Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Azoospermic Patients: a Comparison Between Obstructive and Non-obstructive...
Male InfertilityThe researchers hypothesized that nonobstructive azoospermia might be associated with a reduction OF SSCs in seminiferous tubules as compared with obstructive azoospermia. Testicular sperm specimens that had been previously extracted from azoospermic patients will be paraffin embedded and stained with anti GPR-125. After antigen retrieval, the sections will be incubated with rabbit anti GPR125 followed by Cy3-conjugated anti rabbit secondary antibodies. Those found to be SSCs will be counted using light microscopy, and compared between patients with obstructive (n=11) and non-obstructive azoospermia (n=9).

Identifying Disease Mechanisms Underlying the Association Between Asthma and Infertility - The INFLammation...
AsthmaInfertility1 moreTo investigate if asthma affects the inflammatory balance of the endometrium and thereby interfere with implantation, as indicated by the characteristics of the inflammatory cells in the endometrium and airways in women with asthma who are referred for IUI or IVF due to infertility, compared to otherwise healthy women who are referred for IUI or IVF due to infertility.

Clinical Application of Laparo-endoscopic Single-site Surgery and Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic...
Cervical CancerEndometrial Cancer,Endometrial Lesion & Adnexal Lesion,Ectopic Pregnancy & Infertility,Pelvic Obstructive Disorder & Genital Tract DeformityThe GLESS registry is a prospective multi-center observational registry. Data from the time of patient admission, operation, discharge, and follow-up will be collected for this registry. Eight gynecological conditions included were: cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, endometrial lesion, adnexal lesion, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pelvic obstructive disorder, and genital tract deformity.

Cavity Evaluation Before Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
InfertilityUterine cavity evaluation is an integral part of assessment Of women for ICSI

HbA1c in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
InfertilityICSI has increased nowadays for treating cases of longstanding infertility . HbA1c has an important value in evaluating glucose level in blood

The Accuracy of Endometrial Ultrasound to Predict Implantation
InfertilitySubfertilityTo measure the accuracy of different ultrasound endometrial patterns to predict successful embryo implantation during assisted conception; in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Risk Factors of Psychiatric Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction in Infertile Men
AnxietyDepression2 moreTo investigate the prevalence of psychological symptoms and sexual dysfunction, and to estimate their possible interactions in infertile men.

Why Subfertile Couples Drop Out
SubfertilityDropout rates for fertility treatments are high. This study will examine the rate of patients that drop out during any type of subfertility work up or treatment. Furthermore, we will determine what reasons for discontinuation are and we will identify the demographic characteristics of the couples and the prognostic factors for drop out during assessment or treatment at a Fertility Centre in the Isala (Zwolle), Erasmus University Centre (Rotterdam), Elisabeth Twee Steden Hospital (Tilburg), Reinier de Graaf Group (Voorburg), St Antonius Hospital (Nieuwegein), Maxima Medical Centre (Veldhoven) and Noordwest Hospital Group (Den Helder/Alkmaar) in The Netherlands.

Psychological Profile of Women With Infertility in Egypt: A Comparative Study
InfertilityThe aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of psychological affection in infertile egyptian women

Second Step Protocol in Poor Ovarian Responder (POR)
InfertilityFemale2 moreReduced ovarian reserve and the consequent poor ovarian response are very recurent in infertile patients, indeed a percentage of 10%-24% of couples addressed to infertility program may be classified as Poor Ovarian Responder (POR). Objective: To evaluate whether the repeated luteal phase stimulation (Second Step) permits a significantly higher number of oocytes retrieved in POR when compared to conventional follicular stimulation. Interventions: The follicular phase stimulation is conduced according to a standardized Antagonist protocol or Short protocol (with GnRH agonist) using recombinant or urinary gonadotropins (starting dose 300 or 450 UI) or a long lasting recombinant gonadotropin (Corifollitropin alfa 150 mcg). Two - six days after the first oocyte retrieval a second gonadotropin stimulation will be started with a GnRH antagonist protocol (the stimulation will be started with 250 UI of human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) and a GnRH antagonist (GnRH-an) 0,25 mg\die will be administered when the leading follicle is ≥ 14 mm until hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) criteria are met. When at least two follicles had reached 17-18 mm in diameter, ovulation will be triggered with a single subcutaneous bolus of urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (10.000 UI ) and oocyte retrieval will be performed after 35 hours. Two or Three months after the second oocyte retrieval the Embryo transfer (ET) will be performed after endometrial preparation with Estradiol Valerate and intramuscular Progesterone.