Combinatory Rehabilitation Used for Substantially Helping Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury...
Traumatic Brain InjuryNew learning and memory impairment (NLMI) is a common and devastating manifestation of TBI associated with substantial life burdens. Persons with moderate to severe TBI have shown improvement in NLM for prose material (e.g. story) as well as beneficial changes in default-mode network (DMN) activation during list-learning19 following treatment with the Kessler Foundation modified Story Memory Technique® (KF-mSMT®). Benefits, however, were moderate and did not yield downstream improvements in daily life. It is thus critical to examine other approaches to complement the KF-mSMT® for robustly managing NLMI in TBI. The proposed RCT will be the first to include aerobic exercise training (AET) as a highly-promising complement to the KF-mSMT® for robustly managing NLMI, examining impact on NLM, its neural correlates, and daily life in NLM impaired persons with moderate-to-severe TBI. We thus propose a two-arm, parallel group, double-blind RCT comparing the effects of the KF-mSMT+AET with the KF-mSMT+S/T (active control condition) on NLM (Aim 1), hippocampal MRI (Aim 2), and daily life outcomes (Aim 3). 60 NLM impaired persons with moderate-to-severe TBI will be randomized to one of 2 conditions (30 per condition). Each condition will take place 3 days per week for 12 weeks and will be supervised by KF personnel. Participants will be blinded as to the intent of the conditions. We will further explore baseline predictors of clinically meaningful changes in NLM for those completing the KF-mSMT + AET condition (Exploratory Aim 4). If successful, this trial will position combinatory KF-mSMT and AET within the clinician's arsenal for robustly managing NLMI in persons with TBI. By augmenting the effects of KF-mSMT with AET, this treatment aims to exert a powerful countermeasure to TBI-related NLMI, and ultimately help those with TBI-related NLMI return to the workforce, independently manage their everyday lives, and maintain optimal quality of life. Additionally, while rigorously designed to answer the scientific question of the relative benefit of AET with the KF-mSMT, the proposed study is will likely provide some level of benefit to all study participants. If successful, this trial will provide Class I evidence of combined KF-mSMT and AET for rehabilitating NLMI in TBI, based on standards published for therapeutic trials by the American Academy of Neurology, thus positioning such an approach within the clinician's arsenal for robustly managing NLMI. By augmenting the effects of KF-mSMT with AET, we anticipate this treatment will ultimately help those with TBI-related NLMI return to the workforce, independently manage their everyday lives, and maintain optimal quality of life.

Bicyclol in the Treatment of Antineoplastic Drug-induced Liver Injury.
Drug-Induced Acute Liver InjuryThe clinical trial is designed to evaluate the efficacy of bicyclol for patients with antineoplastic drug-induced liver injury and investigate factors effecting the therapeutic outcome.

Grasp-Release Assessment of a Networked Neuroprosthesis Device
Spinal Cord Injury at C5-C7 LevelSpinal Cord Injuries1 moreThe overall objective of this trial is to characterize the safety and effectiveness of the Networked Neuroprosthesis Device - Upper Extremity (NP-UE) in individuals living with cervical SCI.

Safety, Feasibility, and Efficacy of TSCS on Stabilizing Blood Pressure for Acute Inpatients With...
Acute Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injuries6 moreThis site-specific project will focus on a novel non-pharmacologic approach to stabilizing BP during AIR after acute traumatic SCI. Current forms of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments for hypotension and OH remain inadequate in the SCI population. A critical need exists for the identification of safe, practical and effective treatment options that stabilize BP after traumatic SCI. Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation (TSCS) has several advantages: (1) does not exacerbate polypharmacy, (2) can be activated/deactivated rapidly, and (3) can be applied in synergy with physical exercise. TSCS represents an alternate approach to epidural SCS, with far greater potential to reach large numbers of individuals, thus providing for a greater likelihood of clinical implementation with far fewer risks. We are asking the key question: what if applying SCS earlier after injury could prevent the development of BP instability? To facilitate adoption of TSCS for widespread clinical use, we have designed a spatial-temporal mapping and parameter configuration approach that will result in a key deliverable for SCI care: a standard, easy to follow algorithm that will maximize individual benefits of spinal neuromodulation, while minimizing the burden on healthcare professionals. This project will provide the foundational evidence to support the feasible and safe application of TSCS for widespread clinical utility in the newly injured population, thereby overcoming barriers to engagement in prescribed AIR regimens that are imposed by ANS dysfunction.

