The Effect of Hippotherapy Simulator in Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyHippotherapy simulators imitate the passive movements of the horse, producing simple movements similar to those of the horse. Hippotherapy simulators are intended to improve sitting balance, postural control and trunk balance. The aim of this study was to research the therapeutic effects of hippotherapy simulator on sitting balance, trunk control and upper extremity skills in individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP).

Operant Conditioning of the Soleus Stretch Reflex in Adults With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsySpastic Cerebral Palsy12 adults with spastic CP will complete 6 baseline sessions and 24 down conditioning sessions held 3 times/week. All clinical and physiological assessments collected at baseline will be reassessed after study completion, and follow ups after 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 months. The soleus H reflex (electric analogue of the stretch reflex) will be elicited in all sessions. In each session, participants will complete 20 baseline trials and 225 down conditioning trials to decrease the magnitude of the H-Reflex.

Effects of Core Strengthening and PNF Pattern on Balance and Plantar Pressure in Chronic Stroke...
Stroke; ParalysisTo compare the effects of core strengthening and PNF on standing balance and plantar pressure in chronic stroke patients

Priming Effects of Ultra-high Frequency Quattro Pulse Transcranial Brain Stimulation Prior to Hand...
Cerebral PalsySpastic2 moreUnilateral spastic cerebral palsy (USCP) leads to life-long impairment with a hemiparesis of the affected side of the body. Rehabilitation efforts combine evidence based methods such as constrained induced movement therapy (CIMT) or hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy (HABIT) as well as training in daily life activities and psychological support in order to improve participation. It has been tried to enhance hand motor function trainings with non-invasive brain stimulation. However, evidence of this promising approach is limited. This might be due to a non-consideration of the individually different types of cortico-spinal projections to the paretic hand that demonstrated to be of highly relevant for the therapy of these children. Approximately one third of such patients control their paretic hands via crossed projections from the affected hemisphere (CONTRA), while one third uses ipsilateral projections from the contralesional hemisphere (IPSI). This study aims - for the first time - to enhance the effects of the training by priming the primary motor cortex (M1) of the paretic hand with a newly established high frequency quadri-pulse theta burst stimulation (qTBS) in a randomized, patient and evaluator blind, sham-controlled approach, for the first time taking the individual type of cortico-spinal reorganization (CONTRA vs IPSI) into account. This promising and neurophysiologically motivated approach is likely to ameliorate hand function in children with USCP.

Effect of the Nutritional Support System on Neuromotor Alterations in Patients With Cerebral Palsy...
Cerebral PalsySpastic1 moreStudy to determine the impact of a nutritional support system (NSS) on neuromotor alterations in patients with cerebral palsy.

Changes in Motor and Cognitive Function on Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Associated With Videogame...
Cerebral PalsySpastic2 moreThe use of interactive applications associated with position and movement sensors has begun to spread as an option for the reinforcement of physical rehabilitation therapies in patients with congenital or acquired motor disorders as a result of some neurological damage, due to its portability and the relative autonomy granted to the patient. However, the results of its effectiveness and impact continue to be scarce compared to the traditional therapy used for rehabilitation. The aim of this study is to explore possible benefits associated with occupational therapy with video games in patients with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy, comparing them with conventional therapy. A randomized pilot study will be carried out, with a control group. The intervention will consist of the application of a virtual rehabilitation program for the experimental group while the control group will receive only conventional therapy. Before and after the said intervention, standardized tests will be applied to evaluate both motor function and the cognitive performance of the participants.

The Effect of Treadmill Training With Visual Feedback and Rhythmic Auditory Cue on Gait and Balance...
Hemiplegic Cerebral PalsyThe development of efficient and independent walking is an important therapeutic goal for many children with cerebral palsy (CP). Consequently, there has been growing interest in determining the effects of treadmill training programs for these children. This study will help to investigates the effect of treadmill training with visual feedback and rhythmic auditory cue (VF+RAC) for walking symmetry and balance ability. Participants will be chosen from sehat medical complex and they will be randomly allocate to either the VF+RAC or the Control group. The VF+RAC group will receive treadmill training with VF and RAC, and the Control group will undergo treadmill training without any visual and auditory stimulation. VF+RAC and Control groups will be trained five times per week for eight weeks. After eight weeks of training the gait pattern and balance will be evaluated by the gait parameters, 6min Walk test, Pediatric Balance Scale and Berg balance scale.

The Hand Functions In Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyHand FunctionsThe hand motor functions are very important in the daily life activities, educational, and social participation of children. Losing The hand motor functions limit these activities and participation. Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) or virtual reality (VR) therapy has often been preferred to improve the hand's motor functions.

Gastrointestinal Stimulation as a Treatment of Postoperative Ileus Following Extensive Surgery
Postoperative IleusBowel ParalysisThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate the effect of gastrointestinal stimulation with a pacemaker on the length of postoperative bowel paralysis in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery due to metastasizing colorectal cancer, appendiceal cancer or pseudomyxoma peritonei. The main question it aims to answer is if the length of postoperative ileus is reduced when the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated with a pacemaker. All participants will undergo cytoreductive surgery +/- heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (the standard treatment for colorectal cancer, appendiceal cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis or pseudomyxoma peritonei). After surgery, but before the abdomen is closed a pace lead will be attached to the stomach, exteriorized trough the abdominal wall and connected to an external pacemaker. The pacemaker is either turned on (experimental group) or turned off (control group). Furthermore, the patients are asked to ingest a SmartPill capsule two hours prior to surgery. This will transmit information on gastrointestinal transit times and motility. After surgery, patients will be asked to fill out a diary on bowel movements once a day.

Impact of Focal Muscle Vibration on Bio-psychosocial Outcomes in Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyThis study aims to determine the effects of focal muscle vibration on bio-psychosocial outcomes in subjects with cerebral palsy. Mixed methods will be used and the study will be conducted in 2 phases; 1st phase is determining the effects of intervention, whereas second step is prediction of outcomes. A qualitative gait analysis will also be done.