Breastfeeding and Postpartum Cardiovascular Health
Hypertensive Disorder of PregnancyPregnancy Complications4 moreHypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are increasingly recognized sex-specific risk factors for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. HDP, including preeclampsia and gestational hypertension, confer a 2- to 3-fold increase in the risk of chronic hypertension and ischemic heart disease 10-15 years after delivery. Observational data suggest that breastfeeding can lower maternal blood pressure (BP), risk of metabolic syndrome, and other markers of cardiovascular risk in the short term and long term, possibly by helping to re-set the metabolic changes of pregnancy. The investigators recently demonstrated an 11% reduction in the risk of metabolic syndrome among postpartum women with a variety of complications in pregnancy, including HDP, who breastfed for > 6 months, compared to those who did not breastfeed and those who breastfed for shorter durations. An analysis of 622 postpartum women at Kingston General Hospital showed that breastfeeding women had nearly a 6-mmHg lower systolic BP than women who did not breastfeed with an apparent dose-response effect of breastfeeding duration. Women with pregnancy complications including HDP are vulnerable to early weaning. Interactive, multi-modal approaches targeting a mother's breastfeeding self-efficacy (i.e., confidence about breastfeeding) have been effective in healthy postpartum women. However, these have not yet been tested specifically in HDP women, who stand to derive substantial benefit from breastfeeding. This is an important area to study since nurse-led breastfeeding supportive interventions can be widely applied to the postpartum care of women with HDP and can be integrated into comprehensive CVD risk reduction programs for these women. The primary outcome is postpartum BP, since hypertension is a key mediating factor in women's heart health. The investigators conducted a feasibility study of a breastfeeding self-efficacy intervention to enhance breastfeeding outcomes among women with HDP achieving pre-defined targets of a recruitment rate of >50% , attrition rates of < 30%, and > 70% participant satisfaction with the intervention, measured at the 6-month time point. Additionally, data showed trends in both systolic and diastolic BP favoring the intervention group. The current study is a multi-site open-label randomized trial to assess for a difference in blood pressure and breastfeeding between groups, and to serve as a cohort of HDP women for longitudinal follow-up.

Oral Prophylactic Measures on the Occurrence of Pre-eclampsia (OP-PE)
Pregnancy ComplicationsPre-eclampsia (PE) remains a major source of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality especially in low- and middle-income settings. PE, a pregnancy-specific hypertensive disorder, characterized by the development of placental endothelial dysfunction resulting in, among the most common diagnostic features, concomitant hypertension and proteinuria that may evolve into organs with fluctuating clinical specificities. Current studies indicate that periodontal disorders during pregnancy and particularly periodontal pathogens may be related to the risk of PE. Standard oral hygiene methods, based mainly on the joint use of toothbrushes and interdental brushes, reduce periodontal inflammatory risk, modulate of the dysbiotic oral microbiome. The purpose of the present study is to compare the PE outcomes in high-risk pregnant women receiving oral prophylactic measures to a control group. One specific question is addressed as follows according to the PICO principles: In high-risk pregnant women (Population), does oral prophylactic measures (Intervention) have a beneficial effect on PE parameters (Outcome) compared to pregnant women without any specific oral prophylactic measures (Control)?

Implementation of First-trimester Screening and preventiOn of pREeClAmpSia Trial (FORECAST)
Pre-EclampsiaThis implementation study aims to evaluate the efficacy, acceptability, and safety of first-trimester screening and prevention for preterm-preeclampsia. It is a multicenter stepped wedge cluster randomized trial including maternity / diagnostic units from ten regions in Asia. The study involves a period where no intervention will take place at all recruiting units, and then at regular intervals, one cluster will be randomized to transit from non-intervention group to intervention group in which first-trimester screening for preterm-preeclampsia by the Bayes based method followed by the commencement of low-dose aspirin in high-risk women.

Metformin for Preeclampsia Prevention in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes MellitusType 11 moreAlthough major advancements have been made in improving glycemic management in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM), women entering pregnancy with type 1 DM continue to be at dramatically increased risk for adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). At present, there is a lack of effective preventive interventions for HDP, which are associated with significant maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Clinical and in vitro data have shown promise for metformin in prevention of HDP in non-diabetic women. Metformin has a reassuring fetal safety profile and has been well studied in type 1 DM outside of pregnancy. The hypothesis to be tested in this application is that compared to usual care, daily oral metformin therapy initiated prior to 20 weeks' gestation in women with type 1 DM reduces the frequency of HDP.

sFlt1/PlGF and Selective Labor Induction to Prevent Preeclampsia at Term
PreeclampsiaIntrauterine Growth Restriction3 morePreeclampsia (PE) affects ~5% of pregnancies. Although improved obstetrical care has significantly diminished associated maternal mortality, PE remains a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. Term PE accounts for 70% of all PE and a large proportion of maternal-fetal morbidity related with this condition. Prediction and prevention of term PE remains unsolved. Previously proposed approaches are based on combined screening and/or prophylactic drugs, but these policies are unlikely to be implementable in many world settings. Recent evidence shows that sFlt1-PlGF ratio at 35-37w predicts term PE with 80% detection rate. Likewise, recent studies demonstrate that induction of labor (IOL) from 37w is safe. The investigators hypothesize that a single-step universal screening for term PE based on sFlt1/PlGF ratio at 35-37w followed by IOL from 37w would reduce the prevalence of term PE without increasing cesarean section rates or adverse neonatal outcomes. The investigators propose a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a screening of term PE with sFlt-1/PlGF ratio in asymptomatic nulliparous women at 35-37w. Women will be assigned to revealed (sFlt-1/PlGF known to clinicians) versus concealed (unknown) arms. A cutoff of >90th centile will be used to define high risk of PE and offer IOL from 37w. If successful, the results of this trial will provide evidence to support a simple universal screening strategy reducing the prevalence of term PE, which could be applicable in most healthcare settings and have enormous implications on perinatal outcomes and public health policies worldwide.

