Targeted vs Standard Fortification of Breast Milk
BPD - Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaNEC - Necrotizing Enterocolitis3 moreBACKGROUND: Human milk (HM) is recommended for all very low birth infants (VLBW)). Breast-milk is highly variable in nutrient content, failing to meet the nutritional demands of VLBW. Fortification of HM is recommended to prevent extra-uterine growth retardation and associated poor neurodevelopmental outcome. However, standard fortification with fixed dose multicomponent fortifier does not account for the variability in milk composition. Targeted fortification is a promising alternative and needs further investigation. The aim of the study is to evaluate if targeted fortification of human milk may optimize growth and development in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized single blind controlled trial. METHODS & ANALYSIS: We will recruit preterm infants (≤ 32 weeks of gestation) within the first 7 days of life. After reaching 80 ml/kg/day of enteral feeding, patients will be randomised to receive standard fortification (HMF, Nutricia) or targeted fortification (modular components: Bebilon Bialko, Nutricia - protein, Fantomalt, Nutricia - carbohydrates, Calogen, Nutricia - lipids). The intervention will continue until 37 weeks of post-conception age, or hospital discharge. Parents and outcome assessors will be blinded to the intervention. The primary outcome - weight gain velocity will be measured starting from the day infants regain their birth weight up to 4 weeks, then weekly until discharge. Secondary outcomes such as neurodevelopment at 12 months of corrected age (CA) will be assessed with Bayley Scale of Development III, repeated at 36 months of CA. Additionally a Wescheler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence IV test will be applied at 3,5 years of CA. Secondary outcomes such as length and head growth, body composition will be assesed at discharge and at 4 months. Incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) will also be followed.

Clonidine as Pain Relief During ROP Eye Examinations
Retinopathy of PrematurityPain2 morePreterm infants are at risk of developing ROP (retinopathy of prematurity), an eye condition that can cause blindness. Preterm infants born before gestation week (GA) 30 are therefor screened regularly with eye examinations. These eye examinations are painful and despite a lot of research no clear method of pain relief have been found. Since pain in the preterm infant can lead to both short- and longterm negative consequences an effective pain relief during these examinations are of importance. In this study we will investigate if Clonidine can be effective as pain-relief during ROP eye examinations.

Bevacizumab Treatment For Posterior Zone I ROP
Retinopathy of PrematurityType 1 retinopathy of prematurity in zone I represents the most severe type of ROP and has the worst prognosis. It is unknown whether low-dose bevacizumab will be successful in these severe cases. Also unknown is the timing and extent of peripheral retinal vascularization after low-dose bevacizumab compared with the standard dose. The current study will evaluate whether doses of 0.063 mg and 0.25mg are effective as treatment for type 1 ROP, with ROP and retinal vessels all in zone I.

Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Dexamethasone Eye Drops in Preterm Infants
Retinopathy of PrematurityBackground and study aims When an infant is born premature, the blood vessels in the eyes have not developed fully on the retina, and can start to grow incorrectly and result in blindness. To prevent this from happening, premature infants are often screened, and treated with laser or injections into the eye to prevent retinal detachment. A new treatment strategy with steroid eye drops have been found to prevent serious blood vessel growth. The treatment is commonly used in older children and adults to treat different inflammatory conditions, but how the drop is absorbed in premature infants and if there is any risk of side-effects is poorly investigated. The aim of this study is to document how the steroid drop is absorbed and excreted in premature infants and to study if there is a risk of any side effects. Who can participate? Premature infants born before gestational age week 30, that undergo eye-screening at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg and Skånes University Hospital in Malmö and Lund, in the need for steroid eye-drop treatment against pathological vessels. It is not possible to participate if the infant has received systemic steroid treatment 2 weeks prior to the eye-drop treatment, or has an ongoing ocular infection. What does the study involve? The study involves blood and saliva samples according to a specific protocol designed to be able to learn about the uptake and breakdown of the steroid in premature infants. Measurements of blood pressure, growth and a few urine samples will also be collected during the treatment period usually lasting for some weeks. At 2.5 and 5 years of age, visual acuity, refractive errors and retinal thickness measurements will be noted. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? The infant will receive steroid eye-drops that have been noted to heavily reduce the number of infants that develop retinal changes that require injections or laser treatment. The blood samples have been reduced to an absolute minimum in volume and numbers, but will entail some extra samplings from the infant. The infant will be rigorously checked with regard to any possible side effects from the steroid treatment. Possible but unlikely side effects from the low dose in eye drops are; elevated blood pressure, retarded growth, lowered endogenous steroid production during the eye-drop treatment, increase in blood glucose, and an increase in intra-ocular pressure.

