Evaluation of the Interactions of Cannabidiol (CBD) With Morphine
Opioid Use DisorderThe purpose of this study is to analyze drug-drug interactions of CBD on co-administered Morphine as first step in understanding CBD-opioid interactions.

Integrating Addiction Treatment and HIV Services Into Primary Care Clinics in Ukraine
HivOpioid-use DisorderA cluster-randomized RCT to: To compare both primary (composite quality health indicator (QHI) scores) and secondary (individual HIV/methadone maintenance treatment (MMT)/TB/primary care QHI scores, quality of life, and stigma) outcomes in 1,350 people who inject drugs (PWID) receiving MMT from 15 regions (clusters) and 45 clinical settings using a stratified, phase-in, cluster-controlled design over 24 months. After stratifying PWIDs based on their current receipt of MMT, they will be randomized to receive MMT in specialty addiction clinics (N=450) or in an ECHO-IC/QI-enhanced primary care clinic with (N=450) or without (N=450) pay for performance (P4P) incentives; Using a multi-level implementation science framework, to examine the contribution of client, clinician and organizational factors that contribute to the comprehensive composite (primary outcome) and individual (secondary) QHI scores; and To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of integrating HIV/MMT into PC sites, with or without P4P, compared to a control group of specialized MMT sites.

Optimizing Evidence-based HIV Prevention Targeting People Who Inject Drugs on PrEP
HivOpioid Use DisorderThe investigators will conduct an optimization trial among N=256 PWID newly started on medication for opioid use disorder and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to assess the performance of four intervention components (Attention, Executive Functioning, Memory, and Information Processing) aimed at enhancing the ability of PWID on MOUD to process and utilize HIV prevention content, leading to improvements in HIV prevention information, motivation, behavioral skills, and behaviors (IMB).

PRescribing INterventions for Chronic Pain Via the Electronic Health Record Study - Current Opioid-User...
Opioid-use DisorderOpioid Use1 moreThe objective of this research is to assess the effects of electronic health record (EHR)-based decision support tools on primary care provider (PCP) decision-making around pain treatment and opioid prescribing. The decision support tools are informed by principles of "behavioral economics," whereby clinicians are "nudged," though never forced, towards guideline-concordant care.

Effectiveness of a CBT-based mHealth Intervention Targeting MOUD Retention, Adherence, and Opioid...
Opioid-use DisorderThe focus of this study is to examine the effectiveness of imFREE relative to mHealth ED in facilitating treatment retention and adherence and reducing opioid use among adults with OUD initiating BUP treatment. There are two specific aims: (1) to test the effectiveness of imFREE, delivered in conjunction with medical management with buprenorphine (imFREE + MM), relative to mHealth ED + MM, in facilitating buprenorphine treatment retention and adherence in a population of individuals with OUD initiating MM (N=200). (2) To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of imFREE.

Reduced Opioid Prescription After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
PainPostoperative3 moreGiven the nationwide epidemic of opioid use and abuse (in part due to over prescription), this study aims at addressing the need for opioid prescription after laparoscopic hysterectomy.

iSTART: A Campus & Community Initiative for Services in Tec-health
Substance UseBinge Drinking4 moreThe iSTART intervention is a 30-day substance prevention web-app whereby students complete five weekly interactive modules using a smart device or computer. Each module is approximately 15 minutes long, and focuses on a select substance: (i) alcohol, (ii) marijuana, (iii) nicotine, (iv) prescription drugs, and (v) illicit drugs. The modules are based on key theoretical constructs, behavior change strategies, and practical module components: attitudes (knowledge), perceived susceptibility (risk perceptions), subjective norms (normative re-education), and self-efficacy (refusal skills). This intervention will be evaluated via a time series design using a sample of 600 students randomly assigned to either the intervention, comparison, or control condition at a public institution in southern California.

Impact of Bridge™ Device to Treat Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms
Opioid Use DisorderThe purpose of this prospective study is to investigate the efficacy of the Bridge™ device in reducing the symptoms of opioid withdrawal in a blind comparison to a sham device.

Collaboration Leading to Addiction Treatment and Recovery From Other Stresses
Opioid-use DisorderAddiction2 moreCollaboration Leading to Addiction Treatment and Recovery from Other Stresses (CLARO) is a five-year project that tests whether delivering care using a collaborative model helps patients with both opioid use disorders and mental health disorders.

Randomized Controlled Trial: A Digital Intervention to Prevent the Initiation of Opioid Misuse in...
Opioid MisuseThe primary hypothesis of this study is that at 3 months, there will be a higher proportion of intervention participants vs. control participants who report greater risk of harm from misuse of prescription opioids AND heroin/fentanyl.