The Prognostic Assessment of Extubation in Aged Patients With Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome...
Multiple Organ Dysfunction SyndromeThe multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) has remained the major factor contributing to prolongation of intensive and mortality. It is reported that the mortality rates have varied between 20% and 100%, depending on number, severity, duration, type and combination, and definition of dysfunction. In our study, the investigators explore some comprehensive treatment technology to improved outcomes of MODS patients.

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients With Schizophrenia in Korea
SchizophreniaMetabolic SyndromeThe aim of this study is to examine the prevalence of the Metabolic syndrome(MetS) in Korean patients with schizophrenia. Primary objective: • To investigate the prevalence of the MetS in Korean patients with schizophrenia Secondary objectives: • To compare the prevalence of the MetS among 3 groups according to antipsychotics: typical antipsychotic monotherapy group, atypical antipsychotic monotherapy group, 2 or more antipsychotics group (polypharmacy)

Real World Assessment of Effects of Beta-blockers on Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute Coronary SyndromeThe study is aimed to optimized the dose-adjusted regimen of beta-blockers in patients with acute coronary syndrome by investigating therapeutic and curative results of target doses Beta-blockers using the dose-adjusted pathway of beta-blockers.

Generation of Marfan Syndrome and Fontan Cardiovascular Models Using Patient-specific Induced Pluripotent...
Marfan's SyndromeMedical researchers of National Heart Centre Singapore will carry out a state-of-the-art study that examines the possibility of changing patients' own cells into multi-functional and potent stem cells called iPS cells. These iPS cells can subsequently give rise to functional cardiac cells (myocytes) and other cardiovascular cells which might give further clues into the manifestation of the structural heart disease. This study involves blood sample collection for pre-screening and skin biopsies to establish skin cell culture.

Collection of Samples From Patients With MDS
Myelodysplastic Syndromes(MDS)The purpose of this study is to collect information and bone marrow, blood, saliva, cheek cells and skin to be used in the laboratory to assist the sponsor in identifying a new way of treating MDS.

Serum Concentrations, Physical and Psychological Well-being in Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic SyndromeThe purpose of this study was to investigate the serum concentrations, physical and psychological well-being characteristics in patients having chronic musculoskeletal pain with metabolic syndrome, and to compare patients without metabolic syndrome.

Observatory on Emergency Care for Acute Coronary Syndrome in Grand Est of France
Acute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose is to build up a data observatory of individuals with thoracic pain evoking acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The aim is the characterization of this population of patients consulting at emergency department, the evaluation of therapeutic strategies with regard to guidelines and the becoming of patients including severe complications and mortality.

The Brugada Syndrome: a Follow-up Study
Brugada SyndromeAlthough for many years the Brugada syndrome has been labelled as a purely electrical disease in the structurally normal heart, the evolution of imaging techniques has enabled the discovery of subtle morphofunctional alterations in some of the Brugada syndrome patients. We will use new echocardiographic techniques to assess cardiac function in these patients and new parameters will be evaluated for their prognostic value as risk stratificators.

MRI & MRV in Pelvic Congestion Syndrome in Females
Pelvic Pain SyndromeTo investigate the feasibility of MRI and MRV in diagnosis of pelvic congestion syndrome.

Potential Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of microRNAs for the Patients of Acute Coronary Syndrome...
Acute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential diagnostic and prognosis value of circulating microRNAs compared with cTnI for suspected ACS patients at the emergency department (ED) and intensive care unit (ICU).