Impression & Prosthesis Quality Made From Different Polyvinylsiloxane Impression Techniques
Endodontically Treated TeethMissing Teeth5 moreThis randomized controlled trial is to clinically assess and compare impression quality of polyvinylsiloxane impression material using one step (experimental) and two step (control) impression techniques and its effect on marginal fit of prosthesis and proximal contact of prosthesis.

One vs Two Visits Root Canal Treatments in Infected Teeth
Apical PeriodontitisPain2 moreThe primary aim of the study is to compare the outcome of one vs two visits endodontics (root canal treatments) performed in general dental practice of infected (necrotic) teeth, one and four years after treatment. Secondary aims are to compare the root filling quality and the frequency of complications for both treatment modalities. A pilot study will identify the shortcomings of the protocol, which will be revised accordingly. A multi-center study in several clinics from five counties throughout Sweden is planned. Consecutive eligible patients (see inclusion and exclusion criteria) with one tooth each will be included. The study sample size calculation was based on a judgement that a minimal worthwhile effect of less than 10% was not clinically relevant. The presumption was that successful outcomes would be of 75% and 65% for the different treatment arms, respectively. Three hundred and fifty six patients per group are thus needed to detect that difference as statistical significant with a power of 80% and an alfa-error of 5%. To compensate for around 30% drop-outs a number of 1000 patients will be recruited. Patients will be randomly enrolled in two arms: one in which the endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) is performed in one visit, and in the other arm in two visits. The allocation sequences for one vs multiple visit endodontics will be computer generated followed by a dark colored envelope concealed allocation. The patients will be contacted by telephone 5-7 days post-operatively, and a control visit at the clinic will be scheduled one month post-operatively to assess complications related to the treatment. A clinical control will be performed at the clinic one and four years after treatment. Intra-oral radiographs will be taken. The radiographs will be examined by two blinded and independent observers. A successful outcome is defined by clinical and radiographic normalcy. The statistical methods selected to analyse the primary outcome will be the Chi square test of 2x2 tables, or Fisher´s exact test when proportions are small and the expected value <5. The calculations will be two-tailed. Results will be considered statistically significant at p<0.05.

Evaluation of Implant-prosthetic Rehabilitation Performed With Two Implants With Different Surface...
Missing TeethEdentulous Jaw1 moreIn this case-control study a bioactive implant surface was compared with traditional surfaced implants. Primary objectives: Test the implant stability in post-extractive sites, comparing traditional surfaced implants (MultiNeO CS, control group) to bioactive surfaced implants (NINA- MultiNeO NH, treatment group). Primary outcome endpoints were Implant stability, assessed through Implant stability quotient (ISQ) values and Marginal bone loss (MBL)

5-year Follow up Study on the Comparative Performance of Two-piece Zirconia and Titanium Implants...
Dental ImplantsSingle Tooth Lost1 moreA post-market, randomized-controlled, superiority clinical study to compare medium-term performance and safety of the Straumann PURE 2-piece Ceramic Implant with Straumann Bone Level Implant using a fully digital workflow.

Soft Tissue Changes Around Dental Implants
Tooth LossDental Diseases1 moreThis study aims to characterize the healing pattern following soft tissue augmentation procedure concomitant to implant placement.

Two-unit Cantilever Implant Prostheses Made of Monolithic Zirconia or PFM
JawEdentulous2 moreThe aim of is to compare the survival rate and technical outcomes of cantilever implant-supported fixed denture prosthetics (cFDPs) made either out of monolithic zirconia bonded to a titanium base in a digital workflow, or porcelain fused-to metal using a gold abutment in a conventional workflow. In addition, biological outcomes, wear patterns, PROMs and time efficiency will be recorded. The null hypothesis is: the reconstruction type does not influence the survival rate and technical outcomes of 2-unit implant-supported cFDP.

Anterior Resin Bonded Restorations for Adolescent
Missing Teetha 24 Patients above 12 years old with missing upper incisor were divided into two groups, group 1: 12 patient will be treated by resin bonded bridge (RBB) with no preparation protocol, group 2: 12 patient will be treated by resin bonded bridge (RBB) with minimal preparation protocol. (RBB) retention/survival, patient's speech as well as thermal sensitivity and patient's satisfaction will be evaluated for 12 month at 3,6,9 and 12 month.

Comparison Between Conventional and Neutral Zone CAD/CAM Complete Dentures in Muscle Activity and...
Missing TeethDenturesA within-subject cross-over study is done on eight completely edentulous patients to compare two different complete removable dentures. Group I: CAD-CAM ( computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) conventional complete dentures designed based on the software algorithms; Group II: CAD-CAM neutral zone complete dentures designed based on the neutral zone concept. Occlusal analysis is done by the T-Scan device, and evaluation of muscle activity is conducted by electromyography at insertion time, two weeks after insertion time, and one month after insertion time.

Osseodensification and Implant Survival and Success
Missing TeethApproximately 40 implants from patients seeking treatment at the University of Oklahoma, College of Dentistry will be recruited for this study. Osteotomies will be prepared using the osseodensification technique and implants will be placed immediately after. The implants will be from a single manufacturer (Roxolid® SLA® Bone Level Tapered; Straumann®, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland). Volumetric analysis of alveolar ridge will be studied using intra-surgical direct measurements and CBCT imaging. A custom stent will be fabricated to standardize the clinical and radiographic measurements at 2mm, 3mm, and 4mm apical to the alveolar crest. Changes in peri-implant bone density will be analyzed on standardized periapical and bitewing radiographs, using the ImageJ software (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA). Implant stability quotient (ISQ) values will be recorded with a resonance frequency analysis system (Osstell®, Gothenburg, Sweden). Calibrated examiners will assess implant survival and biological or restorative complications and failures. Sites will be evaluated throughout osseointegration and one year after final restoration is delivered.

Immediate and Early Single Dental Implants
Single Tooth LostDental ImplantThe objective of the research project will be to compare immediate and early unitary implants for the rehabilitation of missing teeth in the upper aesthetic region. A randomized controlled trial will be conducted in parallel with 120 individuals (60 per group) who are above 18 years of age, periodontally healthy, and who need to perform only one unit implant in the upper aesthetic region between the second premolars. In the immediate implant group, the tooth will be extracted in a minimally traumatic manner and the implant will be installed immediately after the fresh alveolus. Bovine bone replacement will be inserted into the gap between implant and vestibular wall of the alveolus, and an immediate temporary will be installed immediately. The provisional will be maintained for 3 months when the definitive crown will be made. In the early implant group, the tooth will be extracted, and after 2 months the implant will be installed with the use of bovine bone substitute to restore the buccal bone contour. The implant will be submerged, and 3 months of osseointegration will be performed reopening and final crown making. In both groups, the individuals will be followed for 1 year after the installation of the definitive crown. The outcomes evaluated will be patient satisfaction (main outcome), gingival phenotype, visible plaque, depth of probing, submucosal bleeding, proximal radiographic bone level, tomographic vestibular bone volume, perimplant clinical aesthetic indexes (Esthetic Pink Score and Papillary Index), evaluation three-dimensional tissue from intra-oral scanning and 3D printing, implant-related quality of life, and early and late implantation failures. Linear and logistic models of generalized estimating equations that take into account the longitudinal character of the study will be used for data analysis.