Predictive Value of Endometrial Cytokines in Endometrial Implantation in Cases of Intracytoplasmic...
InfertilityFor all women immediately after ovum retrieval from 80 women undergoing IVF, intra uterine salin flushing will be analyzed using a multiplex immunoassay for soluble regulators of implantation, namely Interleukin (IL)-1b, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-a,. In order to detect implantation predictors.

Recurrent Failures in assIsted Reproductive Techniques (The FIRST Registry)
InfertilityAssisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) are widely used in couples with fertility problems. However, despite ART treatment options have evolved over time, the implantation rate remains rather low. A possible role for inherited and acquired thrombophilias has been invoked, especially in women with previous implantation failures. However, several factors could play a role in these conditions. A potential benefit of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in improving ART outcomes, independently of the presence of thrombophilia, has been recently suggested. This register is designed in order to better define all possible variables influencing ART outcome and improve clinical management of women with previous implantation failures. During this study the investigators will collect and evaluate clinical data regarding the first cycle in women with previous ART failures.

Effect of Endometrial Thickness on IVF Outcome
InfertilityAlthough many studies have evaluated the relationship between endometrial thickness and IVF outcome, the results are still controversial. We notice that, during our daily work, for patients undergoing cleavage stage embryo transfer, endometrial thickness seems to have a huge impact on IVF outcome; however, for blastocyst stage embryo transfers, IVF outcome seems to have little association with endometrial thickness. Thus, the aim of this prospective observational study is to explore the relationship between endometrial thickness and IVF outcome in patients undergoing cleavage stage and blastocyst stage embryo transfers, respectively.

Changes in the Distribution of Mitochondria During Oocyte Maturation
InfertilityCytoplasmatic maturation is an important event in the general maturation of of the oocyte. Mitochondria is one of the major organelles involved in the process of cytoplasmatic maturation. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence and distribution of the mitochondria in the cytoplasma of immature oocytes that are retrieved in the routine in-vitro maturation cycle with intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). These oocytes will not undergo ICSI because of their immaturity. Usually, they are discarded. In addition to these immature oocytes the investigators shall also investigate the mitochondria in mature oocytes that underwent ICSI but did not become fertilized and are discarded.

LANDA Embryo Freezing Technique.
Primary InfertilitySecondary Infertility4 moreThe aim of this study is to track the outcome from the patients who had embryo cryopreservation as part of their Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART) treatment at West Coast Fertility Centers.

Unexplained Infertility Among Asthmatic and Atopic Patients
AtopicsUnexplained InfertilityUnexplained infertility is defined as the lack of thec ability to become pregnant during the first year, although the periods of the woman, the semen from the man and the laparoscopic findings are normal. In Denmark do roughly every fifth to seven couple in the fertile age have problems becoming pregnant for a various kind of reasons, of these are 10-15 % unexplained infertile. Many factors are pointed out as imported. In particularly lifestyle factors such as the diet, smocking, obesity, lack of physic activity and alcohol. The causal connection is yet to be found, but it is assumed that there is a link between infertility and endocrine, neurological and immunological factors. Asthma and allergy are some of the most common diseases among young people in western world .The development of these diseases are caused by both hereditary factors, and factors that also seem to be important in infertility. It is clinically observed that many unexplained infertile patients simultaneously suffer from asthma and allergy. Furthermore this group of patients seems harder to treat in terms of becoming pregnant during fertility treatment then healthy not asthmatic and non allergic persons. There is limited available data about this subject and the data that is already collected does not show a clear tendency. Hypothesis: Atopic asthma is characterized by a systemic inflammation and can therefore be the reason for infertility among this group of patients. The aim: The aim of this study is to examine whether female asthmatics and allergic are less fertile then healthy females- whether there is there a link between asthma and infertility. Furthermore if an optimal asthma treatment during fertility treatment reduces time to pregnancy.

A New Revolutionary 3-Injection- Protocol in Infertile Women
InfertilityFemaleThis is a prospective randomised study of the evaluation of the clinical IVF results after following a new revolutionary 3-Injection- Protocol for controlled ovarian stimulation in infertile women.

Optimal Embryonic Stage for Transfer in Poor Responders
Poor Response to Ovulation InductionInfertility1 moreA Prospective cohort study including couples with poor responder females who undergoing ICSI

Site of Embryo Transfer in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
InfertilityThe technique of embryo transfer is thought to affect the implantation and pregnancy rate .At present, the implantation site can be estimated from the location of the very early gestational sac by transvaginal ultrasound.

Effect of Reproductive Tract Microbiota on Pregnancy Outcome in IVF/ICSI
InfertilityRecurrent Implantation Failure1 moreA single center,observational cohort study to explore the relationship between reproductive tract microbiota and pregnancy outcome in the patients accepted IVF/ICSI. To investigate whether there is a correlation between reproductive tract microbiota and IVF/ICSI outcomes. Whether there are differences in reproductive tract microbiota (such as vagina, follicular fluid, uterine cavity, etc.) in patients with different pregnancy outcomes.