EFFECT OF CT Guided Mobilization ON CERVICAL RADICULOPATHYApplying specific opening mobilization of cervical intervertebral foramen is still unclear as well as the effect of mobilization on intervertebral foramen dimensions. using CT guidance to determine the wright direction of mobilization through studying the kinematics of intervertebral foramen will enhance better results and less risk of mobilization during manual therapy of cervical canal stenosis.

Effectiveness of Core Stabilization Exercises With and Without Neural Mobilization Technique in...
Lumbar Disc HerniationLumbar disc herniation (LDH) is the most frequent cause of lumbosacral radiculopathy and account for 39% of chronic low back pain cases. In approximately 95% of cases LDH occurs at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels. Maintaining functional stability of lumbar spine necessitates strengthening of the core muscles that plays a key role in lumbar strengthening, motor control and core stability. Core stability may play a role in passive disc stability, reducing the pressure on disc, relieving nerve impingement and radiating pain. Neural mobilization technique involves manual mobilization or exercise that promotes movement between and around the neural structures.This study is intended to add to the existing literature regarding patients with lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation, and to report the effectiveness of core stabilization exercises with and without neural mobilization technique in respective population in reduction of associated symptoms, pain and functional disability, enhancing the quality of life, and restoring a prior functional status and activity potential.

Regional Anesthesia in Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery
Lumbar Spinal StenosisLumbar Disc Herniation8 moreOpioid overuse is a widespread public health crisis in the United States with increasing rates of addiction and overdose deaths from prescription opioids. Reducing the need for opiate analgesics in the post-operative setting has become a high priority in minimizing long-term opioid use in surgical patients. This study will serve to demonstrate the efficacy of the addition of regional analgesic techniques in reducing post-operative opioid requirements in patients undergoing common lumbar spinal surgical procedures.

Post Market Clinical Follow up Study With the Cervical Disc Prothesis MOVE®-C
DiscopathyHerniated Cervical Disc3 moreStudy design: International, prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, observational study according to § 23b MPG. Objectives: Observational study to confirm the safety and performance of the cervical disc prosthesis MOVE®-C.

SynerFuse Spinal Fusion and Neuromodulation Proof of Concept Study
Spinal FusionRadiculopathy Lumbar1 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of DRG stimulation when placing a neurostimulator during the same procedure as implantation of spinal fixation with or without interbody cage systems in patients with chronic back and/or leg pain requiring single level spinal fusion.

Physiotherapy After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery
Cervical Disc DiseaseRadiculopathy1 moreBackground: Patients suffering residual disability after anterior decompression and fusion (ACDF) surgery for cervical disc disease may be prescribed physical activity (PPA) or neck-specific exercises (NSE). Currently, we lack data for the success of either approach. There is also a knowledge-gap concerning the use of internet-based care for chronic neck pain, inclusive of cervical disc disease. The scarcity of these data, and the high proportion of patients with various degrees of incapacity following ACDF, warrants increased efforts to investigate and improve cost-effective rehabilitation. Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of a structured, internet-based NSE program, versus PPA following ACDF surgery. Methods: This is a prospective, randomised, experimental, longitudinal multicentre study, that includes 140 patients with residual disability (≥30% on the Neck Disability Index; NDI) following ACDF for radiculopathy due to cervical disc disease. Patient recruitment occurs following attendance at routine clinical appointments, scheduled for 3-months post-surgery. Patients are then randomised to one of two groups (70 patients/group), scheduled for a 3-month treatment of either internet-based NSE or PPA. Questionnaires on background data, pain and discomfort, physical and mental capacity, satisfaction with care, and health and workplace factors are completed, with physical measurements of neck-related function performed by independent test leaders blinded to randomisation. Measurements are performed at inclusion, after the 3-month treatments (end of treatment), and at a 2-year follow-up. Radiography will be completed at the 2-year follow-up. Preoperative data will be collected from the Swedish Spine Registry (Swespine). Data on healthcare consumption, drug use, and sick leave will be requested from the relevant national registers.

Clinical Outcomes Associated With the Use of ViviGen® for the Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Disc...
Lumbar SpondylolisthesisDegenerative Disc Disease4 moreThe objective of this study is to perform a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial to compare radiographic fusion rates and patient reported outcomes, including pain and function preoperatively and postoperatively, using Depuy ViviGen® Cellular Bone Matrix mixed with cortical/cancellous allograft in conjunction with an approved Depuy Synthes pedicle screw system compared to autograft mixed with cortical/cancellous allograft in conjunction with the same DePuy Synthes pedicle screw system used for a one or two - level posterolateral lumbar fusion.

Evaluation of Erector Spina Plane Block(ESPB)'s Effectiveness on Patients With Lumbar Radiculopathy...
RadiculopathyRadiculopathy Lumbar2 moreA new regional anaesthetic block technique is described in this issue of Anaesthesia by Chin et al. whereby local anaesthetic is injected within a plane beneath the erector spinae muscle to achieve analgesia for abdominal surgery. After this the block has been used successfully for many implications such as post-herpetic neuralgia, thoracic and abdominal chronic or acute pain management, rib fractures, breast surgery, chronic cancer pain and etc. Cadaveric and radiologic data showed that contrast injected into the tissue plane deep to erector spinae muscle and superficial to the transverse processes and intertransverse connective tissues penetrates anteriorly to anesthetize the spinal nerves. And some cadeveric studies resulted with where both the dorsal and ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves were marked with dye after ESPB. Some studies even showed that dye reached to the epidural space. In this manner we we hypothesize that ESPB could be effective with radiculopathy pain.

Comparative Effects Of High Intensity Spinal Decompression Exercises And Eldoa In Patients Of Lumbar...
Lumbar RadiculopathyTo compare the effects of high intensity spinal decompression exercises and Eldoa on pain, ROM and Disability in patients of lumbar radiculopathy.

Effects of Neural Flossing and PNF on Lumbar Radiculopathy
Lumbar Radiculopathythe goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effects of neural flossing with and without proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on pain, range of motion and disability in patients with lumbar radiculopathy. the main question it aim to answer is :- Does proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation added benefit when combined with neural flossing to pain, range of motion and disability in lumbar radiculopathy patients? Research will compare the neural flossing group with the group receiving neural flossing with proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation to see if there is any difference in the outcomes.