
Active clinical trials for "Periodontitis"

Results 391-400 of 1118

Effect of Adjunctive Treatment With Arestin on the Subgingival Microflora in Patients With Moderate...


The purpose of this study is to measure the antimicrobial effects of Arestin in subjects with moderate to advanced periodontal disease

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Microbial Associations in Periodontal Health and Disease

PeriodontitisPeriodontal Diseases

The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical and microbiological effects of systemically administered metronidazole alone or in combination with professional plaque removal on periodontally diseased patients.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Effect of Three Periodontal Therapies in Current Smokers and Non-Smokers

PeriodontitisPeriodontal Diseases

The purpose of this study is to determine in current and non-smokers the clinical and microbiological effects of 3 therapies: scaling and root planing (SRP) alone; SRP in combination with the orally administered antibiotic metronidazole; and SRP with the orally administered antibiotics metronidazole and amoxicillin along with the locally delivered antibiotic doxycycline at periodontal pockets >= 4 mm.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Complementary Naturopathic Medicine for Periodontitis


This study aims to assess selected naturopathic medicines for adult periodontitis and to identify variables that influence successful outcomes when traditional and alternative approaches to preventing and treating periodontal diseases are combined. Collaboration between Kaiser Permanente, Oregon Health Science University and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine provides an unsurpassed environment for such investigations. Periodontitis is a major cause of tooth loss and negatively impacts systemic health. The limitations of traditional periodontal treatment have compelled scientists and clinicians to investigate new remedies, and naturopathic medicine holds several promising interventions. Because they are used to improve elements of host resistance that are known to be important in periodontal health and disease, three naturopathic medicines are potential adjuncts in preventing and treating periodontitis. Connective tissue components are enzymatically degraded in periodontitis. In naturopathy, Connective Tissue Nutrient Formula (CTNF) (vitamins A, C and D, glucosamine sulfate, oligoproanthocyanindins, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, silicon, magnesium, and calcium) is prescribed specifically to enhance the integrity of key connective tissue elements and improve their resistance to degradation. Periodontitis begins when permeability of the oral sulcular epithelium permits pathogenic bacterial components to invade deeper periodontal connective tissues. In naturopathy, glutamine is prescribed to reduce oral-intestinal epithelial membrane permeability. Chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during the stress response, is a risk factor for periodontitis. Adaptogenic herbs (AH) (Panax ginseng, Withania somnifera and Eleutherococcus senticosus) are prescribed by naturopathic physicians to reverse the impact of bacterial and psychosocial stressors. Because glutamine, CTNF and AH target pathophysiologic mechanisms known to underline periodontitis, they are compelling candidates in clinical and mechanistic investigations of complementary medicine approaches to the management of periodontitis. Kaiser Permanente adult periodontitis patients will serve as subjects and receive standard periodontal treatment. Three of the four randomly assigned groups will also receive supplements of glutamine, CTNF, or AH. We will determine the effects of these supplements on clinical outcomes (attachment loss, pocket depths, indicators of inflammation, plaque composition, need for periodontal surgery, acute periodontal problems, tooth loss). In addition to completing the battery of self-report measures (stress, coping, quality of life), study subjects will provide samples of blood, saliva, gingival cervicular fluid and bacterial dental plaque. These samples will be examined as part of the Laboratory Core to identify biologic and genetic characteristics that correlate with successful outcomes. Storage of portions of the samples will allow future examination of additional variables as part of the Developmental Projects carried out as the Craniofacial Complementary & Alternative Center is established and Phase III trials are undertaken.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Efficacy of STERIFY GEL in the Treatment of Periodontitis Following Scaling and...


The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of treating periodontal disease with the STERIFY GEL medical device in combination with SRP procedure, in terms of periodontal pocket healing. Efficacy will be compared with the use of the nonsurgical SRP technique alone, which is considered a gold standard treatment for periodontitis, with the aim of observing improved results when using the STERIFY GEL device. The study is prospective, split-mouth.STERIFY GEL will be administered into the periodontal pockets of one or two segments of patients undergoing whole-mouth extended SRP, with the contralateral segments serving as controls (split-mouth), in a single session.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Extract as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical Periodontal Management


Azadirachta-Indica has various therapeutic activities such as antiseptic, antiulcer, astringent, superior antiviral and for cleaning the teeth in various dental diseases in vitro and vivo. It also purifies blood, removes toxins from the body and neutralizes free radicals. Due to its therapeutic effects, ease of availability of neem, being cost effective and its safety with no adverse reactions, Azadirachta-Indica has been selected for this study as a local drug delivery in the gel form to be placed in periodontal pockets as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal debridement for the management of localized periodontitis.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Interleukin-34 in Stage I and II Periodontitis

Cytokine Storm

Interleukin 34 (IL-34) is the second active component of (colony-stimulating factor receptor) CSF-1R. With regards to periodontal disease, It is debatable whether IL-34 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine (as seen in rheumatic arthritis and Sjogren syndrome) or an anti-inflammatory cytokine( as seen in Alzheimer's disease) so further studies could be conducted to better understand whether IL-34 is a proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokine in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases and to evaluate the change of its levels in Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in patients with periodontal disease after non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT).

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Use of Ozone Gel as an Antimicrobial in Treatment of Periodontitis

Periodontal PocketPeriodontitis

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that destroys tooth-supporting structures through oral bacterial plaque. ozone gel's act as an antimicrobial effect as an adjunct to conventional periodontal therapy (scaling and root planning). exposure of bacteria to ozone leads to the oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins that comprise the bacterial cell membrane. Ozone gel has the potential to play an anti-inflammatory role in the treatment of periodontitis by monitoring both clinical and biological parameters.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Comparison of PRP & DFDBA vs. DFDBA in Intrabony Periodontal Defects

Chronic Periodontitis

The purpose of this clinical trial is to compare the results in subjects with periodontitis using subjects own blood - Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combined with bone graft material, namely, Demineralized Freeze - Dried Bone Allograft (DFDBA) or DFDBA alone in the treatment of bone defects around the teeth.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

Locally Delivered Minocycline in Advanced Periodontitis


Local drug delivery provides higher concentrations in the availability of the drug at the specific infected sites with the advantage of sustained release. Periocline is a long acting , sustained release local drug delivery system consisting of 2% minocycline hydrochloride in an ointment containing microcapsule type particles. Periocline contains 20mg of minocycline in 0.5 gm of gel in a disposable polypropylene applicator (2% minocycline HCl). Research has yielded promising results with the local application of minocycline in the treatment of periodontal disease, compared with other non-surgical therapies. However, there is scarcity of reports on the use of local delivery agents with respect to new range of putative pathogens in advanced periodontitis, wherein the tissue invasive anaerobic organisms are present and possibly compromised host response, hence resulting in an exaggerated breakdown of periodontal tissues at the affected sites. The effect of Minocycline on new putative pathogens, such as Filifactor alocis and oral phylotypes of phyla Synergistetes and TM7 (referred to hereafter as oral Synergistetes and oral TM7s), has not been investigated yet. Hence, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the efficacy of a local delivery agent containing minocycline (Periocline, Sunstar, Japan) as an adjunct to SRP in the treatment of deep periodontal pockets around teeth in advanced periodontitis and the antimicrobial effect on the red complex and the new putative pathogens.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

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