Sexual Intercourse and Vaginal Absorption of Progesterone
InfertilityThe objective of this project is to compare the vaginal absorption of progesterone administered in the vaginal ovum by measuring progesteroneemia in 3 situations (or "sexual event"): abstinence, sex protected by condoms and unprotected sex.

Testing a New Self-help Intervention for Infertility Related Distress: a Pilot Study
InfertilityFemaleThis pilot study will test the effect of a 6-week self-help program in improving fertility-related quality of life as well as anxious and depressive symptoms, in women with infertility.

Effects of Intrauterine Administration of Autologous PBMC Modulated With IFNt on Endometrial Cell...
InfertilityThe aim of this clinical trial is to investigate the change in endometrial composition during the window of implantation following intrauterine administration of PBMC immunomodulated with IFNt. Patients seeking assisted reproductive therapy will be invited to participate. Two endometrial biopsies will be obtained from each patient during mid-secretory phase of two consecutive menstrual cycles. The first biopsy will be obtained one month before the intervention, and the second one - a day after intrauterine administration of the tested cell treatment which will take place the following month. Immunohistochemistry analysis of the cell composition of the endometrium will be performed.

MIcronized PROgesterone in Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles
InfertilityThis randomized trial was designed as non-inferiority trial aiming to compare ongoing pregnancy rates following LPS with 600 mg/day vs 800 mg/day vaginal VMP. All patients will undergo an artificial cycle frozen embryo transfer (AC-FET) with transdermal estradiol 6mg/day Patients undergoing an artificial cycle FET will start estrogen priming with transdermal estradiol 6mg/day (Estrogel®) on cycle D1-D3. Following 10-12 days of estrogen priming, patients will be randomized to luteal phase support with a standard formulation (200mg tid, Utrogestan®) or a new formulation (400mg bid) VMP. All patients will undergo a serum P measurement on the day before embryo transfer (ET). Patients with P<10 ng/ml will receive a supplement of oral micronized progesterone 300mg, while patients with P≥10ng/ml will maintain the previous luteal phase support (LPS) protocol

A Pilot Study on Fertility Conservative Treatment of Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia in Singapore...
Endometrial HyperplasiaFertility Issues2 moreThe investigators' objective is to determine the regression rate, side effects and acceptability of Mirena compared to megace in the treatment of atypical endometrial hyperplasia among women desiring fertility.

Randomized Trial Comparing Early "Trigger" Versus Delayed "Trigger" Timing in Cycles of Controlled...
InfertilityFemaleThis randomized trial will compare the efficacy of two different times of administration of medications for final oocyte maturation, commonly called a "trigger", in cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for cycles in which all embryos will be cryopreserved ("freeze-all cycles").

Platelet Rich Plasma for Insufficient Endometrium
Infertility of Uterine OriginTo determine the effectiveness of an intrauterine PRP infusion on endometrial thickness and in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes in a population of infertile women with a history of unresponsive thin endometrium.

FRIEND: Fibroids and Unexplained Infertility Treatment With Epigallocatechin Gallate; A Natural...
LeiomyomaUterineThe objective of this study is to determine the effect of low caffeine green tea extract containing 45% epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on fibroids and subsequent pregnancy and live births in women seeking fertility treatment. The population will consist of 200 women desirous of conceiving, ages ≥18 to ≤40 years (at time of consent), and known to have class 2-6 fibroids, according to the FIGO staging system.

Tailored Ovarian Stimulation Based on BMI, AMH, AFC
InfertilityThe study objective is to develop a tailored based strategy for ovarian stimulation in IVF patients using AMH, BMI, antral follicle count (AFC). 300 patients will be randomized in 2 arms: control group: standard care rec FSH. study group: modified dose of Rec FSH based on AFC with a correction factor based on BMI and basal AMH level. Primary endpoints: number of mature follicles and eggs collected at egg retrieval; amount of rec FSH used. Secondary endpoints: fertilization rate; cleavage rate; clinical pregnancy rate; inhibin B and AMH levels during ovarian stimulation.

Autologous Ovarian Tissue Transplantation
Primary Ovarian InsufficiencyFemale InfertilityChemotherapy and radiation for cancer and other conditions can cause infertility. Several centers around the world are cryopreserving ovarian tissue from these patients though an experimental protocol, including the Fertility Preservation Program in Pittsburgh (protocol PRO08050491). The objective of this study is to study the efficacy and safety of autologous tissue transplantation in patients diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency after chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments.