Living Donor Uterus Transplantation Between Identical Twins
Absolute Uterine Factor InfertilityCervical CancerLiving donor uterus transplantation between identical twins, with IVF before and ET several months after transplantation. The donor should have completed childbirth.

Embryo DNA Repair Capacity Project
InfertilityThe mail aim of the present study is to use molecular methods to analyze the ability of human preimplantation embryos to repair their DNA

A Retrospective Study in Chinese Good Prognosis Patients Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology...
InfertilityThis is a multicenter retrospective study in good prognosis Chinese patients. Data will be collected from infertile women who underwent first in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using a Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist (Cetrotide) protocol at about 4 IVF centers to investigate the factors associated with clinical pregnancy rate. The definition of the good prognosis subjects is, age not more than 35 years old, Baseline serum Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level no more than 10 milliinternational units (mIU)/milliliter (ml), Body mass index (BMI) not more than 30 kilogram per meter square (kg/m^2), previously underwent no more than 3 IVF/ICSI cycles, and the total dose of Gonadotropin used no more than 2500 IU in current cycle. No intervention(s) will be administered on the subjects. Data required to investigate the factors associated with the pregnancy outcome of GnRH antagonist IVF cycle will be collected from the subjects' medical records into database through electronic data capture system and analyzed.

Determination of Circulating Placental Biomarkers Levels to Predict the Pregnancy Outcome of First...
InfertilityFemale1 moreThis study will assess the predictive potential of circulating placental biomarkers for spontaneous miscarriage within the following month in an IVF setting. It is hypothesized that a robust algorithm including one or more of these biomarkers may allow for the accurate same-day distinction between women with a low and high risk of a spontaneous miscarriage.

Interchromosomal Insertion Carriers PGT-SR
Interchromosomal BreakpointInfertilityInterchromosomal insertions (IT) are rare and complex structural rearrangements. Theoretically, the risk to have a child to term with a malformation or mental retardation can reach 50% related to the proportion of unbalanced gametes produced from behavior of chromosomes during meiosis. However, the meiotic segregation of IT has rarely been studied. This study provide an accurate reproductive risk of IT carriers resulting from a combined analysis of Sperm-FISH and preimplantation genetic testing for structural rearrangement (PGT-SR) management of IT carriers.

vNOTES in Elective Bilateral Salpingectomy for Sterilization
SterilityFemaleObjective: To compare the vNOTES approach versus conventional laparoscopic approach to be used in elective bilateral salpingectomy for sterilisation as an opportunistic cancer prevention strategy. Study design: Prospective cohort, two-centred trial. Study population: All women aged over 18 who are planned to undergo for definitive surgical sterilisation regardless of parity with a non-prolapsed uterus. Primary outcomes: (1) Patient satisfaction (at 1st week and 1st month of the surgery) measured by The Patient Global Imression of Improvement (PGI-I), (2) Postoperative early pain (Visual Analog Score (VAS) at 6th and 24th hours of the surgery). Secondary outcomes: (1) Conversion to laparoscopy or laparotomy, (2) duration of the procedure, (3)total amount of analgesics used, (4) New-onset dyspareunia at first coitus measured by the Pain subdomain of Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), (5) intraoperative complications, (6) postoperative complications

Time Lag for Oocyte Denudation: A Better Choice for ICSI Outcome?!
InfertilityFemaleThis study aiming to investigate if difference in the timing of cumulus removal post retrieval would have any critical impact on fertilization and embryonic development.

Reproductive Health of Couples of Childbearing Age: a Community Based Prospective Cohort Study
Reproductive HealthTime to Pregnancy3 moreThis community based prospective cohort study was established to investigate the fecundability of couples of childbearing age. Data are collected regarding age, body mass index, education, menstrual regularity as well as childbearing history. Results of routine examination of leucorrhea, blood glucose, liver function of the female spouse, and semen analysis of the male spouse are obtained from the National Free Pre-conception Check-up Projects (NFPCP) in China. Couples recruited will be followed every 6 months for at least 1 year, and their time to pregnancy as well as behavior of seeking medical care would be recorded. Blood sample and/or information of antral follicle count would be collected from participants who fail to conceive after 12 months of attempts.

Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Women Fertility
Fertility IssuesObesity is a multifactorial risk factor for subfertility, in relation to chronic hormonal change induced by adipose tissue. This prospective cohort study aims to evaluate the impact of bariatric surgery induced weight loss on women fertility.

Why Are Fertility Preservation Patients Not Coming Back?
Fertility IssuesCancerThis is a single-center retrospective study carried out with a phone call follow-up to investigate women's decision not to return for criopreserved ovocytes use after cancer treatment. The study database includes all women who underwent fertility preservation cycles at a third-level university-affiliated center from January 2001 to December 2017. Patients were asked a set of standardized questions whose purpose was to investigate their present health conditions, cancer treatment and any potential relapses, their family projects and sentimental status, any spontaneous conception, and why they had not yet returned for embryo transfer. All data were recorded anonymously in our dataset.