Targeted vs Standard Fortification of Breast Milk
BPD - Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaNEC - Necrotizing Enterocolitis3 moreBACKGROUND: Human milk (HM) is recommended for all very low birth infants (VLBW)). Breast-milk is highly variable in nutrient content, failing to meet the nutritional demands of VLBW. Fortification of HM is recommended to prevent extra-uterine growth retardation and associated poor neurodevelopmental outcome. However, standard fortification with fixed dose multicomponent fortifier does not account for the variability in milk composition. Targeted fortification is a promising alternative and needs further investigation. The aim of the study is to evaluate if targeted fortification of human milk may optimize growth and development in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized single blind controlled trial. METHODS & ANALYSIS: We will recruit preterm infants (≤ 32 weeks of gestation) within the first 7 days of life. After reaching 80 ml/kg/day of enteral feeding, patients will be randomised to receive standard fortification (HMF, Nutricia) or targeted fortification (modular components: Bebilon Bialko, Nutricia - protein, Fantomalt, Nutricia - carbohydrates, Calogen, Nutricia - lipids). The intervention will continue until 37 weeks of post-conception age, or hospital discharge. Parents and outcome assessors will be blinded to the intervention. The primary outcome - weight gain velocity will be measured starting from the day infants regain their birth weight up to 4 weeks, then weekly until discharge. Secondary outcomes such as neurodevelopment at 12 months of corrected age (CA) will be assessed with Bayley Scale of Development III, repeated at 36 months of CA. Additionally a Wescheler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence IV test will be applied at 3,5 years of CA. Secondary outcomes such as length and head growth, body composition will be assesed at discharge and at 4 months. Incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) will also be followed.

NICU Antibiotics and Outcomes Trial
Microbial ColonizationExtreme Prematurity4 moreThe goal of the NANO trial is to study the longstanding clinical practice of empirically administering intravenous antibiotics to extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants in the first days of life. In this 802-subject multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, the hypothesis to be tested is that the incidence of adverse outcomes is higher in babies receiving empiric antibiotics (EA) in the first week of life compared to babies receiving placebo. The study targets a population of ELBW infants in whom the clinical decision to use or not use EA is currently most challenging -- infants that are clinically stable that did not have a known exposure to intraamniotic infection and were not born preterm for maternal indications. The primary outcome is the composite outcome of late-onset sepsis (LOS), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), or death during the index hospitalization. Secondary safety outcomes will include total antibiotic days, days to full enteral feedings, and common morbidities in preterm infants that have previously been linked to EA, e.g. retinopathy of prematurity and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Weight and length z-score, and head circumference, are standard measures to be collected weekly by clinical team per a standardized protocol.

PrePhage - Faecal Bacteriophage Transfer for Enhanced Gastrointestinal Tract Maturation in Preterm...
Necrotizing EnterocolitisMicrobial SubstitutionPrePhage - Fecal bacteriophage transfer for enhanced gastrointestinal tract maturation in preterm infants This pilot triol has the primary goal of demonstrating the safety of transferring viruses and proteins from healthy term infants to preterm infants born between gestational age (GA) 26 + 0 and 30+6. The long-term goal is to develop a safe and effective treatment to prevent the severe gut disease called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). NEC is a common disease in neonatal intensive care units affecting 5-10% of all admitted patients. 15-30% of the affected children die from the disease, and many of the survivors suffer from the effects of extensive gut surgery. While the disease is caused by many different factors, recent research has shown the gut microbiome to be a central factor in the development of NEC. Furthermore, in the recent years special viruses called bacteriophages have shown potential in the treatment of various diseases. By collecting feces from healthy, term infants and filtering it thoroughly, the investigators can provide a treatment that contains practically only viruses, proteins and nutrients. It is our belief that giving the preterm infants a mix of viruses including bacteriophages will prevent NEC. To do this, the investigators will go through 3 stages: Recruiting and following healthy donor infants to study the microbiota and use feces from them to donate in stage 2 and 3 Examining the safety of the treatment as well as how it works in preterm piglets STAGE 3 will be performed only if stage 2 shows no serious risks for the infants Testing the treatment in preterm infants. 10 preterm infants will receive the treatment and 10 preterm infants will receive placebo. The investigators expect to see no serious side effects to the treatment. The investigators hope, but do not expect to be able to see a beneficial effect of the treatment. If this pilot trial shows promising results, it will be followed be a larger clinical trial.

