A Study of Efficacy and Safety of Supaglutide in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Type2 DiabetesThis is a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Supaglutide injection in the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycemic control after diet and exercise intervention. This trial includes dosage determination (Phase IIb) and efficacy confirmation stage(Phase III). The primary outcome of the phase IIb period is to preliminarily evaluate the efficacy and safety of Supaglutide and to provide the recommended dosage for the Phase 3 period after 12-week treatment. The primary outcome of the Phase III period is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Supaglutide after 24-week, double-blind treatment. The secondary outcome is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Supaglutide after 24-week, double-blinded plus 28-week, open-label treatment period.

Prediabetes Intervention With Tea
Diabetes MellitusType 21 moreThe goal of this interventional study is investigating the effect of the daily consumption of olive leaves tea on glycemic control of individuals diagnosed with pre-diabetes. The hypothesis of this study is that the integration of olive leaf tea on daily food consumption will favors glycemic control and ameliorate insulin resistance in individuals with pre-diabetes.

Effects of Bashan on Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Patients and Its Related Mechanisms
Type 2 DiabetesThe study aimed to observe the effect of targeted diet on blood glucose improvement in type 2 diabetic patients by continuous glucose monitoring and to explore the possible mechanism of targeted diet on blood glucose improvement in type 2 diabetic patients.

Daily Protein Pacing Effects on HbA1c in Type 2 Diabetics
Type 2 DiabetesHbA1c1 moreThis study will examine the effects of protein (whey) supplementation added to the normal diet of pre-diabetes or diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) men and women on plasma glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and total body fat levels. Specifically, this study will directly quantify the impact of 3x/day timed ingestion of supplemental whey protein (20 grams of 80 calories per serving) added to the normal diet of free-living pre-diabetic or T2DM men and women over an 8-week study period on the major diagnostic outcome of pre-diabetic and T2DM (HbA1c levels) and total body fat levels. This study will quantify changes in HbA1C and total body fat levels in 24 pre-diabetics or T2DM participants.

Renal Actions of Combined Empagliflozin and LINagliptin in Type 2 diabetES
Type2 DiabetesThe current study aims to explore the clinical effects and mechanistics of mono- and combination therapy with SGLT-2 inhibitor empagliflozin and DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin on renal physiology and biomarkers in metformin-treated T2DM patients.

GLP-1 and Hypoglycemia
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusLow blood sugar can negatively affect how blood vessels function, and this can lead to an increase in the risk for heart attacks, strokes and other problems related to the stiffening and blockage of blood vessels. The purpose of this study is to learn if and how glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1; a naturally occurring hormone in the gut) changes the effects that low blood sugar levels have on blood vessels.

Intensified Multifactorial Intervention in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria
Type 2 DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to determine whether intensified multifactorial intervention comprising both behaviour modification and polypharmacy can reduce the risk for late diabetic complications compared to standard treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria.

Effect of Dihydromirycetin on Glycemic Control, Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion in Type...
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusDihydromyricetin has demonstrated promising effects in glycemic control, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion, that above mentioned findings show that dihydromyricetin has an excellent potential effect in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

Managing DIabetes Remission After Combined Therapy in EarLy Stage of DiabetEs
Newly Diagnosed Type 2 DiabetesEpidemiologic, social and economic burdens of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) keep rising worldwide. Implementation of T2DM preventive trategies is lagging behind. Metabolic surgery, very low calorie diet can induce T2DM remission, but so far for few patients. The investigators will assess the efficacy to cause T2DM remission (primary end point) and direct costs to the National Health System of a 4-month polychemotherapy (metformin+pioglitazone+sitagliptin+empagliflozin) regimen vs standard care in patients with newly diagnosed T2DM by an open label, pragmatic RCT. Mechanisms of action will be investigated in a sub-cohort by a prolonged OGTT plus dual tracer technique and modeling of beta cell function. If proved efficacious in this proof-of-concept study and inducer of durable remission in the future, T2DM polychemotherapy will turn out to be a convenient, relatively unexpensive strategy to restrain prevalence of T2DM and its complications and to alleviate its personal, social and economic burden.

Surgical Innovation for Diabetes Treatment
ObesityDiabetes Mellitus1 moreThis study will determine how two variants of gastric bypass induce changes in dynamic endocrine response in the fasting and post-prandial state, both before and at different time points after the surgical interventions. This study will monitor the endocrine dynamics after different anatomical modifications produced by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedures in diabetic participants and normoglycemic participants, to gain insights into the mechanisms beyond the metabolic improvement after the two surgical variants through participants re-evaluation at different time points.