Monitoring the Early Follicular Phase With Androstenedione in Low-dose Step-up Ovulation Induction...
InfertilityOvarian Hyperstimulation SyndromeThis study aims to predefine the threshold FSH doses during the early follicular phases in low- dose step-up ovulation induction cycles used to treat anticipated high responders by monitoring total testosterone and androstenedione blood levels. The blood levels of total testosterone and androstenedione levels will be measured in patients at the starting day and at every control day when vaginal sonographic folliculometries and blood estradiol measurements are made. Hence, we are aiming to define an early monitoring parameter by which we will be able to define a follicular response to treatment before estradiol rise or apparently selected follicular growth.

Cervical Surgery and the Fertility Effect (c-SAFE)
InfertilityOver the last 20 years, cervical screening programs have had huge success in reducing cervical cancer rates. These programs have done this by screening women at risk of developing cancer with regular smear tests. Women with abnormal smears are followed up in colposcopy clinics, and where needed, cervical surgery is performed to remove pre-cancerous areas on the cervix. Surgery to the cervix can include LLETZ (Large loop excision of the transformation zone) treatment or cone biopsy. Many studies in the last few years have looked at the impact that this necessary surgery can have on the function of the cervix. These studies have mainly found an association between LLETZ treatment and an increased risk of preterm labour. There have been no large studies investigating the effect cervical surgery may have on fertility. The investigators would like to examine the impact that cervical surgery may have on a woman's future fertility. It has been postulated that cervical surgery may cause the cervix to close, preventing sperm getting through or that it may cause changes in the secretions of the cervix, secretions that are necessary for normal interaction with sperm. The investigators would like to send a questionnaire to women who have attended colposcopy. The investigators will ask these women a series of questions relating to fertility desires and divide the women in to two groups depending on whether the women needed cervical surgery for pre-cancerous lesions or not. Hypothesis: That cervical surgery has an impact on the function of the cervix and on fertility.

Examination of Serum Progesterone Levels in an IVF Population Following Two Types of Egg Aspiration...
InfertilityFemaleThe purpose of this study is to determine whether progesterone hormone levels differ following egg retrieval with a single lumen needle compared with a double lumen needle. These levels will be measured on several days before and after egg retrieval. The progesterone levels in each IVF group will also be compared to the group of women who are having IUI. In addition, these progesterone levels will be correlated with pregnancy outcomes.

Timing of COC Denudation and Embryo Quality
InfertilityFemaleThe relation between the timing of COC denudation and oocyte /embryo quality is controversial. The aim of this study is to examine whether timing of denudation of sibling oocytes has any effect on embryo quality.

Modern Analyses of the Semen in Evaluating Male Fertility and Treatment Options of Male Infertility...
InfertilityMaleMen are recruited to collect seminal plasma samples and serum samples from men with azoospermia, men receiving medical treatment of infertility and men attending semen analysis. MicroRNA (miRNA) and PiWi-interacting RNA (piRNA) are analyzed for all of the groups to find potential differences. Steroid hormones are analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.

InfertilityThe nuclear lamina (LN) consists of a network of proteins interposed between the chromatin and the internal nucleic membrane, to which it is closely associated. LN consists essentially of lamins encoded by the LMNA (Lamines A / C), LMNB1 and LMNB2 genes (BI, B2, B3 lamins). Malfunctions of the A / C-type laminates causing the production of a toxic isoform called progerin are directly responsible for various serious pathologies such as Progeria Hutchingson-Gilford. This rare disease is characterized by accelerated pathological aging. Moreover, it is known that progerin is produced in the absence of any mutation of the gene LMNA is involved in the physiological aging of tissus. The ovarian reserve of a woman is a parameter that changes with age. Although this progressive loss is inevitable in the course of life, the kinetics of this ovarian exhaustion appear variable according to the women, sometimes leading to an accelerated loss causing a discordance between the female age and the ovarian age. But ovarian age becomes a major prognostic parameter to be taken into account during any attempt at medical assistance to procreation (AMP) and is often incriminated in the failures of MPAs. There are currently few markers to predict the quality of ovarian response of women to ovarian stimulation, let alone the quality of the oocytes retrieved. However, their quality directly influences their ability to give an evolving embryo and therefore a pregnancy Our team has previously shown that type B laminates are involved in human spermiogenesis, and highlighted the human B3 isoform. These very encouraging results obtained on human spermatogenesis, have prompted us to also look at the potential interest of the exploration of the nuclear lamina within the human ovary. The aim of this project is therefore to continue the exploration of the nuclear lamina and its potential role on the quality of human gametes, by studying the follicular ovarian cells surrounding the oocyte. These cells express A / C type lamins and sometime progerin Investigators want to conduct a prospective pilot study in a cohort of 40 women in MPA, aged between 20 and 42 years. The main objective is to compare the levels of expression of the A / C, B and progerin laminae in the follicular cells of 2 groups of women: a group of infertile patients managed to induce ovulation in order to Intraconjugal AMP and a group of women managed to induce ovulation to give their oocytes. For this purpose, investigators will analyze the expression of the A / C and B lamins in RT-PCR, the localization of the lamins and progerin in immunofluorescence, and will look for quantitative variations in the production of A / C and / or progerin lamins by western- blot, depending on the age of the patients. This pilot study will allow investigators to characterize for the first time the LN of human follicular cells. They should highlight variations in the expression and / or localization of lamins and possibly progerin in patients tested according to their age and / or ovarian reserve. The team preliminary results showed that this track deserves to be explored. This is an excellent opportunity to bring new insights into the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for alteration of ovarian reserve in women and the prognosis of MPA attempts. Finally, this approach could serve as a basis for a larger, multicenter study. These markers could represent new diagnostic markers to be taken into account to evaluate the chances of pregnancy of each woman in AMP.

Role of Nutritional Support in Idiopathic Male Infertility
InfertilityMaleApproximately 100 males with idiopathic infertility and oligo- and/or astheno- and/or and/or teratozoospermia and fertile woman will take a Test dietary supplement (TDS), containing carnitine, vitamins and trace elements (active group) or carotene (control group) for 6 months (50 subjects in active and control groups). Before intake, and 2 and 4 months after the commencement of TDS, all males will have spermogram. After 6-month use of the TDS and during the 12th month of the study, couples will be screened for conception, pregnancy, and a newborn

Effect of Follicle Flushing on Oocyte Fertilization Rate
InfertilityThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of follicular flushing on fertilization rate in women undergoing IVF treatment

Antimullerian Hormone as an Indicator for Ovarian Response
InfertilityFemaleAnti Mullerian hormone (AMH) is gaining place as ovarian marker, chiefly in infertility assistance. Investigators explored its correlation with oocytes retrieval after long GnRH agonist protocol for stimulation, in younger and older infertile population. Methods: This prospective analysis compiled data of 66 females, receiving ICSI treatment from April 2016 to October 2017. Serum FSH, LH, Estadiol, AMH and antral follicle count were assessed. Outcomes were measured as good (5 to 19 oocytes) and bad responders.

Selection of Non Apoptotic Human Sperm for in Vitro Fertilization by Using Magnetic Activated Cell...
InfertilityMaleThis clinical study has been organised to help improve the embryo quality in couples having high rate of sperm showing apoptotic signs. For this, the investigators intend to use a procedure (MACS: magnetic-activated cell sorting) that allows the identification and the removal of the apoptotic sperm cells. This procedure will increase the chance of using non-apoptotic sperm during in vitro fertilization via Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). By using this procedure the investigators aim to increase the rate of embryos with good quality for these particular couples.