Why Are Fertility Preservation Patients Not Coming Back?
Fertility IssuesCancerThis is a single-center retrospective study carried out with a phone call follow-up to investigate women's decision not to return for criopreserved ovocytes use after cancer treatment. The study database includes all women who underwent fertility preservation cycles at a third-level university-affiliated center from January 2001 to December 2017. Patients were asked a set of standardized questions whose purpose was to investigate their present health conditions, cancer treatment and any potential relapses, their family projects and sentimental status, any spontaneous conception, and why they had not yet returned for embryo transfer. All data were recorded anonymously in our dataset.

Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Endometrial Cells: An In Vitro Study
InfertilityThe human endometrium is an extremely sensitive target. LLLT can enhance the proliferation rate of various cell lines, it produces higher rates of ATP, RNA, and DNA synthesis in stem cells and other cell lines. Thus, LLLT improves the proliferation of the cells without causing any cytotoxic effects. The aim of this work is to assess the ability of low level laser therapy in enhancing endometrial proliferation and increasing endometrial receptivity. A number of 120 human endometrial samples will be studied, and will be collected from 40 infertile women attending the infertility clinic at NRC. Each human endometrial sample will be divided into 3 plates, in order to establish 3 main groups of 40 culture plates for single laser exposure group versus 40 culture plates for multiple laser exposure group and 40 tissue culture plates for control samples, thus a total of 120 tissue culture plates will be studied, the study groups will be exposed to low level laser therapy and compared to their matched controls.. Assessment of number and size of cells after LLLT as a marker of normal proliferation and b) The expression of Integrin aVB3 "alpha v B3", MUC-1 and LIFand the development of pinopodes on the surface of epithelial cells as markers of endometrial receptivity and the detection of PTEN tumor suppressor gene as a marker of abnormal proliferation or premalignant condition will be performed to assess the effect of LLLT on the endometrial cell culture. This study might offer a new therapeutic modality which might increase endometrial thickness and enhance receptivity .

Maternal and Fetal Compatibility in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)-Oocyte Donor Influences...
InfertilityHas the maternal KIR haplotype an impact in pregnancy, miscarriage and live birth rates per embryo transfer in donor oocytes -ART by paternal and oocyte donor HLA-C?

Mitochondrial Activity of Cumulus Cells From the Cumulus-oocyte Complex and Oocyte Competence
InfertilityThe need for non-invasive biomarkers of oocyte competency has become urgent as women increasingly delay attempts at childbearing. The aging process is complex and includes impaired mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, diminished metabolic activity, and activity of several cell-signaling systems. Cumulus cells form an intimate association with the oocyte in the follicle, and they can have a significant impact on oocyte meiotic and developmental competence. In the IVF lab, the clump of cumulus cells is typically cut away from the oocyte immediately after an oocyte retrieval procedure, and then the cumulus cells are discarded. Measuring the mitochondrial respiratory activity of cumulus cells may serve as a non-invasive biomarker for oocyte competency and a predictor of reproductive success in IVF patients in the future.

LH Hormone Pulsation in the Luteal Phase in GnRH Antagonist IVF Cycles Triggered by GnRH Agonist...
InfertilityMonitoring the LH pulsatility during the Luteal phase in GnRH antagonist IVF cycles triggered by GnRH agonist for final oocyte maturation.

Geneexpression as a Marker of Embryo Viability
InfertilityThe aim of the post doc project is investigate which genes regulate implantation in order to analyze specific proteins and microRNA in the spent culture media with the long-term goal of developing a non-invasive method of embryo assessment and selection. This will be achieved by conducting a targeted NGS analysis, based on list obtained from a non-published pilot study. When further validated by q-PCR, the expression of specific microRNAs known to influence the final list of genes will be analyzed in the spent culture media and the protein products of the genes recovered from the media will be quantified. The level of specific microRNAs and proteins will be related to aneuploidy and implantation potential. If the level of specific microRNA and/or proteins correlates with pregnancy, the study will form the basis for developing a clinical applicable precise method of improved embryo selection and thus improved IVF treatment.

Clinical Measures of Ovarian Reserve in Predicting IVF Success
InfertilityFemaleThe purpose of this study is to find out more about tests used to estimate the number of eggs a woman has remaining in her ovaries (her 'ovarian reserve'). It is thought that women who have a greater number of eggs or ovarian reserve may have a better chance of successful in vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment than those who have a smaller number of eggs. Accurately predicting the likely outcomes of IVF would be of great benefit for counselling patients before they go through expensive and demanding treatments such as IVF and IVF with Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVFICSI). Over the past two decades, many endocrine and ultrasound markers have been designed and are now used as indicators of ovarian reserve. A number of screening tests are utilized to measure these markers, either by ultrasound scanning techniques or taking blood samples. However it is not yet known which, if any, best predict the outcome of IVF treatment. We would like to investigate these various measures of ovarian reserve to determine which are most accurate, particularly for predicting live birth rates, as up to now only poor to moderate quality evidence has been available for this outcome. This will be a prospective cohort study of 300 women who already intend to undergo IVF/IVF-ICSI treatment. Study participants will have one extra blood sample and ultrasound examination, for the purposes of measuring markers of their ovarian reserve, at the start of their IVF/IVFICSI treatment cycle. No other interventions will be required and their treatment cycle will not be affected by their participation in the study.

Skin Sterility After Ethyl-Chloride Spray
Skin Sterility After Use of Ethyl-chloride Spray.The aim of this study is to investigate sterility of ethyl-chloride topical anesthetic spray when used prior to an injection. The hypothesis is that the spray does not change the sterility of the injection site after skin is prepped.

Dual Trigger to Reduce Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Infertility and at High Risk of OHSSGonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist is sufficient for triggering final oocyte maturation in GnRH antagonist protocol and can significantly reduce incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in high-risk patients. However, lower oocyte yield was reported in patients with lower luteinizing hormone (LH) level post trigger with single injection of GnRH agonist, which might be related to the shorter duration and lower amount of LH induced by GnRH agonist. Our aim is to study dual trigger with GnRH agonist and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for preventing OHSS and maintaining clinical outcome in high risk patients who receive controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH antagonist protocol.

Effectiveness of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and Laser Assisted Hatching on in Vitro Fertilization...
InfertilityTo determine the association of factors affecting the clinical pregnancy and live birth rates in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) who received intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and/or laser assisted hatching (LAH) or neither. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 400 women who underwent IVF between January 2007 and December 2010 were included in the analysis. Patients were divided into 4 groups; 1) those that did not receive ICSI or LAH, 2) those that received ICSI only, 3) those that received LAH only, and 4) those that received both ICSI and LAH. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed.