Psychological Therapy for Gaming Disorder
Gaming DisorderInternet Gaming DisorderGaming is a common leisure activity, both for children and adult, and while it is generally a positive experience for most, it can lead to problems for some individuals. There is currently a lack of knowledge of when video gaming becomes a problem and why, and there is a lack of evidence-based interventions for treating Gaming disorder. This pilot study aims to evaluate a new treatment manual for Gaming Disorder, which consists of modules based on cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy. The therapy can be provided as individual therapy to the patient, to relatives, or as family therapy involving both the patient and their relatives. This study is an effectiveness trials and will follow all-patients at the clinic who will be offered the treatment. The hypothesis is that the manual-based psychotherapy for Gaming Disorder will result in a reduction of Gaming Disorder symptoms and psychological distress, as well as an improvement in daily functioning.

Efficacy of Indigenously Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Reducing Gaming Addiction Among...
Internet Gaming DisorderResearch evidence identified internet gaming as an emerging problem in youth across the globe and a lot of interventions are being used for managing gaming and associated psychological problems considering cultural aspects. Therefore, the present study aims at investigating the efficacy of Indigenously adapted cognitive behavior therapy for internet gaming addiction among Pakistani Youth. For this purpose, adolescents enrolled in 8th-12th grades in elementary and higher secondary schools in twin cities of Pakistan. Adolescents who scored high on Internet gaming disorder in screening will be included in the study and further detailed investigation will be completed by administering semi-structured Clinical Interviews, Coping inventory, self-control, and social connectedness. Participants will be divided into 2 groups i.e. experimental and control groups.

Collective Motivational Interviewing (CMI) for Adolescents With Internet Gaming Disorder
Internet Gaming DisorderThe present study examines the efficacy of CMI in reducing adolescent IGD symptoms and enhancing social support given by CSOs among adolescents with high risk of IGD (probable IGD cases screened positive by validated tools). It is hypothesized that the intervention group (with CMI plus IGD education materials for both the clients and his/her selected CSO) would show more improvements in reduction in the severity of IGD, motivation to change maladaptive gaming behaviour, craving on gaming, and social support obtained from CSOs than to the control group (only educational materials for both the client and the CSOs).

Interventions For Neck Pain In Relation to Internet Usage
Internet AddictionAfter the rapid increase in the use of the Internet in the world, it has brought some negativities.People with internet addiction describe all the time they spend without internet as worthless and they want to be on the internet with an increasing desire.

The Use of Nursing-students-led bCBTMI
Internet AddictionThe use of the internet is very popular in adolescence. Notwithstanding the benefits from the internet, many users are addicted to the internet and develop problematic behaviours which are regarded as "Internet addiction" (IA). Trained nursing students, who are the future nurses and well-equipped with basic health knowledge, as the interventionists to deliver a bCBTMI intervention to the eligible subjects. The result of this study is expected to provide evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of training nursing students to conduct bCBTMI in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents with IA for a definitive RCT.

SMaRT Mom - Smartphone Management and Responsive Time for Breastfeeding Mothers
Smartphone AddictionBreastfeeding2 moreIn the last decade, infants are born into a social environment in which the smartphone has become an essential part of our lives. Smartphone use draws the mother's attention during mother-infant interactions and thus may affect the infant development as well as maternal self-efficacy. However, the effects of smartphone use reduction among breastfeeding mothers during their interactions with their infants have not been studied yet. In the present study, we propose to evaluate a "SMaRT Mom" intervention that we have developed, to manage and reduce smartphone use during breastfeeding. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of the SMaRT Mom intervention on breastfeeding mothers' biobehavioral mechanisms, self-efficacy and the socioemotional characteristics of their infants. This will extend our knowledge of the peculiarities of early mother-infant interactions in the digital era, when smartphones play a critical role.

