Carvedilol in HF With Preserved EF
Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection FractionBeta Blocker1 moreBeta-blockers improve clinical outcomes in heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF); but not in those with preserved EF. Global longitudinal strain (GLS) is a prognostic factor independent of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). In a retrospective with 1969 patients with HF and LVEF of ≥40%, beta-blocker was associated with improved survival in those with low GLS (GLS <14%), but not in those with GLS ≥14%. In this prospective, randomized clinical study, the investigators will assess the effect of slow-release carvedilol in patients with HFpEF and hypertension. The primary endpoint is the time-averaged proportional changes in NT-proBNP level and GLS change from baseline to month 6.

Injection of Botulinum Toxin for Thumb Carpometacarpal Arthritis
Carpometacarpal SprainThumb Sprain1 moreThe purpose of this clinical trial is to gather information on the safety and effectiveness of botulinum toxin injection (or Botox) in the treatment of thumb joint pain/arthritis. People with thumb joint pain or arthritis usually receive steroid injections to help with the pain. However, this medicine does not always work well and also carries known important side effects. There is currently no alternative to this injection medicine. This clinical trial seeks to investigate botulinum toxin as a possible alternative to steroid injection. The difference between Botox and steroid injections is that they are different medicines and work in different ways. Botox, as it is being used in this study, is not FDA-approved. It is therefore considered an investigational medicine.

The Effect of Proprioception of Platelet Rich Plasma for Patients With Ankle Sprain
Ankle Sprain 2Nd DegreeAnkle Sprain 3Rd DegreeAnkle sprain is a fairly common sports medicine clinic. In Taiwan at least 150,000 to 200,000 people will suffer from ankle sprains every years. Clinicians have been looking for ways to shorten treatment time and reduce discomfort. Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) is an endogenous therapeutic technology that involved in regenerative medicine due to its potential to stimulate and accelerate tissue healing. PRP can release lots of growth factors like platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),transforming Growth Factor Beta(TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),Epidermal growth factor(EGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF). Its use had been based on the theory that increased autologous platelets, that then yield high concentrations of growth factors and other proteins, will lead to increased healing of tendon and soft tissue on a cellular level. In addition, there is no objective evaluation after treatment, so that patients can not provide effective and accurate quantitative feedback. In this study, the investigators divided patients into three groups, respectively, general rehabilitation therapy, autologous PRP injection therapy, autologous PRP injection combined with general rehabilitation therapy.

Telehealth Delivered Physical Rehabilitation for an Ankle Sprain
Ankle SprainsTelerehabilitation9 moreA vast majority (75-85%) of ankle sprain patients treated in emergency departments (ED) receive pain medication and are not referred for physical rehabilitation. Therefore, purpose of this study is to increase access to the standard of care for an ankle sprain by provide patients with physical rehabilitation delivered through telehealth. The purpose of this study includes compare a 2-week telehealth intervention to the usual care for treating 1) subjective function; 2) physical impairments; 3) medication consumption; and 4) patient-perceived barriers. The central hypothesis is participants receiving the 2-week telehealth intervention will 1) have less pain and disability; 2) improve balance and ankle range of motion; 3) consume less medication; and 4) reports positive feedback compared to the usual care group.

Effectiveness of a Telerehabilitation Program in Acute Cervical Sprain Grade I and II
Neck SprainNeck PainCervical sprain also known as whiplash-associated disorder is the result of a combined injury between extension/flexion of the soft tissues of the cervical spine due to an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck. The Neck-Specific Exercise Program focuses on relearning motor skills, neck muscle endurance, and postural correction. Telehealth improves patient satisfaction, overcomes barriers to access to physiotherapy services and reduces the costs of musculoskeletal care. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the neck specific exercise program by telerehabilitation compared to the usual intervention in functional recovery in adults with acute cervical sprain grade I and II at the first level of care. Material and Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial, the effectiveness of the telerehabilitation program is determined by the Neck Disability Index (NDI) and will be compared against the usual intervention. Participants assigned to the telerehabilitation program will complete a 12-week intervention consisting of 5 weekly sessions of 30 minutes of pre-recorded video, with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. The usual care group will be instructed to follow their doctors' orders during the 12-week intervention period. For each group, baseline measurements were made at 2, 6 and 12 weeks. Time to develop: The protocol has a duration of follow-up of the patients of 12 weeks.

The Effect of Low-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Therapy on the Management of Acute Ankle Sprains...
Ankle Sprain 1St DegreeAnkle Sprain 2Nd Degree1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of implementing BFR in the rehabilitation treatment of isolated ankle sprains as well as to evaluate the clinical benefits of BFR when compared to standard treatment. This study will evaluate the efficacy of using BFR therapy for the treatment of acute grade I and II ankle sprains. The investigators will evaluate clinical outcomes of range of motion (ROM) and strength testing of ankle dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion, and eversion. This will be a small, randomized control trial study. The investigators will enroll a total of 40 participants, 20 participants will undergo standard physical therapy for isolated lateral ankle sprains and 20 participants will undergo BFR therapy for an isolated lateral ankle sprain. Patients will be randomized into control and experimental group via block randomization.

A Proprioceptive Training Program Using an Uneven Terrain Treadmill for Patients With Ankle Instability...
Instability; Ankle (Ligaments) (Old Injury)Sprain of AnkleThe ROCKY REHAB trial will provide a pragmatic approach to evaluate if incorporating a rocky, uneven terrain treadmill into the proprioceptive rehabilitation received during physical therapy can improve outcomes and reduce reinjury rates in patients with ankle instability.

inStability Treated With Ligament RecOnstruction Augmented With iNternal bracinG
Ankle SprainsTalofibular; Sprain (Strain)This study evaluates the effect of internal bracing in lateral ligament ankle surgery. Half of the patients will receive the standard Brostrom-Gould reconstruction followed by a standard revalidation protocol including 6 weeks of immobilisation, while the other half of the patients will receive the same operation augmented with internal brace followed by an accelerated rehabilitation protocol.

Balance and Proprioception Training Program in Patients With Chronic Ankle Sprains
Ankle SprainsTo examine the effects of an individualized balance and proprioception training program on pain, function, and the risk of recurrent ankle sprains.

Effects of MTRPs Therapy in Migraine.
MigrainePain7 moreCase series, repeated-measures design, pilot study. Adult, female, migraine patients underwent seven Ischemic Compression Myofascial Trigger Points (IC-MTrPs) therapy sessions. The aim of the study is to investigate whether therapy of the shoulder girdle and neck muscles by deactivating MTrPs causes modification of biomechanical and biochemical variables in the blood and reduces headache in people with migraine, improving their quality of life by improving their health. People qualified for the study were divided into 3 groups according to the type of migraine: CM group - patients with chronic migraine EMa group - patients with paroxysmal migraine with aura EMb group - patients with paroxysmal migraine without an aura. All patients underwent 7 interventions in the area of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck (by deactivating trigger points) performed every 2 or 3 days. They did not take any headache medications during the treatment period. However, during a migraine attack, they could undergo treatments and research measurements. Biomechanical measurements of the cervical spine, shoulder girdle muscles and blood chemistry were performed before, during and after the patients' therapy. All treatments were performed on the following muscles: m. trapesius pars descendent (trapezius upper), m. sternocleidomastoideus (sternocleidomastoid), m. temporalis (temporal), m. legator scapulae (levator scapula), m. supraspinatus (supraspinatus), m. suboccipitales (suboccipital).