Role of ASpirin in Placental and Maternal Endothelial Cell Regulation IN Pre-eclampsia
Pre-EclampsiaEndothelial dysfunction and defective placental vascularization are hypothesized to be significant causes of preeclampsia. In preeclampsia, due to vascular endothelial dysfunction, vasoconstriction and platelet activation can result in severe features which alter pregnancy outcomes. However, studies have shown that acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) can decrease endothelial dysfunction leading to decreased platelet aggregation which reduces adverse outcomes. The objective of our study is to determine if Aspirin has a dose-dependent response for modifying biomarkers reflective of maternal endothelial dysfunction when indicated for preeclampsia prevention in a cohort of women identified at risk for developing preeclampsia. Pregnant women who are at risk for preeclampsia will be randomized to receive either 81mg Aspirin or 162mg Aspirin daily starting from 11-16 weeks of gestation until 36 weeks of gestation. A third, control group of women at low risk for preeclampsia will not receive aspirin. All women will be assessed with uterine artery Doppler studies and mean arterial blood pressures at three time points during pregnancy. Blood, urine, and cord blood samples will also be collected.

Lignocaine Nebulization for Attenuation of Intubation Stress Response
Pressor ResponseTo study the effect of lignocaine nebulization on attenuation of the pressor response during induction and emergence of anesthesia in patients with severe pre-eclampsia

Aspirin and Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia PostpartumThis is a single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Peripartum and postpartum Activin A are significantly elevated in women with preeclampsia. Our hypothesis is that elevated Activin A levels reflect a remediable signal and that reducing postpartum Activin A levels with aspirin therapy will improve (GLS) in preeclamptic patients.

LMWH for Treatment of Early Fetal Growth Restriction (HepaGrowth)
Fetal Growth RetardationPrematurity1 moreEarly fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with considerable fetal and neonatal morbimortality (Miller et al. 2008, Nardozza et al. 2017). Placental thrombosis, infarcts and hypercoagulability are frequently seen in these pregnancies, suggesting a role for the activation of the coagulation cascade in the genesis of FGR. Patients will be randomized for low-molecular weight heparin or standard of care, and the outcomes of both arms (gestational age at delivery, gestational and fetal morbidity) will be compared.

Labor Induction in Preeclampsia High-risk Women
Pre-EclampsiaInduction of LaborPreeclampsia (PE) is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. This pregnancy-specific disorder poses to both pregnant women and their offspring an increased risk of immediate and long-term health problems. The study team is conducting a study entitled "FORECAST" (Implementation of First-trimester Screening and preventiOn of pREeClAmpSia Trial) and established the infrastructure for the first-trimester "screen and prevent" program for preterm PE. However, there is no established evidence regarding the benefit of scheduled labor induction versus expectant management among women identified as high-risk for PE with uncomplicated pregnancy at term. The investigators postulate that induction of labor at 39 weeks' gestation may possibly be an effective intervention to reduce placental complications in women with uncomplicated pregnancy by 39 weeks at high-risk PE women.

162 mg of Aspirin for Prevention of Preeclampsia
PreeclampsiaThis is a study to assess if 162 mg of aspirin will decrease rates of preeclampsia in pregnant patients compared to 81 mg of aspirin.

Low Dose Aspirin for Preventing Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia in Sickle Cell...
Intrauterine Growth RestrictionPreeclampsia2 morePregnancy in sickle cell disease (SCD) is fraught with many complications including preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Previously, the investigators found an abnormality in prostacyclin-thromboxane ratio in sickle cell pregnant women, a situation that is also found in non-sickle pregnancies with PE and unexplained IUGR. Low dose aspirin (LDA) has been found to reduce the incidence of PE and IUGR in high-risk women due to its reduction of vasoconstrictor thromboxane whilst sparing prostacyclin, in effect "correcting" the ratio. It has been found to be safe for use in pregnancy and is recommended in obstetric guidelines for this use but has not been tested in sickle cell pregnancy. The investigators hypothesize that LDA would reduce the incidence of IUGR and PE in pregnant haemoglobin (Hb)SS women. The investigators also plan to build a machine-learning model to predict severe maternal outcomes in them. The investigators propose a multi-site, randomized, controlled, double blind trial comparing a daily dose of 100mg aspirin with placebo, from 12 - 28 weeks gestation until 36 weeks. The study sites are three teaching hospitals in Lagos and Ile-Ife, and twelve general hospitals and one federal medical centre within Lagos state, with the coordinating centre at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos (CMUL), Idi-Araba, Lagos. A total of 476 eligible pregnant HbSS and HbSC women will be recruited consecutively and randomly assigned to either group using a web-based app, sealed envelope. Each study group will comprise 238 pregnant women with SCD. All participants will be followed from recruitment till delivery. They will have their body weight, blood pressure and haematocrit checked at each antenatal visit. Their full blood count, vital signs and oxygen saturation will be checked and recorded at each visit. Primary outcome measure will be birth weight below 10th centile for gestational age on INTERGROWTH 21 birthweight charts, and incidence of miscarriage or perinatal death. Analysis will be by intention to treat, and the main treatment effects will be quantified by relative risk with 95% confidence intervals, at a 5% significance level. The investigators plan to develop a prediction model to predict the risk of complications in these women using machine learning. The prediction outcome will be severe maternal outcomes comprising maternal near miss or death.

Dexamedtomidine in Control of Intracranial Pressure in Preeclampsia
Intracranial Pressure Control in Pre-eclampsiaThe present study is designed to evaluate the differences in the effect of Mg sulphate alone and dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to Mg sulphate on intracranial pressure when administered intravenously in cases of pre-eclampsia

Impact of First-trimester Preeclampsia Screening on Perinatal and Maternal Morbidity (RANSPRE)
Preeclampsia (PE)The purpose of this study is to determine whether first-trimester screening for preeclampsia based on the FMF algorithm (a combination of maternal clinical, sonographic and biochemical parameters), improves maternal or perinatal health.

SMART Health Pregnancy 2 - Intervention to Reduce Anaemia and Cardiometabolic Risk During Pregnancy...
Anemia of PregnancyGestational Diabetes5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to determine if a complex intervention called SMARThealth Pregnancy can improve the detection and management of high-risk conditions during pregnancy and in the first year after birth in women living in rural India. The main questions it aims to answer are: Can screening of pregnant and postpartum women using the SMARThealth Pregnancy intervention decrease anaemia prevalence at 1 year after birth? Can the SMARThealth Pregnancy intervention improve postnatal testing after a pregnancy affected by hypertension and diabetes? Participants in the intervention group will be screened by their community health worker at several timepoints during pregnancy, and in the first year after birth using the SMARThealth Pregnancy tablet App. The community health worker will ask about each woman about her medical and obstetric history, then measure her blood pressure, haemoglobin (using a point of care device), and offer a referral for a glucose tolerance test when indicated. Women who screen positive for anaemia, hypertension or diabetes will be given advice and referred to the primary care doctor. The primary care doctor will have a complimentary tablet app to facilitate electronic referral and evidence-based prescribing when indicated. The comparison group will have usual antenatal and postnatal care.