Progesterone as Luteal Support in Frozen IVF Natural Cycles
InfertilityEmbryo TransferThe ProFET study aims to investigate if luteal phase support by vaginal progesterone, is superior to no luteal phase support, in terms of live birth rate per woman after a frozen embryo transfer (FET), in a natural cycle (NC) after in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and if 7 weeks of treatment is superior to 3 weeks duration.

A Trial of Sperm Injection (PICSI) on Miscarriage Rates in Assisted Conception
InfertilityMiscarriagePhysiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection (PICSI) is a technique used to select healthy, mature sperm for use in infertility treatment based on their physiological ability to bind to hyaluronan (HA), a natural compound found in the body. The relationship between sperm and hyaluronan can be used a marker of sperm maturity and optimal fertilising potential; this principle can be observed in vitro using a PICSI sperm selection device. The PICSI Dish contains microdots of hyaluronan, which only mature sperm bind to and these are selected by the embryologist prior to use in the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure. Recurrent miscarriages following infertility treatment are mainly idiopathic, but can be linked with increased chromosomal abnormalities. PICSI has been shown to result in better embryo development and reduced chromosomal abnormalities, due to selection of mature sperm with low DNA damage. Therefore, PICSI may be a useful tool for reducing the rate of miscarriage following infertility treatment. The recent HABSelect study investigated treatment outcomes following PICSI, and whilst they concluded no effect on livebirth rate, they found a significant association in their secondary analysis between PICSI and reduced miscarriage rate compared to ICSI. The implications of the HABSelect study deserve to be explored further with miscarriage rate assessed as a primary outcome measure. This proof-of-concept randomised-controlled-trial aims to investigate whether PICSI shows some promise that would merit evaluation in a fully-powered trial to assess its efficacy as an advanced sperm selection method for the reduction of miscarriage rate. Eligible study participants will be patients undergoing fertility treatment using ICSI, who have provided consent for PICSI. Patients will be randomly allocated to two groups: the control group will receive ICSI according to standard protocol, and the intervention group will have additional sperm selection by HA-binding in a PICSI dish.

Microfluidic Chip Method Versus Density Gradient Centrifugation Method on Semen Parameters
InfertilityInfertility affects many couples, with male infertility being a common cause. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective treatment, but its success rates are not high. Semen quality can affect IVF outcomes, and the current method used to process semen can damage the sperm and DNA. Scientists are now testing a new method called microfluidic chip technology, which reduces DNA damage and increases sperm movement. This study will compare the effectiveness of the chip method and the current method on semen quality in men attending a fertility clinic. The study will randomly assign semen collected to one of the two methods and assess the semen quality using different tests, as well as the difference in using two different microfluidic chip platform . The primary outcome will be DNA fragmentation, and other outcomes include sperm count and motility. Semen samples would be collected from study subjects for analysis and that both the samples and results would not be used in patients' treatment.

GnRH Agonist for Dual Trigger in IVF and for Luteal Phase Support in FET
SubfertilityThe objectives of this study are to compare the efficacy of the dual trigger group vs the hCG trigger group on the live birth rate in women undergoing IVF and the efficacy of the agonist in LP group vs the placebo group on the live birth rate in women undergoing FET.

DNA Damage and Subfertility in Males - Lifestyle Interventions to Improve Male Fertility and Health...
InfertilityA lifestyle intervention study in infertile males of couples seeking fertility treatment with a DNA fragmentation index (DFI) above 15 percentage. A reduction in DNA fragmentation index of 10 percentage points is expected after 3-4 months of intervention.

Recombinant LH Supplementation Timing Strategies (From Day 1 or Day 6) to a Standard GnRH Agonist...
Infertility,FemaleA randomized, controlled, pilot study, for Patients ≥ 35 years and < 40 years old with sufficient ovarian reserve parameters (AFC≥ 5), but showed an unexpected poor or suboptimal ovarian response(defined as ≤ 9 retrieved oocytes in previous full-stimulation cycle, but not get live birth after all embryos were used ). In order to get better oocyte number and quality in the new COS cycle, we will compare LH supplementation from beginning with from middle of stimulation in GnRH-a long protocol.

Uterus Transplantation Procedure From a Live Donor
Rokitansky Kuster Hauser SyndromeSterility1 moreAbsolut uterine factor, meaning the absence of uterus, represents a cause for sterility without the possibility of a present treatment. The uterine factor affects millions of women and may be due to congenital problems, such as the Muller anomalies (Mayer Rockitansky Syndrome) or acquired by previous hysterectomy or intrauterine adhesions (Asherman's Syndrome). The uterine transplant would represent the only possibility for patients with an absolute uterine factor to achieve both genetic and gestational maternity.

Live Birth After Additional Tubal Flushing With Oil-based Contrast Versus no Additional Flushing:...
InfertilityFemaleTen to 15 percent of couples in their reproductive lifetime face fertility problems which is defined by WHO as the absence of pregnancy after minimal 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. The three most frequent causes of subfertility are: sperm defects, ovulation disorders and tubal pathology. In order to exclude tubal pathology, tubal patency tests are performed under ultrasound guidance with foam (hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (Hyfosy)) or with contrast/water (hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (Hycosy)). This trial will investigate whether tubal flushing with an oil-soluble contrast medium (OSCM) can increase the likelihood of a spontaneous conception after tubal patency testing with Hyfosy under ultrasound guidance compared to no additional flushing in a population of infertile women between 18 and 40 years of age with absence of pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or who have three cycles of donor insemination without pregnancy or three ovulatory ovulation induction cycles without pregnancy. The use of Lipiodol Ultra Fluide® is off-label in Hyfosy. This multicenter, randomised, open-label, comparative and pragmatic trial compares 2 arms which will be randomised 1:1: Intervention group: Tubal flush with 5-10mL oil-soluble contrast medium (Lipiodol Ultra Fluide®, Guerbet, France) immediately after Hyfosy Control group: No additional intervention after Hyfosy The study comprises a screening period of maximum 8 weeks (w-8 to d1), randomisation (w-8 to d1), a start study visit at which the Hyfosy is performed (d1) and a fertility treatment period of 6 months (d1-w26). If the woman is not pregnant at 6 months after Hyfosy, the follow-up will last till 12 months (w52). If the participant is pregnant at 6 months after Hyfosy, the follow-up will last till maximal 4 months after live birth or miscarriage. The primary endpoint is the occurrence of live birth, with the first day of the last menstrual cycle in which the patient conceives within 6 months after Hyfosy. Secondary endpoints consist of reproductive outcomes, gestational age at delivery, birth weight, neonatal mortality, major congenital anomaly, neonatal outcomes and thyroid function, pregnancy complications, number of complications during or immediately after the intervention, pain score of the Hyfosy and additional flush, thyroid function of the mother, general and disease-specific quality of life.

The Therapeutic Effect of Co-administration of Pentoxifylline and Zinc in Men With Idiopathic Asthenozoospermia...
Men InfertilityThe aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of co-administration of pentoxifylline and zinc on sperm apoptosis in men with idiopathic infertility

Randomized Controlled Trial of Combined Letrozole and Clomid (CLC II) Versus Letrozole Alone for...
Polycystic Ovary SyndromePCOS1 moreThis study evaluates the addition of clomiphene citrate (CC) to letrozole for the treatment of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome across a course of two treatment cycles with stair step dosing of letrozole similar to standard of care. Half of the participants will receive letrozole and CC in combination, while the other half will receive letrozole alone.