Guideline-directed Management and Therapy (GDMT) for the Prevention of Postpartum Cardiac Dysfunction...
Preeclampsia PostpartumThis is a single-center, open-label pilot study looking at how Guideline-directed management and therapy (GDMP) in post-partum women with preeclampsia can improve Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS).

The Effect of Magnesium Use in Reversal of Neuromuscular Block With Sugammadex
Magnesium SulfatePregnancy; Pre-Eclampsia1 moreMagnesium therapy used for seizure prophylaxis in patients with preeclampsia. Magnesium has been shown to prolong the effect of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) and neostigmine used to reverse the effect of NMBA in general anesthesia . In this study, the investigators aimed to evaluate time from sugammadex injection to Train-of-four ratio 0.9 who receieved magnesium therapy in reversing the effect of neuromuscular blocking agent during the recovery period and the relationship between magnesium level and duration of action of sugammadex

The Efficacy of Aspirin Combined With Hydroxychloroquine Treatment in High Risk Pregnancies for...
PreeclampsiaThis study is prospective, single arm group ,open label, and multicenter trial (with two parallel-group [Hydroxychloroquine 200mg with Aspirin 100mg or Aspirin 100mg])

The ACHIEVE Trial: Achieving Longer Gestation in Preeclampsia Via Antihypertensive Therapy.
PreeclampsiaGestational Hypertension1 moreThe Achieve Trial is a randomized clinical trial to test whether lowering blood pressure to less than 140/90 mmHg in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy will prolong pregnancy.

Eliminating Severe Maternal Morbidity With Heart Health Doulas Trial
PreeclampsiaHypertensive Disorder of Pregnancy13 moreThis is a single site, single-blinded parallel randomized control trial that investigates a multi-level intervention to improve postpartum blood pressure in women with hypertensive disorder pregnancy. The investigators will recruit women diagnosed with a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, identified between 3rd trimester and 2 weeks post-delivery. The investigators will randomize participants to receive usual care home blood pressure monitoring for 6 weeks versus an intervention of usual care + blood pressure and weight monitoring + a doula trained in heart health. This trial will be conducted in partnership with a local community-based organization, Healthy Start Inc.

Progesterone to Enhance the Efficacy and Success of Expectantly Managed Preterm Severe/Superimposed...
PregnancyThe purpose of this study is to learn if giving 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17 OHPC) to mothers with preeclampsia diagnosed before 34 weeks gestation improves mother and baby outcomes.

PROtecting Maternal Brains From Injury and Stroke
PreeclampsiaMaternal HypertensionThe purpose of this study is to test a new approach to blood pressure management in postpartum preeclampsia. There will be two groups of patients in this early stage single center trial. Both groups of study participants (observational and interventional) will be treated with standard blood pressure medications while undergoing continuous non-invasive blood pressure and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring for 24 hours. The interventional group will have personalized blood pressure targets according to results of NIRS monitoring which will be updated in real time.

MYPP-trial: Myo-inositol Supplementation to Prevent Pregnancy Complications in Women With Polycystic...
Gestational Diabetes MellitusPreeclampsia2 morePolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. PCOS is a heterogeneous condition, characterised by metabolic disturbances, insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism. Pregnancies in women with PCOS have an increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia and preterm birth, and their offspring have an increased risk of aberrant birth weight and hospitalization. After pregnancy, PCOS is thought to have an impact on breastfeeding success and breastmilk composition. Current strategies to improve pregnancy outcome among women with PCOS have not demonstrated significant risk reduction. Myo-inositol is a commonly used dietary supplement with a favourable effect on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Optimal intake of myo-inositol is associated with a decrease in glucose, lower insulin and lower testosterone levels in women with PCOS. Among women with PCOS-related disorders (e.g. in women with obesity), myo-inositol supplementation in pregnancy has been shown to have clinical benefits in preventing adverse pregnancy outcomes in a number of clinical trials, by reducing the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertensive complications and preterm birth. The MYPP-trial will be the first randomised prospective trial aimed specifically at pregnant women with PCOS, to evaluate the potential effectiveness of myo-inositol supplementation as a nutritional intervention to prevent all three pregnancy complications associated with PCOS (i.e. GDM, preeclampsia and preterm birth). Secondary objectives are to evaluate the impact of supplementation on maternal (mental) and neonatal health, breastfeeding practices and breastmilk composition. In addition, a full cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed. Women with a diagnosis of PCOS and a singleton pregnancy between 8+0 and 16+0 weeks of gestational age are eligible. Participants randomly allocated to the intervention group will receive 4 grams myo-inositol added to their routinely recommended folic acid supplement, divided over two daily sachets of sugary powder throughout pregnancy. The control group will receive similar looking sachets of supplements containing only the standard dose of folic acid without the added myo-inositol supplement, as part of the current standard-of-care recommendation. In addition to receiving supplements, participants will be asked to complete three questionnaires, provide blood and urine samples once each trimester of pregnancy, and routine ultrasound scanning will be performed to assess fetal growth. All study visits will be aligned with routine antenatal care appointments. Additionally, subjects can choose to participate in research on the impact of myo-inositol supplementation on breastfeeding and take part in the MYPP biobank. The results of this study will provide important novel recommendations for PCOS patients on the importance of optimising life-style and nutrient intake to improve pregnancy outcome.

Social Risks-Focused Lifestyle Intervention to Reduce Preeclampsia (SAIL)
PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy and first few weeks after birth. It is diagnosed as new onset of high blood pressure and injury to organs such as kidneys, liver, and brain. Preeclampsia is growing at a rapid rate - rate that exceeds diabetes and heart disease. Over half a million lives lost each year to preeclampsia. Women with a history of preeclampsia have 3-4 times the risk of high blood pressure. They also have double the risk for heart disease and stroke. Racial and ethnic disparities are present in preeclampsia. Black women are at higher risk of developing preeclampsia. They are also at much higher risk of dying from preeclampsia than other women. The reasons behind such disparities are unclear. What may explain these differences are social determinants of health. The contribution of social determinants to differences in preeclampsia is well recognized. However, a major gap in research remains strategies that address these factors. Our study will test a lifestyle intervention incorporating social risk factors to reduce the risk of preeclampsia.

Lignocaine Nebulization for Attenuation of Intubation Stress Response
Pressor ResponseTo study the effect of lignocaine nebulization on attenuation of the pressor response during induction and emergence of anesthesia in patients with severe pre-eclampsia