Switching From Ticagrelor to Prasugrel in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute Coronary SyndromeThis study proposes to conduct the switch from ticagrelor to prasugrel in an organized stepwise manner, to allow for the evaluation of the relative efficacy of prasugrel versus ticagrelor using a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial design.

Vaginal Estradiol vs Oral Beta-3 Agonist for Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Overactive Bladder SyndromeA single site, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial for postmenopausal women with urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia with or without urgency urinary incontinence symptoms. Patient's will be randomized between 0.01% vaginal estradiol cream with placebo oral pill or daily 50 milligrams oral Mirabegron with a placebo vaginal cream for 12 weeks.

Study of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone on Children With Frequent Relapse or Steroid-dependent Nephrotic...
Nephrotic Syndrome in ChildrenPrimary nephrotic syndrome accounts for approximately 90% of the total number of nephrotic syndrome in childhood and it is the most common glomerular disease in children. Although treatment with steroids is useful for primary nephrotic syndrome, proving to cause frequent relapse/steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome after treatment and the usage of immunosuppressive agents has become a new choice for the treatment of such patients. This study is a prospective, multicenter, randomized,open-label clinical trial, evaluating the efficacy and safety of steroid combined with adrenocorticotrophic hormone(ACTH) to children who with frequently relapsing or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome, all we wish to obtain the proper drug choice and individualized treatment options for children with nephrotic syndrome.

Ultrasound-guided Dextrose Injection Versus Dextrose With Methylprednisolone in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThe goal of this prospective, randomized, double-blinded, head-to-head comparative study is to compare the efficacy of ultrasound-guided 4 ml 5% dextrose perineural injection versus 3 ml 5% dextrose with 1 ml 40 mg/ml methylprednisolone perineural injection in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The main questions it aims to answer are: Is there a difference in efficacy between interventions regarding 1. pain alleviation, 2. improvement in symptoms severity and functional status, 3. improvement in grip strength, 4. size of median nerve cross-sectional area, and 5. improvement in quality of life during the six-month post-intervention follow-up period?

Study of V117957 in Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Overactive Bladder SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of V117957 in subjects with overactive bladder syndrome, compared to placebo.

Droperidol on Prevention of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome
Cannabis Hyperemesis SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of droperidol as a treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.

Lactobacillus-containing Cultured Milk Drink Alleviates Depression Score Among Adults With Irritable...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Subthreshold DepressionIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is frequently associated with any form of psychiatric comorbidities including subthreshold or subclinical depression. Modification of gut ecology with probiotics has implicitly improved IBS and depressive symptoms. However, the efficacy of probiotics on IBS with existing subthreshold depression remain elusive. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of lactobacillus-containing cultured milk drink on depression scores in adults diagnosed with IBS.

A Clinical Study of CD19/BCMA CAR-T Cells in the Treatment of Refractory POEMS Syndrome, Amyloidosis,...
POEMS SyndromeAmyloidosis2 moreA Clinical Study on the Safety and Effectiveness of CD19/BCMA Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells in the Treatment of Refractory POEMS Syndrome, Amyloidosis, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, and Vasculitis

EA for BPS: An RCT and Study for Central Mechanism
Bladder Pain SyndromeThis is a randomized controlled and assessor-blinded design trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture for bladder pain syndrome(BPS). All eligible participants will be randomly assigned to the medication group(n=21), EA group(n=42) and SA group(n=21) in a 1:2:1 allocation ratio. Participants will receive 4-week treatments phase followed by a 4-week follow-up phase. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline, during the treatment and at the end of the follow-up. Outcome assessors, data managers and statisticians will be blinded to the group allocation, while acupuncturists and participants will not be blinded for obvious reasons. Besides, fMRI will be used to collect spontaneous electrical activity of the brain of patients. In this trial, the investigators assume that electroacupuncture for BPS, compared to amitriptyline, is instrumental in improving symptoms such as pain, frequent micturition and emotional disorder.

Effects of Active Video Gaming on Pre-handwriting Skills of Children With Down Syndrome.
Down SyndromeDown's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by trisomy 21. Down's syndrome is most common genetic mental disability that affects children physically, mentally and functionally. It occurs due to an extra copy of chromosome 21. It involves a slightly flattened facial profile, low muscle tone upward-slanted eyes, and ligamentous laxity. Central hypotonia, mental retardation and short stature are very common features of children with down's syndrome. Children with down's syndrome are characterized by awkward movements, gait, increased flexibility of joints, timing of mastering of basic skills and , under-development of fine motor skills. Active video gaming used different games that involve interactive session that can enhance cortical recognition, motor learning and functional profile of children with DS. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of active video gaming on pre-hand writing skills of children with down's syndrome. This will be a RCT(Randomized Controlled Trial).The sample size was 18 and the study design was a case-control trial. The inclusion criteria are children with down syndrome age 6 to 12 years both male and female patients are randomly selected and children with poor pre-hand writing skills. And the exclusion criteria for this study is children with any other neurological condition like (epilepsy, instability of atlantoaxial joints, cardiac anomalies,) vision, and hearing loss. Two groups were randomly assigned and equally divided patients into each group. Group A received pre-handwriting skills, like tracing alphabets and numbers, scribbling, coloring, painting, and group B received active video gaming and prehandwriting skills. For measuring each group developmental coordination disorder questionnaire tool is used. The session will be taken 30 mins thrice a week for (8consecutive weeks). Data collected from different centers, Raising sun institute of special education. Autism resource center Lahore. SPSS for Windows software, version 25 will be used to analyze the data using statistical Significance p=0.05. The Shapiro-Wilk test will be used to check the normality of data. Keywords: Active video gaming, Down syndrome, Computer game, Fine motor skills, Pre-hand writing skills, Virtual reality gaming.