Encapsulated Acellular System From Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Dental Pulp Regeneration
Periapical PeriodontitisTo evaluate the security and efficacy in the administration of encapsulated acellular system derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a novel regenerative endodontic procedure which to promote the pulpar regenration.

Endodontic Microsurgery With the Use of L-PRF Block
Apical PeriodontitisApical Periodontal CystThis study evaluates the effect of leucocyte and platelet rich fibrin Block (L-PRF Block) during endodontic microsurgery (EMS) on patient's post-operative comfort and periapical bone healing in large peri-apical lesions.

Association of Apical Periodontitis With Systemic Level of Inflammatory Markers : A Longitudinal...
Diabetes MellitusType 21 moreWhile cross-sectional studies have reported a significant association between diabetes and Apical Periodontics, prospective studies are scarce. This will be the first prospective interventional study to explore the cause-and-effect relation between AP and diabetes by assessment of levels of inflammatory markers in a longitudinal setting. Periapical healing in diabetics and nondiabetics will be compared after root canal treatment to evaluate the role of various physical and metabolic attributes on endodontic outcomes.

Comparison Between RCT in Single and Two Visits, With and Without Intracanal Dressing, in Apical...
TeethEndodontically-Treated5 moreThis is a randomized, prospective, double-blind, controlled clinical trial designed to evaluate 3 distinct clinical approaches used during endodontic therapy: Group 1- Root canal treatment in single visit (RCT-SV); Group 2- Root canal treatment in two visits with intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWD); Group 3- Root canal treatment in two visits without intracanal dressing (RCT-TVWOD). A total of 210 adult patients ages 18 to 60 years, with at least one tooth diagnosed with asymptomatic apical periodontitis and periradicular lesion will be randomized and will undergo one of the types of clinical approaches during endodontic therapy. Patients' postoperative pain levels will also be recorded in periods of 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days. Subsequently, clinical findings and long-term follow-up evaluations, with periradicular repair will be performed by periapical radiograph and computed tomography (cone-beam) at 6th, 12th and 24th months.

Assessment of Postoperative Pain After Using Two Formulations of Calcium Hydroxide Intracanal Medication...
Necrotic Pulp With Symptomatic Apical PeriodontitisCalcium hydroxide is advocated as an intracanal medication for various purposes, including prevention of post-treatment symptoms. Calcium hydroxide has a pain-controlling effect at different times when compared to non-intracanal medication . Aim: The aim of the study to compare between postoperative pain after using two formulations of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication with and without iodoform .

One vs Two Visits Root Canal Treatments in Infected Teeth
Apical PeriodontitisPain2 moreThe primary aim of the study is to compare the outcome of one vs two visits endodontics (root canal treatments) performed in general dental practice of infected (necrotic) teeth, one and four years after treatment. Secondary aims are to compare the root filling quality and the frequency of complications for both treatment modalities. A pilot study will identify the shortcomings of the protocol, which will be revised accordingly. A multi-center study in several clinics from five counties throughout Sweden is planned. Consecutive eligible patients (see inclusion and exclusion criteria) with one tooth each will be included. The study sample size calculation was based on a judgement that a minimal worthwhile effect of less than 10% was not clinically relevant. The presumption was that successful outcomes would be of 75% and 65% for the different treatment arms, respectively. Three hundred and fifty six patients per group are thus needed to detect that difference as statistical significant with a power of 80% and an alfa-error of 5%. To compensate for around 30% drop-outs a number of 1000 patients will be recruited. Patients will be randomly enrolled in two arms: one in which the endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) is performed in one visit, and in the other arm in two visits. The allocation sequences for one vs multiple visit endodontics will be computer generated followed by a dark colored envelope concealed allocation. The patients will be contacted by telephone 5-7 days post-operatively, and a control visit at the clinic will be scheduled one month post-operatively to assess complications related to the treatment. A clinical control will be performed at the clinic one and four years after treatment. Intra-oral radiographs will be taken. The radiographs will be examined by two blinded and independent observers. A successful outcome is defined by clinical and radiographic normalcy. The statistical methods selected to analyse the primary outcome will be the Chi square test of 2x2 tables, or Fisher´s exact test when proportions are small and the expected value <5. The calculations will be two-tailed. Results will be considered statistically significant at p<0.05.

Therapeutic Irrigation Procedures to Treat Apical Periodontitis
Apical PeriodontitisApical periodontitis is a dental infection which develops around the root of a tooth and affects ~4-6% of the UK population. Current treatment strategies focus solely on removing bacteria from within the root canal space during Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment (NSRCT). Despite radical improvements in techniques available to disinfect canals, over the last 2-3 decades there has been no proportionate improvement in success rates, with ~20% of cases failing to demonstrate complete healing following NSRCT. Over time this has placed significant burden on public resources as evidenced by increased referrals to dental hospitals, extensive waiting lists and increased use of anti-microbials. It has long been known numerous bioactive molecules (dentine extracellular matrix components [dECM]) exist within the structure of the dentine. In a laboratory setting, they have demonstrated significant antibacterial properties and the ability to induce the functional processes of dental tissue repair. Through a different irrigation procedure, this research group have optimised methods for releasing dECMs during NSRCT and hypothesise this intervention could potentially promote a reduction in inflammation, improve healing and lead to more favourable outcomes for patients suffering from apical periodontitis, a concept which has not yet been investigated. It is proposed that to test this hypothesis at the Birmingham Dental Hospital by comparing clinical/radiographic signs of periradicular healing, and the molecular inflammatory response, in patients undergoing standard NSRCT (control arm) to those who having NSRCT with an irrigant regime that promotes release of dEMCs (intervention arm). Data generated from this randomised controlled pilot study will not only help to understand the process of healing following treatment of apical periodontitis at a molecular level, but also help to explore if there is therapeutic potential in enhancing dEMC release during NSRCT.

Effect of Simvastatin Versus Calcium Hydroxide Intracanal Medications on Post-operative Pain and...
Periapical PeriodontitisComparing the effect of Simvastatin versus calcium hydroxide used as an intracanal medicament on Post-operative Pain and Total amount of IL-6 and IL-8 in Periapical Fluids of lower premolars in patients with Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis:

Evaluation of Nano Bioactive Glass Combined With i-PRF Scaffold in Vital Pulp Treatments
Pulpitis - IrreversibleApical PeriodontitisWith consideration of the previous studies regarding the properties of i-PRF, it will be used in combination with another bioactive material: (Nano-BAG) versus using of i-PRF only as a pulpotomy material with using a premixed bioceramic putty as a coronal sealing material in both cases, to evaluate if there is a difference in the success rate of pulpotomy in case of using Nano-BAG in combination with i-PRF So, in this study the investigators will use Nano-BAG in combination with i-PRF as a material for pulpotomy in cases of mature permanent mandibular molars and compare its outcomes with using i-PRF only and in both cases pulpotomy material will be covered with a layer of premixed bioceramic putty for coronal sealing.

Clinical Efficacy of AH Plus Bioceramic Sealer
Root Canal InfectionPeriapical Periodontitis1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess the efficacy and outcome of sealer-based obturation (SBO) using a new calcium silicate sealer in comparison with warm vertical compaction (WVC) using a resin-based sealer, which is the current gold standard.