Each country will select 5 trial sites that will recruit 0-60 participants. Finally, 1050 subjects will be involved in the project. The primary outcome are the changes in function and quality of life as measured by changes in the scores used to assess them between baseline and 1-year follow-up. Function will be assessed by the Short Physical Performance Battery-SPPB. This study is focused on an older population (≥ 65 years) with diabetes and a frail or prefrail status The intervention includes: Educational program in small groups: 7 sessions in the clinical trial sites (2 sessions a week for the first 3-4 weeks) Exercise program (16 weeks): learning phases in clinical trial site for 3-4 first week (coincident with the educational program sessions) and the rest at home. Adaptation of targets of HbA1c and blood pressure (BP). UCG Usual care group consists in level of care usually given in Health Care system.

A Study of Tirzepatide (LY3298176) Compared With Dulaglutide on Major Cardiovascular Events in Participants...
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusThe purpose of the trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of tirzepatide to dulaglutide in participants with type 2 diabetes and increased cardiovascular risk.

Aronia in the Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Regimen
Diabetes MellitusType 2In a triple-crossover study, the effect aronia consumption on type 2 diabetes will be examined. 48 type 2 diabetes patients need to complete the trial. Each patient will receive two daily doses of both fermented aronia, aronia, or placebo for eight weeks each. There will be 3 weeks wash-out periods between the intervention periods. Before and after the intervention periods, various measurements will be performed to assess the effects of aronia, fermented aronia, and placebo on type 2 diabetes.

Study of Renal Autologous Cell Therapy (REACT) in Subjects With Type 1 or 2 Diabetes and Chronic...
Chronic Kidney DiseasesType 1 Diabetes Mellitus1 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety, efficacy, and durability of up to two REACT injections delivered percutaneously into biopsied and non-biopsied contralateral kidneys on renal function progression in two different cohorts of subjects with T1DM or T2DM and CKD.

Study of a High-Dose Aflibercept in Participants With Diabetic Eye Disease
Diabetic Macular EdemaType 1 Diabetes Mellitus1 moreThe primary objective of the study is to determine if treatment with high-dose aflibercept (HD) at intervals of 12 or 16 weeks provides non-inferior best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) compared to aflibercept dosed every 8 weeks. The secondary objectives of the study are as follows: To determine the effect of HD vs. aflibercept on anatomic and other visual measures of response To evaluate the safety, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of aflibercept

GLucose Monitoring Programme SingaporE, Phase 2 (GLiMPSE2)
Diabetes MellitusType 21 moreMany with type 2 diabetes (T2D) remain sub-optimally controlled. Structured programmes requiring dietary and lifestyle intervention have been shown to improve control but are time-and labour-intensive. The role for self-monitoring of blood glucose with capillary blood glucose (CBG) readings is uncertain. The use of flash glucose monitoring (FGM) with education may effect improvements in awareness and self-management behaviour and hence glycaemic control. The investigators aim to compare the effects of FGM versus CBG fingersticks in the context of a structured education programme over a 6-month period in adults with type 2 diabetes. 200 adults (>21y) with sub-optimally controlled T2D (7.5-10%) on either diet-controlled, oral glucose lowering drugs or background insulin will be enrolled and randomised into the intervention arm (FGM and education) or control arm (capillary glucose fingersticks and education). The intervention arm will monitor glucose using FGM continuously for 6 weeks and intermittently thereafter up to 24 weeks. The control group will monitor glucose using CBG fingersticks up to 24 weeks. During the intervention period(0-24w), both arms will undergo the same schedule of visits (-2w, 0w, 8w, 16w, 24w) and 6 education sessions. Both groups will be followed up at weeks 38 and 52. Primary outcome is HbA1c change from baseline at 24 weeks. This study will provide novel data on the use of FGM versus CBG in Type 2 diabetes and its impact on glycaemic control.

Virta Intervention in CommuniTies in cOloRado (VICTOR-Pilot)
Diabetes MellitusType 2The VICTOR study plans to include rural communities served by Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions (CHHS) program and find out whether participants will accept a referral to a comprehensive virtual lifestyle intervention, Virta Health. The Virta Health program induces nutritional ketosis to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The study will inform the acceptability of the referral, the retention of participants in lifestyle intervention, and the durability of effects on glucose control after the lifestyle intervention has ended.

The TRIABETES - ARMMS-T2D Study: A Randomized Trial to Compare Surgical and Medical Treatments for...
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusObesityThis research study is being performed to begin to determine the effectiveness of two dominant bariatric surgery procedures versus an intensive lifestyle intervention to induce weight loss in patients and promote improvements in Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in moderately obese patients. T2DM is currently the 6th leading cause of mortality in the United States and is a major cause of kidney failure, blindness, amputations, heart attack, and other vascular and gastro-intestinal dysfunctions. Traditionally, treatments include intensive lifestyle modifications with or without glucose lowering agents. Neither treatment alone, or in combination, results in complete resolution of diabetes and its potential long-term complications. Bariatric surgery has been proven as an effective treatment to accomplish sustained and significant weight loss for those with severe obesity and has been shown to induce long-term remission of T2DM. However, despite enthusiasm for these potential treatment options, it is not clear whether diabetes is influenced by the type of surgery or by the amount of weight lost or if bariatric surgery is more effective than non-surgical weight loss induced by diet and physical activity in T2DM patients with moderate BMIs (30-40kg/m2; Class I and Class II obesity, or approximately 65-95 pounds overweight depending on your height). More well-controlled studies are needed to more completely inform health care decision making and clinical practice in this area. This research study aims to obtain preliminary information regarding the effectiveness of two major types of bariatric surgery, Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding versus an intensive lifestyle intervention to induce weight loss with diet and increased physical activity.

Phase 1b/2a Study of GSBR-1290 in Adult Overweight or Obese Healthy Subjects and Subjects With Type...
Overweight or ObesityType2 Diabetes MellitusThis study will evaluate safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetic (PK) profile, and pharmacodynamic (PD) effects on GSBR-1290 in healthy overweight/obese volunteers (HOV) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Metformin (T2DM) This study includes 5 planned cohorts. Participants will receive multiple-ascending doses of GSBR-1290 or Placebo from Day 1 to Day 84

Novel Organic Kale Products for Prevention of Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes
Type2 DiabetesInvestigating the health beneficial effects of freeze-dried Brassica oleracea var. acephala with a high content of fibers, protein, vitamin, minerals, and secondary metabolites on patients with type 2 diabetes.