Establishing a Data Base for Aplastic Anemia and Other Marrow Failure Syndrome
Aplastic Anemia and Other Marrow Failure SyndromeEstablishing a Data Base for Aplastic Anemia and Other Marrow Failure Syndrome

Preconceptional Thromboprophylaxis in Recurrent PREGNANCY LOSSES Caused by Antiphospholipid Syndrome...
Recurrent Pregnancy LossesPositive Anti Phospholipid SyndromePreconceptional use of low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) and aspirin in patient with recurrent miscarriages with positive anti phospholipid antibodies increase the implantation rate and the duration of pregnancy with low complications to the mother and the baby.

Glycosylated Ferritin in Macrophagic Activation Syndromes
Still's DiseaseAdult-Onset2 moreIn healthy subjects, from 50 to 80 % of the serum ferritin is glycosylated [1, 2] . A decrease in the percentage of ferritin glycosylation can be observed in inflammatory diseases, malignancies, infections, or liver disease but is rarely less than 20% [3 , 4] . Percentage of glycosylated ferritin below 20% have been described in patients with adult Still's disease and haemophagocytosis lymphohistiocytic syndromes (HLH). The glycosylated ferritin has been included in the diagnostic criteria for Still's disease in adults. A cut-off of less than 20 % has a sensitivity and specificity of 72 and 69 % respectively , and 35 and 94 % when combined with a total ferritin level greater than 5 times normal value. This parameter was also suggested to be a more specific marker to confirm a diagnosis of HLH than a high ferritin level ( > 500μg / L). However, several limitations of this parameter were highlighted, some conditions making its interpretation difficult : particularly in cases of major hepatic cytolysis and severe sepsis (miliary tuberculosis, lymphoma and disease Adult Still). It is not always possible to distinguish severe sepsis, HLH syndrome and Still's disease. A fine analysis of various glycoforms components of ferritin could be used to distinguish different subgroups of patients. Few data are available on the mechanism of secretion and glycosylation of ferritin, but the investigators assume that the glycosylation patterns of ferritin may vary between different disease states and reflect distinct underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.

Development of a Blood Test for Marfan Syndrome
Marfan SyndromeMarfan Related Disorders1 moreThe objective of this study is to determine whether a simple blood test can be a useful clinical tool for monitoring aortic disease in Marfan syndrome and Marfan-related disorders.

Observational Study to Investigate the Melatonin and Cortisol Circadian Rhythms of Individuals With...
Smith Magenis SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to characterize the circadian rhythm disruption experienced by patients as determined by plasma melatonin, cortisol, and other circadian analytes

Timing of Optimal Platelet Inhibition After Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute Coronary SyndromeCoronary Stenting1 moreComparison of two antiplatelet strategies between months 1 and 12 after coronary stenting for ACS. Efficiency and tolerance évaluation

Prospective Cohort Study of the Effect of Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery on Morbid Obesity Patients...
ObesityMetabolic SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to determine the change in kidney function and blood pressure after gastric bypass versus conventional medical therapy in morbid obesity. The study mainly focus on glomerular filtration rate(GFR) with known relation to the renal function and 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring after intervention of gastric bypass or medical treatment.

Vascular Ultrasound Versus Intravascular Ultrasound for Diagnosing Iliac Vein Obstruction
Iliac Vein ObstructionMay-Thurner Syndrome1 moreDetermine the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of vascular ultrasound, using direct and indirect ultrasonographic signs, in the obstructive diseases of iliac venous segment, in patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency (CEAP 3-6), considering the intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) as the gold standard for this diagnosis. Develop an algorithm for noninvasive ultrasound investigation of obstructive lesions in the iliac segment in patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency (CEAP 3-6).

Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes in the Lazio Region of Italy
Acute Coronary SyndromesThe NET-SCA Registry has been designed to document and evaluate the clinical epidemiology and current management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in the Lazio Region of Italy.

Investigation of Biomarkers in Susac Syndrome
Susac SyndromeSusac Syndrome is a rare disease and the establishment of the diagnosis is often difficult. The aim of this investigation is to identify relevant biomarkers and to elucidate the pathogenesis of Susac syndrome