Does Clomiphene Citrate Used for Induction of Ovulation Effect Levels of AMH and Inhibin B
Infertility100mg clomiphene citrate used for ovulation induction. The investigators take blood sample at 3 and 10 days of menstruation and count AMH and inhibin B.

Use of G-CSF Supplemented IVF Medium in Patients Undergoing IVF
InfertilityEmbryo Development1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether in Assisted Reproductive Technologies the use of culture medium supplemented with G-CSF, a growth factor working on stem cells, may improve the embryo implantation and pregnancy rate in infertile patients undergoing IVF cycles.

Comparison Between the Role of Follicular Output Rate and Preovulatory Count in the Prediction of...
Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeSubfertility1 moreOur study is observational, we are observing data from routine measurements during IVF/ICSI. Our study does not assess IVF/ICSI as an intervention, we are evaluating the role of FSI and preovulatory count which are calculated by observing routine measurements during the IVF/ICSI procedure. 300 women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who are decided to be treated with ICSI. will be subjected to full history taking and clinical examination. On the second day of menstruation serum FSH, LH, Prolactin and Oestradiol will be assessed and the antral follicular count (AFC) will be assessed using a vaginal ultrasound scan. AFC will be defined as the number of follicles measuring 3-10mm. All patients will have standard pituitary down-regulation followed by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulation until the day of Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration. On the day of HCG administration, ovarian ultrasound scan will be performed using a transvaginal probe and the Preovulatory follicle count (PC) will be assessed, (PFC) is defined as number of follicles measuring≥16mm. Follicular output rate (FORT) will be calculated as: (FSI =PFC*10000/AFC*Total dose of FSH). FORT correlation to pregnancy will be compared to that of the preovulatory count number

Infertility and Endometriosis Cohort
EndometriosisInfertilityNowadays, one in six couples consults for fertility problems. If the standard examination and tests do not reveal any cause of infertility, the woman may undergo a laparoscopic exploration which reveals endometriosis in more than 50% of cases. Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease defined as the presence of endometrial tissue out of the uterine cavity. It is frequent (1 in 10 women) and associated with a high economic burden (22 billion dollars in 2002 in the USA) and important decrease in quality of life. Physiopathological mechanisms and risk factors for endometriosis are not well identified. A woman with endometriosis is 20 times more at risk of infertility. Fecundity rate of a 25-year-old couple is about 15 to 20% in the general population and only 2 to 10% in case of endometriosis. There are many manifestations of this disease (infertility, pelvic pain) and the anatomo-clinical correlation is not good. The presently used international classification (American Fertility Society revised in 1985, AFSr) does not predict the chance of pregnancy. New scores such as the Endometriosis Fertility Index (EFI) have been proposed to do so, but need to be validated. Treatment for endometriosis-related infertility is not consensual. A prospective cohort study would give access to clinical data of patients followed in our center, so as to identify clinical factors predicting pregnancy and to help treatment decision for women with endometriosis suffering from infertility.

Embryo Development in Microfluidics System of Culture
InfertilityEmbryo culture is a cornerstone of in vitro fertilization treatments. Usually, embryos are cultured in microdrops of culture media in incubators with controlled temperature, humidity and atmosphere. However, these culture systems are static, while in vivo the initial growth of the embryo takes place in the uterine tube and they are submitted to a dynamic environment. The aim of this study is to compare the embryo development on days 2 and 3 of culture morphological features of embryos under static and dynamic(microfluidics) systems of culture.

Treatment Outcome and Quality of Life in Patients With Pediatric Extra-Cranial Germ Cell Tumors...
Childhood Germ Cell TumorExtragonadal Germ Cell Tumor8 moreRATIONALE: Treatment for pediatric extracranial germ cell tumors may cause side effects and secondary cancers later in life. A study that evaluates patients after receiving combination chemotherapy or surgery may help doctors understand the side effects and secondary cancers that occur later in life. PURPOSE: This study is looking at treatment outcome and quality of life in patients with pediatric extracranial germ cell tumors previously treated on clinical trial CCLG-GC-1979-01 or CCLG-GC-1989-01.

3D Ultrasound Uterine Characteristics of Women Undergoing IVF/ICSI Treatment
InfertilityThe purpose of this trial is to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the uterus with three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS) at the time of IVF/ICSI treatment and correlate it to clinical outcomes. The uterus will be assessed in the 3D coronal plane and measurements will be performed to assess whether they correlate with clinical pregnancy rate, miscarriage rate and live birth rate.

Observational Prospective Study of the Success of Single Embryo Transfer Implantation Related to...
Female InfertilityThe objective of our observational prospective study will be to compare, for women treated for infertility and included in a ICSI program, the implantation rate and delivery rate obtained after the transfer of a single blastocyst , chosen in a group of patients on the basis of the embryo morphology and in the other group on the basis of both embryo morphology and follicular fluid cytokines content. 100 IVF infertile patients , aged 32-39 years, with normal ovarian reserve, previously stimulated for their first cycle with standard short protocol (GnRH-Ant) and r-FSH alone, who have had a low ovarian response, Fort < 50% ( FORT Criteria, 2012; FORT= PFCX100/AFC), will be treated for the second cycle with standard short protocol (GnRH-Ant) and r-FSH plus r-LH , according to the standard established by our clinical practice. Patients will be part of one of the following groups: Group 1: single embryo transfer on day 5, according to standard embryo morphological criteria Group 2: single embryo transfer on day 5, chosen on the basis of both embryo morphological criteria and levels of cytokines measured in the individual FF.

Evaluation of Granulosa Cells Function After IVF Protocols
InfertilityIn Vitro Fertilization ProtocolsThis study is intended to evaluate ovarian cells after being submitted do different in vitro fertilization protocols. The investigators will analyze hormones secretion and intracellular mechanisms of these cells comparing the GnRH agonist protocol and the GnRH antagonist protocol.

Routine Hysteroscopy in IVF/ICSI Cycles in Patients With Primary Unexplained Infertility
Primary Infertility UnspecifiedInfertility2 moreThe aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of hysteroscopy prior to starting the IVF (in vitro fertilisation) cycle on treatment outcome in women with unexplained primary infertility.