Consortium to Disseminate and Understand Implementation of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Opioid Medication Assisted TreatmentOpioid use disorder (OUD) is a major cause of illness and death among Veterans for which effective treatment is a major priority of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Expanding access to alternatives to opioid medications for chronic pain management is also a leading priority. Effective medications for OUD (MOUD) are available, but their availability and use among Veterans varies across VHA. The aims of this study are to pull together the efforts of six individual pilot projects into a single project. The purpose of combining the projects is to maximize the value of the individual projects to VHA and to provide information to guide strategies to increase access and use of MOUD and alternative therapies for pain in VHA nationally. The researchers leading the individual projects will make use of their partnerships with VISN leaders in order to develop a combined effort toward increased dissemination and use of MOUD that spans 9 VISNs and 62 sites.

Alliances to Disseminate Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT)
Substance-Related DisordersRecidivism3 moreYouth involved in the juvenile justice system (YJJ) bear a disproportionate burden of the addiction crisis. YJJ substance use (SU) is extremely prevalent, with a third of YJJ meeting criteria for a substance use disorder (SUD). The investigators seek to address the national addiction crisis at its epicenter. Despite their high need for SUD services, and the proliferation of evidence-based interventions to reduce SU, YJJ are rarely connected to needed, high-quality SU care. A care cascade model highlights gaps in YJJ achieving the full continuum of SUD care (i.e., SUD risk identification, treatment referral, treatment initiation, and treatment engagement). YJJ on community supervision/probation face a unique problem accessing SUD services; while the courts or probation may identify YJJ need for SUD care, YJJ must receive care through healthcare agencies in the community. The primary goal of the project, Alliances to Disseminate Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) is to address this and other gaps along the care cascade for YJJ. The investigators will accomplish this goal by creating alliances between the juvenile justice system (JJ) agencies and community mental health centers (CMHCs) in eight Indiana counties. ADAPT takes a two-pronged approach. First, the investigators will employ a Learning Health System (LHS) to develop collaborative alliances between JJ agencies and CMHCs, organizations that traditionally operate independently. Second, the investigators will present local Cascade data during continuous quality improvement cycles within the LHS alliances. By offering agency representatives an opportunity to view and discuss, for example, the local rate at which YJJ with SUD risk are initiating CMHC SU services, the investigators will facilitate development of tailored, local solutions to improve the Cascade for each county's YJJ. To maximize long-term sustainability of ADAPT's JJ-CMHC alliances, the investigators will conduct this research in collaboration with leaders from an existing statewide initiative, the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI). JDAI is a juvenile justice reform effort that utilizes data-driven decision-making and is implemented in almost 300 counties across the US. If this project is successful, the JDAI infrastructure and support for this research will inform sustainment and expansion across Indiana and the nation. The investigators hypothesize that ADAPT - novel LHS alliances using Cascade data to implement localized solutions to YJJ receiving evidence-based addictions care - will positively impact SU and recidivism outcomes over time. The investigators seek to complete the following specific aims: AIM 1: Implement LHS alliances between JJ agencies and CMHCs. The investigators will establish LHS alliances: novel, collaborative partnerships between JJ agencies and CMHCs. AIM 2: Generate and track local solutions to address gaps in the Cascade for YJJ in rural Indiana counties. Quantifying local Cascade data will enable JJ agencies and CMHCs to suggest and implement tailored, evidenced-based interventions, which will be tracked through LHS quality improvement cycles. AIM 3: Assess implementation outcomes and processes. We will assess implementation outcomes, such as system alliance, among JJ and CHMC personnel using mixed methods. AIM 4: Assess the impact of ADAPT. Conduct a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of LHS alliances on the Cascade for YJJ. We will analyze administrative data linked across JJ and health systems to assess the long-term, community-wide effects of ADAPT on public health and safety outcomes (e.g., lower rates of SU-related outcomes and criminal recidivism).

Prevention Interventions for Opioid Misuse
Opioid UseThe purpose of the study is to develop and test innovative interventions to prevent the development of opioid misuse and opioid use disorders among older adolescents and young adults (AYA; ages 16-30) who use opioids, which will be initiated from a health care visit in the emergency department and extended post discharge via a telehealth approach. This study will have significant impact by identifying optimal, cost-effective opioid prevention strategies to sustain outcomes among AYAs.

PRescribing INterventions for Chronic Pain Via the Electronic Health Record Study - Primary Care...
Opioid-use DisorderOpioid Use1 moreThe objective of this research is to assess the effects of electronic health record (EHR)-based decision support tools on primary care provider (PCP) decision-making around pain treatment and opioid prescribing. The decision support tools are informed by principles of "behavioral economics," whereby clinicians are "nudged," though never forced, towards guideline-concordant care.