Primary Anastomosis Versus Enterostomy in the Surgical Treatment of Necrotising Enterocolitis
Necrotizing EnterocolitisNecrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating disease that affects the intestine of premature infants and is the most common surgical emergency in newborns. It is estimated that up to 10% of premature babies can suffer from this condition. Despite aggressive medical treatment, surgical intervention is necessary in up half of the cases for bowel necrosis or perforation and these often represent the more severe form of the disease. The advances in neonatal intensive care and surgical knowledge have resulted in improved survival rate in recent years. For NEC patients with severe disease (i.e.) those with intestinal perforation or gangrenous bowel not responding to medical therapy, surgery with resection of diseased segments is the treatment of choice. Traditional surgical approach would be to resect the diseased bowel segment with formation of enterostomy. However, in a few advanced centres, primary anastomosis after the resection of diseased bowel segment is practised. Retrospective reports of the primary anastomosis approach have shown that this is also a viable option with no increased rate of peri-operative morbidity. It also has the advantage of avoiding a second operation for enterostomy closure. Nonetheless, prospective studies comparing the two approaches are lacking. The proposed study will fill up the following knowledge gap on what the best surgical option for NEC at laparotomy is. The findings will help guide our practice for NEC patients in the future in order to provide them with the best possible and evidence-based care. In this study, the investigators hypothesize that neonates with major NEC undergoing primary anastomosis after surgical resection is not inferior to neonates who have enterostomy, in terms of peri-operative morbidities. Aim of the study is to compare the short term and medium term outcomes of NEC patients requiring surgical intervention who either receive primary anastomosis or enterostomy creation.

IBP-9414 for the Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis - The Connection Study
Necrotizing EnterocolitisIBP-9414 will be evaluated in preterm infants with a birth weight of 500-1500g, compared to placebo with regards to efficacy and safety in the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis.

Effect of Autologous Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells for Digestive System in Preterm Neonates
Neonatal Necrotizing EnterocolitisGrowth and Development2 morePre-clinical animal studies provide robust evidence regarding the beneficial effect of stem cells for intestinal disease. This single-center, randomized, controlled, blinded trial assessed the effect of a single intravenous infusion of autologous cord blood MNCs (ACBMNCs) in preventing NEC in preterm neonates,and influence on growth and development.

Probiotic Supplementation in Extremely Preterm Infants in Scandinavia
Necrotizing EnterocolitisDeath3 moreThe primary aim of this research is to determine whether supplementation with probiotics during the first weeks of life reduces the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and neonatal mortality and is safe to use among extremely preterm (EPT) infants born before gestational week 28. P: The study population include EPT infants (n= 1620) born at six tertiary neonatal units in Sweden and four units in Denmark. I: This is a double-blinded multicenter randomized controlled trial where infants in the intervention group will as soon as they tolerate 3 mL breastmilk per feed receive a probiotic combination of Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus diluted in 3 mL breastmilk and given once daily until gestational week 34. C: The control group will receive 3 mL breastmilk without probiotic supplementation (blinded) daily. O: Primary outcome variables is a composite endpoint of incidence of NEC and mortality. Secondary outcomes include incidence of sepsis, duration of hospital stay, use of antibiotics, feeding tolerance, growth, and body composition after hospital discharge. Patient benefit: To provide evidence on the usage of probiotics among EPT infants that are not currently covered by clinical recommendations. As EPT infants have the highest risk for NEC and mortality our results have the potential to change current recommendations and improve patient outcomes, decrease mortality, shorten hospitalization, and decrease overall health-care costs.

Intestinal Lavage to Promote Enteral Feeding and Prevent Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely...
Necrotizing EnterocolitisTime to Full Enteral NutritionOptimizing enteral nutrition (EN) is challenging in extremely preterm infants due to feeding intolerance that relates to the functional gastrointestinal immaturity. Early feeding is a safe way to promote postnatal gastrointestinal maturation and, when compared with delayed enteral feeding, provide benefit, such as reduced time to full enteral feedings (TFF) and number of parenteral nutrition (PN) days. Failure to develop oral feeding competence often leads to growth failure, longer hospital stays, dependence on PN and its complications, and influences long-term growth and developmental outcomes. Feeding with human breast milk has a protective effect against necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) compared with formula, whereas feeding intolerance is one of the early signs of NEC. Delayed passage of meconium is a risk factor for feeding intolerance in preterm very low birth weight neonates and specific meconium microbiota characteristics have been linked to increased risk of NEC. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims at evaluating the effect of regular intestinal lavage using normal saline on the TFF and severe complications such as NEC and sepsis, in extremely preterm infants. Investigators aim also to follow children´s neurological development until 5,5 years of age. The study will include one intervention group of 100 subjects that will receive regular rectal washout with normal saline and equal number of control subjects, treated according to current routine. The trial is preliminarily estimated to last between year 2018 and 2022. Investigators will monitor closely for possible adverse events. The results are going to be published in reviewed medical journal.

The Efect of Azithromicyn on Bronchopulmonary Displasia in Extremely Preterm and Very Preterm Infant...
Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaIntraventricular Hemorrhage1 moreThis study was to see the effectiveness of azithromycin in preventing the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysphasia in extremely preterm and very premature infants. Inclusion criteria were infants with a gestational age of 25-31 weeks 6 days who experienced respiratory distress and their families had agreed to participate in the study, then randomized. The intervention was in the form of giving azithromycin in the intervention group and no intervention was carried out in the control group and then followed up to 36 weeks PMA

Early Routine vs. Selective Human Milk Fortification in Extremely Preterm Infants
Poor Growth in Extremely Preterm InfantsNecrotizing EnterocolitisThe aim of the project is to study the effects of fortification (using a Human Milk Donor Fortifier) of an exclusive preterm human milk diet on outcome of extremely preterm neonates, born at less or equal to 27 weeks.