Pre-eclampsia and Future Cardiovascular Health: An Underused Opportunity to Improve Family Health...
Pre-EclampsiaCardiovascular Diseases2 moreBackground: PE (pre-eclampsia) is a common pregnancy-specific vascular hypertensive disease affecting 3-5% of pregnancies. PE independently increases the risk for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) in mothers and their offspring long-term. PE provides a unique window for early risk profiling and CVD prevention. However, the efficacy of a family oriented lifestyle intervention to lower CVD risk in families with history of PE has not previously been evaluated. Aim: This study will explore the impact of PE on CVD progression 8-12 years from delivery in mothers and their children, and assess whether a lifestyle intervention is useful for lowering mother and child blood pressure and improving the CVD risk profile overall in families with a history of PE. Hypothesis: PE is related with CVD progression mediated by elevated blood pressure. Blood pressure and the CVD risk profile overall is modifiable in mothers and children by a 12-month behavioral lifestyle intervention in families with a history of PE. Study design: Randomized controlled behavioral lifestyle intervention trial where families (mother, child and father from the FINNPEC study) are offered the opportunity to participate in a lifestyle intervention program 8-12 years after a PE pregnancy. 300 PE families will be randomized 1:1 to a 12-month lifestyle intervention program or to a control group. A parallel group of 100 non-PE control families will be assessed at baseline and follow-up. Main outcome: 24 hour mean blood pressure change between baseline and follow-up in mother and child. Significance: This study will provide information on CVD progression in mothers and children 8-12 years from a PE pregnancy. Furthermore, the study assess the effect of a 12-month lifestyle intervention on blood pressure and CVD risk profile overall following a PE pregnancy. Potentially, the study provides the opportunity to identify PE families at highest risk of CVD progression and families amenable to blood pressure and CVD risk profile improvement.

Vascular Biomarkers Predictive of the Progression From Gestational Hypertension to Preeclampsia...
Gestational HypertensionPre-eclampsiaHypertension during pregnancy remains a leading cause of maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. The frequency (5 to 10% of pregnancies) and potential severity of these diseases, both for the mother and the child, are reasons for standardizing and optimizing medical practices. The cause of hypertension during pregnancy and in particular the pathophysiology of preeclampsia remains poorly understood. Guidelines distinguish these two entities by the existence of proteinuria from and after the 20th week of amenorrhea and by maternal-foetal complications, more serious in pre-eclampsia than in gestational hypertension. During gestational hypertension and preeclampsia acute placental vasculature and blood flow abnormalities were observed, maybe due to generalized vascular endothelial activation and vasospasm resulting in systemic hypertension and organ hypoperfusion. Endothelial dysfunction and abnormal expression of several specific blood biomarkers are now well accepted as characteristics of preeclampsia. However, the progression of gestational hypertension to preeclampsia is difficult to predict; between 15 and 40 % of gestational hypertension cases progress to preeclampsia, suggesting that it is the same worsening disease. Endothelial dysfunction could be at the origin of gestational hypertension, and subsequent development of preeclampsia through an imbalance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors. The main objective of this research is to assess whether the alteration of endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in pregnant women with stable hypertension is correlated with the occurrence of preeclampsia later during pregnancy.

Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter in Pre-Eclamptic Parturient Receiving Magnesium Sulfate Combined With...
Preeclampsia SevereOptic Nerve Sheath DiameterDexmedetomidine was reported to effectively reduce cerebral metabolism and ICP by decreasing cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients with cerebral tumors or head injuries that require craniotomy. However, it was also reported to exhibit no effect on ICP. the effect of MgSO4 associated with dexmedetomidine on ONSD in severely pre-eclamptic parturient has been understudied . Though this study aims to evaluate the effect of dexmedetomidine infusion on raised ICP in severely pre-eclamptic parturients using ocular ultrasonography to determine ONSD as a measure of ICP.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy
Obstructive Sleep Apnea of AdultPreeclampsia1 moreA randomized controlled trial of 1,500 women to assess whether treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in pregnancy will result in a reduction in the rate of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Postpartum Low-Dose Aspirin and Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia PostpartumThe purpose of this research study is to find out whether women with severe preeclampsia taking low-dose aspirin (LDA) for 3 weeks post-delivery will experience an improvement in endothelial function (measured as flow-mediated dilation - FMD) and severity of disease, as the effects of preeclampsia can persist postpartum. Women diagnosed with severe preeclampsia prior to delivery will be enrolled and randomized to receive either low-dose aspirin (81mg) or placebo to take daily for up to 3 weeks post-delivery. Exploratory objective includes healthy control postpartum patients without preeclampsia and not on LDA during pregnancy or postpartum in comparison with the primary study population affected by preeclampsia with severe features.