Preventing Parental Opioid and/or Methamphetamine Addiction Within DHS-Involved Families: FAIR
Opioid-Related DisordersStimulant-Related Disorder2 moreYoung parents aged 16 to 30, involved in the DHS system for child welfare or self-sufficiency needs are at risk for opioid use disorder and/or methamphetamine use disorder (OUD; MUD). Those identified as engaging in opioid or methamphetamine misuse are at high risk for escalation. Children of parents with OUD and MUD are at-risk for entering into foster care. Oregon is one state particularly affected by this challenge. The proposed UG3/UH3 offers one potential solution by adapting and evaluating a recently developed treatment for parental OUD and MUD, for prevention. This study seeks to collaborate with Oregon Department of Humans Services (DHS) leadership to deliver a new outpatient prevention program to high-risk, young, parents. The Families Actively Improving Relationships (FAIR) program will include community-based mental health, parent management, and ancillary needs treatment, and ongoing monitoring and prevention services for opioid and methamphetamine use. This study will randomize 240 parents, aged 16 to 30, to receive FAIR or standard case management and referral, in two counties in Oregon. Outcomes will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of FAIR in addressing risk factors associated with substance use disorders in DHS-involved populations, OUD and MUD outcomes, and implementation outcomes including implementation process and milestones, and program delivery outcomes. Intervention and Implementation costs will be assessed, and the benefit of FAIR will be evaluated in relation to standard services, but also in relation to capacity and population needs. Study hypotheses are: (1) Parents randomized to FAIR will be less likely to escalate opioid and/or methamphetamine use, and to receive a diagnosis of OUD and/or MUD; (2) Parents randomized to FAIR will experience significant reductions in mental health, parent skills, and ancillary needs compared to those receiving standard services; (3) Counties will follow the implementation plan developed in collaboration between study team members and state leadership, and that doing so will yield successful implementation of FAIR; and (4) Implementation and intervention costs for FAIR will demonstrate a benefit for offering FAIR compared to standard services, particularly in rural communities where capacity influences service delivery decisions.

SIRI Checklist: An Integrated Hospital Model to Optimize HIV Prevention in Persons Who Inject Drugs...
HIV InfectionsOpioid-Related Disorders1 moreThe purpose of this study is to develop and test a serious injection-related injections (SIRI) checklist aimed at increasing evidence-based treatment for rural people who use drugs (PWUD) including innovative, long-acting injectable agents. The central hypothesis is that hospital-based care models can successfully engage rural and Southern (PWUD) in effective addiction treatment and infection prevention. The activities in this study will be foundational to Ending the HIV epidemic in rural states.

OMAR Opioid Use Disorder
Healthy ControlOpioid Use DisorderThe goal of this research study is to examine the endocannabinoid (eCB) function in vivo in individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) by measuring cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) availability.

Novel Induction to Buprenorphine/Naloxone
Opioid Use DisorderOpioid Use3 moreMicrodosing induction is a novel method of starting buprenorphine/naloxone without patients experiencing the opioid withdrawal that is a part of traditional induction. Patients take small doses of buprenorphine/naloxone that increase slowly over a week. Although microdosing induction has been supported anecdotally, its effectiveness is not known. The proposed study will compare the effectiveness and safety of two induction strategies for transitioning patients from opioids to buprenorphine/naloxone. All inductions will occur in an outpatient telehealth opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment setting. The study will compare patients who receive traditional induction versus microdosing induction. Primary outcomes include effectiveness and safety. Secondary outcomes include treatment retention, self-reported use of opioids during induction, return to opioid use, opioid appearance in drug screens, craving/withdrawal symptoms, and patient satisfaction.

Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Smartphone-Assisted Prevention of Relapse in Opioid Use Disorder...
Opioid-Related DisordersMobile Applications5 moreThe proposed clinical trial would evaluate the use of smartphone applications ("apps", which have well-established efficacy in reducing cigarette and alcohol use) to prevent relapse among patients receiving medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. In addition to standard app-based self-monitoring of drug use and personalized feedback, project innovation is enhanced by the proposed use of location-tracking technology for targeted, personalized intervention when participants enter self-identified areas of high risk for relapse. Furthermore, the proposed sub-study would use longitudinal functional neuroimaging to elucidate the brain-cognition relationships underlying individual differences in treatment outcomes, offering broad significance for understanding and enhancing the efficacy of this and other app-based interventions.

SMART Trial for Buprenorphine-Naloxone Medication Assisted Treatment Adherence
Opioid-use DisorderThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of two different interventions for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) adherence: Contingency Management (CM) and Brief Motivational Interviewing + Substance Free Activities + Mindfulness (BSM).