Ultrasound Guided Versus Non-Guided Prolotherapy for Internal Derangement of Temporomandibular Joint....
TMJ Disc DisorderUltrasound Therapy; Complications10 moreUltrasound Guided Versus Non-Guided Prolotherapy for Treatment of Internal Derangement of Temporomandibular joint. Rationale for conducting the research: The most critical cause for guided prolotherapy is to specify the accurate location of glenoid fossa and the disc space while prolotherapy procedure, and to adjust the needle insertion to according to articular eminence, mandibular condyle, and intra-articular space as anatomical variations. The vibration of ultrasound waves generates a heat so there is a thermal effective for prolotherapy effusion in the TMJ space.

Investigation of the Efficiency of Pain Neuroscience Education in Patients With Chronic Pain After...
Breast CancerBreast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women worldwide. Various side effects are seen after the treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.). Fatigue and pain are the most common and persistent side effects of breast cancer treatments. Pain management in patients currently undergoing breast cancer surgery: It consists of medical treatment, physiotherapy program and psychosocial practices. Psychosocial practices include educational interventions. The most widely used is Biomedical Education. Biomedical Education explains pain to the patient from a biological point of view and may be insufficient in curing and preventing chronic pain. The increase in the knowledge of pain physiology has revealed the modern neuroscience-based Pain Neuroscience Education. Pain Neuroscience Education explains the neurophysiology of pain and the ability of the nervous system to modulate the experience of pain. When we look at the literature, it has been seen that the lack of studies in which my Pain Neuroscience Education was applied in chronic pain after breast cancer surgery and the results of existing studies were contradictory. The aim of this study to compare the effects of Pain Neuroscience Education applied together with a standard physiotherapy program on pain, somatode function, psychological function and quality of life in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery in a randomized desing. The hypotheses of this study are as follows; H1(1): The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on pain-related outcomes (pain severity and disability) is different in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. H1(2): The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on somatosensory function (pressure pain threshold and mechanical perception threshold) is different in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. H1(3) : The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on psychological state (psychological symptoms (stress, anxiety and depression), pain-related catastrophe) in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery is different. H1(4) : Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy have different effects on quality of life in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. The patients were over the age of 18, diagnosed with breast cancer, had at least three months after primary cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), had pain in the upper extremity and shoulder region for more than three months, and were evaluated on the Visual Analogue Scale in terms of pain intensity in the last week. Patients who indicate at least 40 points out of 100 (VAS) will be included. The Mini Mental Test will be applied to individuals over 65 years of age in terms of cooperation suitability and those with a score of 24 and above will be included in the study. Cases who met the inclusion criteria and accepted to participate in the study will be randomly assigned to 2 separate groups according to the online computer-based block randomization list. Pain Neuroscience Education and standard physiotherapy program (soft tissue mobilization + exercise) will be applied to the individuals in the 1st group, and Biomedical Education and standard physiotherapy program (soft tissue mobilization + exercise) will be applied to the individuals in the 2nd group. The working period is 6 weeks. Individuals in the 1st group will receive 4 sessions of Pain Neuroscience Training, and 4 sessions of Biomedical Pain Training will be applied to the individuals in the 2nd group. Standard physiotherapy will be applied to the cases in both groups for 6 weeks, 2 sessions per week. In the first session of the treatment, individuals in both groups will be informed about the treatment process. Individuals will be evaluated in terms of research and outcome measurements twice, at the beginning of the study and at the end of the 6th week, in line with the control frequencies used routinely in the clinic. The assessment will take approximately 45 minutes for each individual. At the beginning of the study, demographic and physical characteristics of individuals, medical and surgical background (cancer history, treatments, number of sessions and/or cures), drugs used (type and dosage), and lifestyle characteristics (alcohol and smoking and regular physical activity/exercise habits) ) related information will be saved. In the evaluation; Visual Analogue Scale, Pain Disability Index, Digital Pressure Algometer, Semmes Weinstein Monoflames, Pain Disaster Scale, Depression, Anxiety-Stress Scale-21(DASS-21), Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment-Breast ( FACT-B+4) scale will be used.

Clinical Study of a Micro-Implantable Pulse Generator for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic...
Peripheral NeuralgiaPeripheral Neuropathy1 moreThis post market study is being conducted to document the comparative effectiveness and safety of peripheral nerve stimulation plus conventional medical management versus conventional medical management alone in the treatment of chronic, intractable peripheral neuralgia of post-traumatic or postsurgical origin. This is a prospective, minimal risk, multi-center, randomized control trial.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Chronic Pain
Chronic PainThis clinical trial uses transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) using the patented tKIWI system to safely reduce self-reported chronic pain with little to no side effects to improve our understanding and ability to accurately diagnose pain disorders which would facilitate the development of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment modalities using deep learning architecture built into the tKIWI.

