Effects of Adjunct Photodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Chronic...
Chronic PeriodontitisDiabetes MellitusPeriodontal Diseases are considered the sixth complication of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). This close relationship between both diseases is characterized by mutual influence. The presence of DM might impair prognosis of diverse dental treatments due to its inflammatory nature, negative influence on wound healing, on bone biology, and the establishment of infections. Consequently, knowledge of new dental therapies and the biology of dental treatments for chronic periodontitis in diabetic patients can enhance quality of life and make these treatments more adequate for this common profile of patients.

Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Gingival Crevicular Cytokines in Periodontitis Patients
PeriodontitisAdult3 moreSystemically healthy periodontitis patients were recruited in this single-blind, split-mouth, randomized controlled clinical trial. After SRP, PDT was applied at probing depth (PD) ≥ 4 mm at test quadrant. At baseline, 3rd month and 6th month, clinical parameters and cytokine pattern in gingival crevicular fluids (GCFs) were analysed.

To Compare Efficacy of Low Dose Diclofenac (25mg) in Management of Postoperative Pain After Periodontal...
Chronic PeriodontitisPain after periodontal surgical procedures is a common manifestation. The perception of pain is highly subjective and varies substantially among individuals. Many factors affect pain perception, such as the nature, duration, and extent of the surgery and psychological aspects (e.g., stress and anxiety). Pain after periodontal surgery is an example of acute dental pain of mild to moderate severity. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a significant advantage in the control of pain after periodontal or oral surgical procedures. Diclofenac is a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that is well suited for local use in the oral cavity. Diclofenac competes with arachidonic acid in a dose dependent manner for binding with platelet COX. This results in decreased production of PG and thus reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. As Diclofenac associated with many adverse effects, like gastric irritability, nausea, headache, dizziness. Undesirable effects may be minimized by using the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration necessary to control symptoms. As many of clinical trials have suggested Diclofeanc 50 mg alleviates the postoperative pain. So main aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low dose Diclofenac(25mg) in reducing the post operative pain after periodontal flap surgeries. Thus comparing the effects of low dose Diclofenac and Diclofenac 50mg for reducing post-operative pain.

Two Different Antibiotic Agents to Treat Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis
Aggressive PeriodontitisThe aim of this study is to assess the clinical outcomes of full-mouth ultrasonic debridement combined with clarithromycin or amoxicillin + metronidazole association for the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP).

Evaluating the Efficacy of a Gum Health Formulation on Teeth Whitening in Patients With Gingivitis...
Tooth DiscolorationPeriodontal DiseasesThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a novel gum health formulation, when used in an intra-oral device or on a toothbrush, for teeth whitening and clinical improvements in periodontal diseases.

Encapsulated Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Dental Pulp Regeneration.
Periapical PeriodontitisTo compare the dental survival in a period of one year of mature permanent teeth with apical lesion following the administration of encapsulated Mesenchymal Stem Cells under a regenerative endodontic procedure and a conventional root canal treatment.

Treatment of Periodontitis in Obese Individuals
ObeseObesity2 moreObesity and gum diseases are highly prevalent in all parts of the world. Obesity can negatively influence severity and progression rates of gum diseases. Presence of fat in the body determines a general systemic state of inflammation. On the other hand, when gum diseases are successfully treated systemic and local inflammation decrease. In addition reductions in glycemic blood levels are also observed after treatment. Periodontitis is one type of gum disease that is associated with bone loss. It could be treated within 24 hours by using a protocol, which combines dental debridement and mouthwash. This treatment protocol, named "one-stage full-mouth disinfection" works well in individuals of normal weight. However, there is no information whether it is effective in obese individuals or not. Also, it should be clarified if obesity influences response to periodontal treatment. This study hypothesized that obesity impair response to periodontal treatment. Therefore, the effects of the protocol "one-stage full-mouth disinfection" will be evaluated in obese individuals and normal weight controls. This evaluation will be based on the monitoring of several clinical, microbiological and biochemical parameters throughout 9 months. Participants will answer validated questionnaires to evaluate if treatment of gum disease would be able to improve individual's quality of life. Study population will be composed of 90 to 100 obese individuals (males or females; > 18 years of age; smokers or non smokers; > 12 natural teeth). Participants will be classified into 5 groups according to their body mass index in normal weight (n = 15 to 20); overweight (n = 15 to 20); obesity I (n = 15 to 20); obesity II (n = 15 to 20); obesity III (n = 15 to 20). Examinations will be performed before treatment and also 3, 6 and 9 months after treatment. This study will contribute to the knowledge on how obese individuals respond to this specific treatment protocol. Also, having normal weight individuals as controls the present study will contribute to a better understanding about obesity, in its different severities, influence on periodontal treatment.

Omega-3 Plus Low-dose Aspirin Daily Supplementation in Non-surgical Therapy to Treat Aggressive...
Aggressive PeriodontitisThe aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial of superiority will be to evaluate the effect of 3 g of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and 100 mg of aspirin daily supplementation over a period of 180 days as adjunct to non-surgical therapY of patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis. Probing depth, clinical attachment level, gingival index and concentration of microorganisms and cytokines at baseline, 3, and 6 12 months after the procedure will be evaluated.

Periodontal Debridement Associated With Systemic Antibiotics and Single/Repeated PDT to Treat Aggressive...
Aggressive PeriodontitisGeneralizedThe aim of this project is to compare the efficacy and the local effect of the association of single or repeated application of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with antibiotic agents using Amoxicillin + Metronidazole or Clarithromycin in the treatment of patients with Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis (GAgP).

Effects of Gum Disease Treatment on Host Defense Factors
PeriodontitisDiabetes MellitusHuman immune system produces many different factors, which will influence health-disease statuses. This partially explains why under similar conditions only some people become sick. Therefore, specific analyses of such factors in healthy and diseased patients are crucial for a better knowledge about diseases development and successful treatments. Human beta defensins (hBD) may have a key role in patient's susceptibility to gum diseases. In the lab, high levels of sugar (glucose) could inhibit their expression and contribute to the occurrence of infections associated with diabetic wounds. This study will evaluate if treatment of the most common gum disease in adults influences production of beta defensins by gingiva. Also, clinical improvements and treatment effects on blood glycemic levels will be monitored throughout a 2-month period. Patients with or without gum diseases and with or without diabetes mellitus will be able to participate. After a complete oral examination to determine periodontal status, gingival fluid samples will be collected using paper strips. These samples will be collected before and also two-months after oral treatment and will be analyzed by an immune-enzymatic test named ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). In weekly sections, one trained specialist will performed treatment of gum diseases under local anesthesia using hand-instruments. Researchers hypothesized that a) levels of defensins would be lower in the presence of periodontal disease when compared to a healthy periodontal condition; b) diabetes would influence production of these immune protective factors; and c) treatment would provide a greater beneficial amount of defensins.