
Active clinical trials for "Syndrome"

Results 9671-9680 of 9759

Role of the Stress in the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome

Anxiety DisordersDepressive Disorders2 more

The purpose of this study is determine the incidence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in people of high risk, of 40 or more years and attended in the Primary Care. Evaluating the association between anxiety, depression, quality of life and the vital stressful events, and the development of the metabolic syndrome in general population. Our hypothesis is that population of the cohort with bigger degree of stress will develop earlier the metabolic syndrome. If our hypothesis about the metabolic syndrome are demonstrated, it would allow establishing in a future interventions on these factors of risk to prevent or to decrease the incidence of this syndrome in the Primary Care.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

Morphology of the VMO in Patients With PFPS and Healthy Young Adults--A Sonographic Study

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Background:Patellofemoral pain syndrome(PFPS) is a common knee disorder characterized by anterior or retropatellar pain associated with activities that load the patellofemoral joint. Previous studies reveal that the vastus medialis obliquus(VMO) is an important dynamic medial stabilizer of the patellar. Insufficiency of the VMO leads to lateral shift of the patella and the increases the patellofemoral contact force. An in vitro study conducted by Hubbard JK. et al. claimed that there were no significant relationship between several morphologic characteristics of the VMO and the extent of patellofemoral joint deterioration. We consider that the condition might be different in vivo, so we chose ultrasonogrphy as the measurement tool to examine the morphology of the VMO in PFPS patients and healthy controls. Purpose:To determine if there are significant differences in several morphologic parameters of the VMO between patients with PFPS and healthy controls under 50. Method:31 PFPS patients and 31 matched healthy adults under 50 were recruited for the study. The HDI 5000 ultrasonography machine was used to evaluate morphologic parameters of the VMO, including the percent of patella attachment, fiber angle, the volume attached to the patella, and the change of shape of the VMO.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

Abnormal Expression Proteins, Mitochondrial DNA and miRNA of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel SyndromeDigestive System Diseases5 more

In the investigators study, the investigators will focus on the screening of the related proteins and miRNA to IBS in order to reveal the possible clues or molecular mechanism for this disorder.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

Confocal Microscopy and Lacrimal Gland in Sjogren's Syndrome

Primary Sjogren's Syndrome

Traditional methodological clinical and instrumental diagnostics of the lacrimal gland for the study of glandular architecture and functions are limited and include analysis of tear constituents, evaluation of apparent diffusion coefficients in magnetic resonance imaging and histopathological evaluation of lacrimal gland biopsy specimens. Confocal microscopy is a new emerging technology which is useful as a supplementary diagnostic tool for in vivo assessment of anterior-segment disorders.The use of in vivo confocal microscopy in a comparative study of the microscopic morphology of the salivary/lacrimal glands have not been reported up to date. In this study, we employ laser scanning confocal microscopy to evaluate the morphological changes of the salivary/lacrimal glands in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome and compare the results with those of healthy control subjects.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

Study of Hypercortisolism in Cushing's Syndrome and Stress-Induced Pseudo-Cushing's Syndrome

Cushing's Syndrome

OBJECTIVES: I. Determine whether Cushing's syndrome and stress-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome can be differentiated by evaluating endogenous corticotropin-releasing hormone activity.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Adhesion to the GENEPY Network

Hereditary Cancer SyndromeHereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer1 more

In order to best meet the needs of all those affected by the genetic risk of cancer in our region, it is important to identify the factors likely to influence the course leading to the GENEPY surveillance network. The aim of this study is to evaluatie the adhesion to the network of care of people at genetic risk of cancer in Midi-Pyrénées (GENEPY).

Unknown status3 enrollment criteria

Understanding Abdominal Pain in IBD and IBS

Abdominal PainInflammatory Bowel Diseases1 more

Abdominal pain is a central symptom of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBD is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. IBS does not have clear biomarkers and is diagnosed based on symptom reports. The aim of this study is to explore biopsychosocial factors which may perpetuate and/or increase the severity of pain in these conditions. The main focus will be on the role of top-down brain processes in the experience of abdominal pain.

Unknown status15 enrollment criteria

Electromechanical Profiling of the Long-QT Syndrome (LQTS)

Long QT SyndromeSudden Cardiac Death1 more

High-resolution, non-invasive electromechanical mapping in genotyped long-QT syndrome patients and healthy controls at baseline and during smart provocation.

Unknown status17 enrollment criteria

The Oscillation of Crystalline and Intraocular Lenses

Marfan's Syndrome With Ocular ManifestationsPseudoexfoliation Syndrome3 more

The crystalline lens of the human eye helps to sharpen vision. There can be issues with the support/stability of the lens. This could be seen with the naked eye of an external observer or with the use of a slit lamp. Certain eye conditions can predispose to issues with lens stability. If patients have stability issues with their natural lens- this would be termed as "phakodonesis". However, in patients who have had prior cataract surgery with implantation of an artificial lens (IOL)- this would be termed as "pseudophakodonesis". Eye conditions such as pseudoexfoliation or Marfan-syndrome can lead to unstable lens support- this can be detected if there are advanced stability issues. However, small instability in the eye's would not be detected with present descriptive methods. The authors have designed a high-speed camera which is able to detect stability of the lens, especially during eye movements. The high-speed camera can detect variation in the change of light reflex from the lens and calculate the amount of lens instability/oscillation. The results (in normal eyes) of this high-speed camera has already been published in a peer-review journal. It is non-contact and measures lens movement. The test lasts less than 5 minutes. Further research is required to assess the amount of lens oscillation (wobbling) in different eye populations - patients with previous cataract surgery (an artificial implant is used to replace the lens) or eye conditions (such as pseudoexfoliation, Marfan syndrome). The amount of lens stability has a role in the planning of further intraocular surgery - especially cataract extraction - however, at present, there is no approved quantitative measurement for this. Participants will be recruited through Anglia Ruskin University (educational establishment), local community groups, and through Southend University Hospital eye clinics (NHS organisation). Participants' data will remain anonymous.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Conventional MRI Versus MR Arthrography in Evaluation of Ankle Impingement Syndromes and Intra Articular...

Ankle Impingement Syndrome

Chronic ankle pain is a common clinical problem with a wide differential diagnosis. Soft-tissue and osseous impingement syndromes are now increasingly recognized as a significant cause of chronic ankle pain. Ankle impingement syndromes are defined as pathologic conditions resulting in chronic, painful restriction to movement at the tibiotalar articulation secondary to soft-tissue or osseous abnormalities. Ankle impingement is classified according to its anatomic relationship to the tibiotalar joint as anterolateral, anterior, anteromedial, posteromedial, or posterior impingement.

Unknown status3 enrollment criteria

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