Are Offline Meals Healthy Meals? A Field Experiment to Promote Healthier Eating in Families
Health BehaviorSmartphone Addiction1 moreFirst research findings suggest that the influence of digital media on children's and adolescents' health depends primarily on proper use and regulation. In line with Social Cognitive Theory, parents' own mobile device use is very important to regulate children's media use because parents are their children's role models. However, parents do not always behave as optimal role models: They use smartphones on playgrounds, in restaurants, as well as during family mealtimes. This usage of mobile devices leads to interruptions during face-to-face conversations or routines which is defined as "technoference". Studies among children and parents suggest that parental mobile device use is associated with fewer parent-child interactions. In addition, first studies investigated mobile device use at the dining table and showed that mothers had less interactions with their children during meal times when they used a mobile device compared to mothers who did not and their children were also less likely to try new and unfamiliar food. Along the same lines, lower parental mobile device use during mealtime is also associated with healthier body weight in children. AIM: Examination of the effect of a time out from smartphone use during a family meal on the parent-child interaction at the meal table and eating quality in comparison to family meals where participants use the smartphone as usual. DESIGN: The study is a within-family field experiment with daily assessments over 14 days (7 days for the experimental condition, 7 days for the control condition). Families will go through both, intervention and control condition with a break of 21 days in between. The assessment of the main and secondary outcomes is conducted at the baseline, over a 14 day daily diary phase and at the follow-up (directly after the daily diary phase). The sample will consist of 120 families with at least one child between the age of 6 to 14 years old. Only the participating adult in the study fills in the questionnaires. OUTCOMES: (Un)healthy eating and parent-child interaction constitute the main outcome, whereas technoference, mealtime duration, atmosphere at the meal table, and smartphone use frequency are secondary outcomes.

The Effect of Web-based Education Given to Parents on Children's Internet Gaming Disorder
Internet Gaming DisorderInternet Gaming Disorder (IOB) is an important problem that is increasingly prevalent all over the world and can be prevented before it develops. This research is a single-blind, randomized controlled experimental study to evaluate the effect of Internet-based education given to parents on children's Internet gaming disorder. 96 children and their parents studying in the central districts of a province and at risk for the development of IOBB were divided into intervention (48) and control groups (48) according to the randomization list. The "I know digital games" training consisting of three modules and 10 videos was given to the intervention group via the website prepared by the researchers, and no intervention was made to the control group. The research data were collected at three different times using the "Internet Gaming Disorder Scale Short Form" (İOOBÖ9-SF) and the forms developed by the researchers. In the analysis of data; descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Mann Whitney U test, and repeated measures ANOVA were used. Before the analysis, eight missing data in the control group were estimated with regression estimation models from intent to treat protocols. Statistical significance level p ≤0.05 was taken in all analyzes. Parents and children in the intervention and control groups were similar in terms of sociodemographic characteristics and playing characteristics (p>0.05). It would be beneficial to involve parents in the interventions that nurses will make for primary school children in order to prevent IOB.

Effect of Scapular Stabilization Exercises on Scapular Muscles Strength and Kyphosis Index in Smartphone...
Muscle WeaknessSmartphone AddictionThis study will be conducted to investigate the effect of scapular stabilization exercises on scapular muscles strength (serratus anterior, lower fibers of trapezius, rhomboid major and minor), pain intensity level and kyphosis index in different duration of time using daily of smartphone in smartphone users.

Smartphone Addiction Recovery Coach for Young Adults (SARC-YA) Experiment
Substance Use DisordersAt discharge from outpatient treatment, researchers will recruit 300 young adults and randomly assign them to recovery support as usual control condition or the Smartphone Addiction Recovery Coach for Young Adults (SARC-YA) experimental condition. Participants in the experimental conditions will receive a smartphone, a calling/texting/data plan, and the SARC-YA mobile applications for the first 6 months post treatment discharge. Experimental participants will 1) complete a 2-3 minute recovery-focused ecological momentary assessment (EMA) at 5 random times a day, receive feedback on their current answers, and provided access to behavioral charting of their past answers over time; and 2) receive continuous access to a suite of self-initiated ecological momentary interventions (EMI) to support their recovery via tool box of coping tools, apps related to getting support, and apps related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Data include standardized assessments, urine tests, mobile phone metadata, EMA responses, and EMI utilization. The study's primary aim and hypothesis are: Aim 1: Test the effects of experimental assignment on the frequency of substance use. H1 Relative to the control group, participants in the experimental group will have lower scores on the quarterly Substance Frequency Scale (3, 6, 9 months post- discharge).