
Active clinical trials for "Periodontitis"

Results 601-610 of 1118

Treatment of Advanced Periodontitis Using an Oscillating Chitosan Device Versus Regular Curettes...

Periodontal Diseases

40 patients diagnosed with localised periodontitis will be included at each center, 20 patients will be treated with the control treatment, 20 patients will be treated by test treatment.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Virtual Reality Glasses on Dental Anxiety Control

PeriodontitisDental Anxiety4 more

In this clinical study, it was aimed to evaluate whether there is a decrease in patient anxiety by applying virtual reality glasses, which are the product of new technology, during scaling and root planing treatment. Patients who required scaling and root planing treatment and also scored 9 or above according to the Dental Anxiety Scale were included in our study. Scaling and root planing was performed in a randomly selected intraoral quadrant of the patients, in the same way, with or without the use of virtual reality glasses. In the virtual reality glasses application, a video consisting of images of nature landscapes developed for patient rehabilitation was projected onto the screen in front of the patient's eyes. The Dental Anxiety Scale was reapplied after the completion of the treatment. In the intraoral quadrant where virtual reality glasses were used, it is expected that lower Corah Dental Anxiety Scale scores may be obtained after the treatment is completed, compared to the intraoral quadrant where the treatment is performed without glasses, thus reducing anxiety.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Role of Simvastatin Microsponges in Treatment of Periodontitis


the aim of our study is to enhance the dissolution and subsequently the local penetration of the drug through the sulcus in addition to controlling the drug release so that, the drug could be potentially absorbed.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Probiotics as Adjunct to Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment


ProlacSan probiotic lozenges and gels contain L. plantarum and L. brevis strains with proven in vitro antimicrobial activity against P. gingivalis. In our study we aim to investigate proposed benefit of ProlacSan as adjunct to conventional initial periodontal treatment in a group (n = 40) of Grade III and IV periodontitis patients. Patients will be randomized in two groups receiving either probiotic (n = 20) or placebo (n = 20) after completion of nonsurgical treatment within 7 days. Before treatment and after three months, standard periodontal parameters will be measured by masked examiner and plaque samples harvested for cultivation of 9 most relevant periodontal pathogens. One lozenge per day of probiotic/placebo will be used during 3 months healing period. Primary outcome measures will be the number of persisting sites per patient that need additional surgical treatment defined as sites with probing depth > 4 mm and bleeding on probing.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

The Effects of Non -Surgical Periodontal Treatment on The Severity of Erectile Dysfunction

PeriodontitisErectile Dysfunction

The aim of the present study is to study the influence of periodontal therapy (non-surgical) on the severity of erectile dysfunction(ED) among patients with chronic periodontitis and moderate or severe ED.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Effects of Herbal Mouth Rinse for Chronic Periodontitis

Chronic Periodontitis

This double blind, randomized, placebo controlled, parallel clinical trial involved seventy five patients, suffering with chronic periodontitis, which were randomly divided in three groups: negative control (SRP+placebo), positive control (SRP+0.12% CHX), and test group (SRP+1% MTC mouth rinse). Mouth rinsing (adjunctive therapy) was continued for 1 month while clinical parameters [plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), sulcus bleeding index (SBI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession (GR), stain index (SI)] were evaluated at base line, 1 month, and 3 months. CFU was also evaluating at above said time periods.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Periocline as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing for Adult Periodontitis

Adult Periodontitis

Periodontal disease (commonly called gum disease) is generally treated by deep cleaning of the root surfaces of the teeth. This is also called scaling and root planing. Placing a topical antibiotic into the periodontal pocket at the time of scaling and root planing may help reduce pocket depth and thus help the periodontal disease. Periocline (minocycline HCl) 2.1% gel is a topical antibiotic approved in a number of countries for this use, and is now being tested in the US.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis and Vitamin D Supplementation

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 With Periodontal Disease

This study investigates the clinical and biochemical results of vitamin D supplementation in addition to non-surgical periodontal treatment in individuals with Type II diabetes mellitus and periodontitis.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Biodentine as an Apical Plug in Immature Permanent Molars

Periapical Periodontitis

Following the randomization procedure, patients will be divided into 2 groups (12 immature molars in each group): Group I will be treated with MTA as apical plug, whereas group II will be treated with Biodentine as apical plug. After working length determination, instrumentation and sterilizing root canals, apical plug will be done as following: Biodentine Group: Biodentine will be placed into the apical portion of canals. After 12 min the coronal and middle third of the root canal will be filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus. The coronal restoration will be completed with GIC, composite, and stainless-steel crown. MTA Group: MTA will be placed into the apical portion of canals, then a moist cotton pellet will be placed and the access cavity will be restored with temporary filling. Next day, temporary filling and the cotton pellet will be removed, then the coronal restoration will be performed as Biodentine group. Patients of both groups will be recalled for clinical and radiographical follow-up within 12 months after treatment.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Bone Substitute for Treating Periodontal Intrabony Defects

Chronic Periodontitis

The present clinical trial included 20 patients (11 females and 9 males, aged 36 to 56 years) suffering from moderate or advanced chronic periodontitis. Subjects were recruited from the outpatient clinic, Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University. This clinical trial was meant to assess clinically and radiographically the possible predictable results regarding the use of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone graft substitute together with open flap debridement versus open flap debridement alone in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

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