Project 1 Aim 2, Adaptations of the Brain in Chronic Pain With Opioid Exposure
Opioid UseOpioid Dependence11 moreThis study is designed to track brain functional changes in individuals with i) chronic back pain + opioid use (CBP+O) and individuals with ii) chronic back pain + opioid misuse disorder (CBP+mOUD) following a brief drug delay and re-exposure manipulation. Re-exposure could be placebo, the participant's own opioid dose, or a dopaminergic treatment (DA+NSAID). The participants will be also evaluated for changes in cognition, emotion, and motor abilities with opioid delay and re-exposure to placebo, opioid, or DA+NSAID.

Efficacy of Pain Neuroscience Education and Pre-anesthetic Assessment in Reducing Levels of Anxiety,...
PainChronic6 moreThrough this quantitative, multivariate factorial experimental research of the Parallel Randomized Clinical Trial type, the investigators will try to analyze the effectiveness in reducing levels of anxiety, stress and pain through pre-anesthetic assessment and pain neuroscience education in patients undergoing elective total abdominal hysterectomy.

True Functional Restoration and Analgesia in Non-Radicular Low Back Pain
Back Pain Lower Back ChronicChronic PainTo study the response of objective and quasi-objective 'True' functional outcomes, analgesia and safety in chronic non-radicular back pain to buprenorphine buccal film (BBF) using a small 'n' phase IV design. To assess associations between traditional pain relevant subjective outcomes and objective or quasi-objective functional outcomes; In a small 'n' construct, to assess more powerful, 'new' statistical methods (e.g. hierarchical linear models, joint trajectory analysis) compared to traditional methods, in the context of increased power, more objective outcomes and cost savings. First a 2-week washout of any opioid medication (if necessary; if not necessary subject can proceed directly to); baseline week (Single Blind Placebo Lead In (SBPLI), using the placebo film resembling the 150mcg dose; then randomization to a ~ 2 week up titration either to effective Buprenorphine Buccal Film (BBF) dose 2 day average pain better than or equal to 3/10 NRS), highest tolerated dose BBF and/or maximum dose BBF of 900 mcg BID, or identical placebo material up to these parameters. This up titration is at the discretion and timing of the blinded and experienced PI. Subject will be allowed two doses of hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/325 daily during the washout period. A single experienced practitioner will manage the titration as to safety, detail and timing; and determine when the subject enters the 8 week stable dose trial; this practitioner will remain blinded throughout unless there is an urgent, safety reason for unblinding

RCT, Blinded, 2-Arm Efficacy Study of IP and Placebo in Patients With Chronic Pain Related to Osteoarthritis...
Degenerative ArthritisIt is a Phase III efficacy study as the title 'A randomized, double-blind, parallel-arm study comparing the efficacy of investigational product "Ibuprofen Modified-Release Tablets 800 mg" and placebo in patients with chronic pain related to osteoarthritis of the knee.' The primary objective is to determine the analgesic efficacy of orally administered IBUMR in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. The Secondary objectives are to compare the treatment effect on patient pain, function and stiffness between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients as measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), to compare the treatment effect on Patient Global Assessment on Disease Activity between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to compare the treatment effect on Investigator's Global Assessment on Disease Activity between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to compare the use of analgesic rescue medicine between IBUMR- and placebo-treated patients, to determine the safety profile of IBUMR.

The Role of Brain Dopamine in Chronic Pain
Chronic PainChronic pain is associated with plasticity in the brain limbic system composed mainly of the amygdala, hippocampus, ventral striatum, and cingulate cortex (ACC) /medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). These brain areas, especially the ventral striatum, receive dopaminergic input from the ventral-tegmental area (VTA). Although there is a significant literature now showing that limbic brain tracks chronic pain intensity and predicts the risk of transition from sub-acute to chronic pain, the role of dopaminergic input to the limbic brain and the change thereof which occurs in chronic pain, is still not clear. Given the role of dopamine in motivational control and the loss of motivation associated with chronic pain understanding how dopaminergic transmission is altered in the limbic brain of chronic pain patients is critical to the understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic pain. Therefore, the overall aim of this project is to use brain imaging to study how dopaminergic transmission through the oral administration of pro-dopaminergic medications carbidopa/levodopa (CD/LD) and methylphenidate will modulate the brain signature of chronic pain. Chronic pain subjects will be scanned twice before and after treatment with the two drugs or placebo. The protocol will follow a randomized double-blind approach.

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Functional Therapy in Adults With Chronic Neck Pain
Chronic PainThe aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Cognitive Functional Therapy compared with Conventional Therapy in treating adults with chronic neck pain