Evaluation of BE1116 in Patients With Traumatic Injury and Acute Major Bleeding to Improve Survival...
Traumatic InjuryThis is a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, large simple trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of a single intravenous (IV) infusion of BE1116 in subjects who have traumatic injury, with confirmed or suspected acute major bleeding and / or predicted to receive a large volume blood product transfusion.

StrataGraft Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy in Pediatric Subjects
Skin WoundBurns1 moreAutografting is a surgical procedure to transplant healthy skin (donor skin) from another part of the participant's own body (donor site) to the burned part. Autografting is the usual treatment for DPT burns. It works to close the wound, but can cause other problems: Donor sites are painful, can become infected or scarred, or can even become full thickness (FT) wounds themselves Treatment problems can require more grafting Additional surgery increases the risk of medical problems caused by the treatment Stratatech is trying to find a safe and effective alternative to autografting to promote the healing of severe burns. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether StrataGraft treatment eliminates or reduces the need for autografting and promotes wound closure in a pediatric population with thermal burns that contain intact dermal elements and for which autografting is clinically indicated (DPT burns). Participants will be enrolled into one of two age-based cohorts: 2 to < 12 years and 12 to ≤ 17 years to receive a single application of StrataGraft, in up to 3 non-contiguous DPT burn areas located on the same extremity or plane of the torso. The study will last for approximately 2.5 years.

Tele-rehabilitation Using tDCS Combined With Exercise in People With Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuryIncomplete Spinal Cord InjuryThis study aims to explore the effect of trans cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with self-exercise at home for 1 month training (3 sessions/week, for 4 weeks). The outcome assessment including motor function, functional activity, spasticity through neurological assessment (H reflex latency and H/M amplitude ratio) and quality of life will be assessed before, after the intervention and at 1- month follow-up. Participant will communicate with physical therapist via video online platform for every sessions (12 sessions).

A Deployment Focused Pragmatic Trial of Optimal Stepped Care Intervention Targeting PTSD and Comorbidity...
PTSDPhysical InjuryThis investigation is a randomized pragmatic trial of a brief stepped care intervention delivered from an acute care medical trauma center that may both reduce the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and diminish emergency department health service utilization.

Effect of Trauma Life Support Training Programs on Patient Outcomes
Trauma InjuryIntroduction: Trauma accounts for nearly 10% of the global burden of disease. Several trauma life support programs aim to improve trauma outcomes. There is no evidence from controlled trials to show the effect of these programs on patient outcomes. We describe the protocol of a pilot study that aims to assess the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised controlled trial comparing Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) and Primary Trauma Care (PTC) with standard care. Methods and analysis: We will pilot a pragmatic three-armed parallel, cluster randomised, controlled trial in India, where neither of these programs are routinely taught. We will recruit tertiary hospitals and include trauma patients and residents managing these patients. Two hospitals will be randomised to ATLS, two to PTC, and two to standard care. The primary outcome will be all cause mortality at 30 days from the time of arrival to the emergency department. Our secondary outcomes will include patient, provider, and process measures. All outcomes except time to event outcomes will be measured both as final values as well as change from baseline. We will compare outcomes in three combinations of trial arms: ATLS versus PTC, ATLS versus standard care, and PTC versus standard care using absolute and relative differences along with associated confidence intervals. We will conduct subgroup analyses across the clinical subgroups men, women, blunt multisystem trauma, penetrating trauma, shock, severe traumatic brain injury, and elderly. In parallel to the pilot study we will conduct community consultations to inform the planning of the full-scale trial.

Efficacy of a Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy for...
Cervical Spinal Cord InjuryThe study's main goal is to determine the efficacy of a therapy with brain-computer interface controlled functional electrical stimulation for neurorehabilitation of spinal cord injury patients' upper limbs. For this purpose, a randomized controlled trial will be performed to compare the clinical and physiological effects of the brain-computer interface therapy with those of a sham intervention comprised by the application of functional electrical stimulation independently of brain-computer interface control.