Hemodynamic Response to Pain During Retinopathy Of Prematurity Screening
PretermStudy of cerebral hemodynamic changes in preterm infant and the effect of topical anesthetic eye drops ( benoxinate hydrochloride 0.4% ) on PIPP score and cerebral hemodynamic changes during fundus examination in neonates with gestational age ≤ 34 weeks or birth weight ≤ 2.000 Kg regardless their gestational age , after postnatal day 28.

umBilical Or Adult Donor Red Blood Cells in Extremely Low Gestational Age Neonates and Retinopathy...
Retinopathy of PrematurityExtremely low gestational age neonates (ELGAN, i.e., born before 28 gestation weeks) are among the most heavily transfused pediatric patients. In this clinical setting, repeated red blood cell (RBC) transfusions independently predict a poor outcome, with a higher risk for mortality and morbidity. Recent studies from our own and other groups highlighted a close association between low levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), two disabilities that frequently complicate preterm birth. This association is not surprising, considering that 1) preterm neonates have a highly immature antioxidant reserve and both ROP and BPD rely on the oxidative damage as underlying mechanism; 2) in comparison with HbA, HbF is endowed with higher oxygen affinity, greater redox potential, higher tetrameric stability, and higher ability to generate unbound nitric oxide, all functions potentially protective in presence of an oxidative challenge; 3) in normal prenatal life, developing organ and tissues are exposed exclusively to HbF until last weeks of gestation; 4) in preterm neonates, the switch of the synthesis from HbF to HbA occurs around their due date, i.e., several weeks after the premature birth; 5) when preterm neonates receive transfusions, their tissues are abruptly exposed to high levels of HbA. We have recently run a pilot trial demonstrating as a proof-of-concept that transfusing cord blood red blood cell concentrates (CB-RBC) effectively prevents or restrains the HbF loss consequent to adult donor standard transfusions (A-RBC). This study explores the hypothesis that transfusing CB-RBCs instead of A-RBC may lower the incidence of severe ROP in ELGANs needing transfusions.

Oral Propranolol for Prevention of Threshold Retinopathy of Prematurity
Retinopathy of PrematurityExtremely premature infants are at risk of developing a potentially blinding eye disease, called retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Currently available treatment, consisting of laser surgery or injection of drugs into the eye balls, may prevent most but not all cases of permanent ROP-mediated blindness. Both types of treatment are associated with significant costs and side effects. An orally administered drug commonly used to treat hypertension, propranolol, may be effective in halting progression of ROP to severe stages, as suggested by preliminary data from small studies. As severe (threshold) ROP is an overall rare disease, the effectiveness of propranolol in combating ROP can only be assessed in a large, multicenter randomized controlled trial involving hospitals caring for extremely preterm infants of diverse origin.

The Effect of Different Music Listened During Retinopathy Examination to Premature Infants
Retinopathy of PrematurityNewbornRetinopathy of Prematurity (ROP); It is a disease of premature and low birth weight infants, characterized by incomplete vascularization of the retina, etiology and pathogenesis of which is unknown, and causes vision loss. There is an increase in the incidence and severity of ROP development in direct proportion to the decrease in birth week and birth weight. While ROP is a problem below 32 weeks of gestation in developed countries, it is reported to develop severely up to 34 weeks of gestation in developing countries. In a multicenter study conducted by the Turkish Neonatology Society in our country, the frequency of ROP in very low birth weight preterm infants was found to be 42%, and the frequency of advanced ROP was 11%. The incidence of ROP in babies with a gestational age of 33-35 weeks was 6.1%, and advanced ROP was 6 per thousand. The frequency of ROP was found to be 10.3% in babies with a birth weight of 1500-2000 grams, and severe ROP was reported in 19 of these babies. ROP examination is a procedure that causes pain, deterioration in comfort and physiological changes in preterm newborns. After this examination, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and a decrease in oxygen saturation are observed. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological (non-pharmacological) methods are used to reduce the pain and increase the comfort level of the premature newborn. As a pharmacological method, there is no other routine method used to reduce pain other than the administration of local anesthetic drops before the examination. Because of this situation, nurses apply various non-pharmacological methods to alleviate pain. These methods are; breast milk, sucrose use, oral dextrose use, non-nutritive sucking, positioning, listening to music and mother's voice. In the literature, no specific study was found in which music was used to reduce pain and increase the comfort level during the ROP examination. Therefore, this research will be carried out to determine the effect of different music played on the pain and comfort level of premature babies during the retinopathy examination.

Multisensory Stimulation Versus White Noise
RetinopathyPremature RetinopathyThis study aimed to compare the effectiveness of two interventions, white noise, and multisensory stimulation, during retinopathy examinations on premature infants. Retinopathy is a common eye disorder among premature infants, which can cause visual impairments if not addressed. The research used a randomized controlled experimental design, with premature infants randomly assigned to either the white noise or multisensory stimulation group or control group. Physiological responses, behavioral indicators, and the pain of the retinopathy examination were measured. Trained healthcare professionals conducted the investigations in a controlled environment, and statistical analyses were employed to compare the outcomes between the three groups. The findings of this study have the potential to inform the development of more effective and well-tolerated examination protocols for premature infants, leading to improved visual outcomes and overall well-being for this vulnerable population.

Multisensory Stimulation in Infants for Eye Examination
Premature RetinopathyPain1 moreThis study aimed to evaluate the effects of multisensory stimulation on pain and physiological parameters resulting from ROP examination in preterm newborns. It was planned as a randomized controlled trial. trying to reach 80 newborns in total. Multisensory stimulation will be applied to the intervention group during the examination. In the control group, routine care will be applied during the examination.