Effect of Strength Training for Chronic Low Back Pain Patients (IRMA20)
Musculoskeletal PainLow Back PainLow back pain (LBP) is common in the population and has great socioeconomic consequences for societies across Europe and the United States. About a third of working-age adults have frequent LBP, and for about 10% the pain becomes chronic with consequences for work and leisure activities. A Cochrane review from April 2017 concluded that physical exercise is an intervention with few adverse events and positive outcomes on pain and function in adults with chronic pain. However, when scrutinizing the specific studies of the review there are large differences in adherence to the exercise interventions and consequently in the results obtained. Thus, there is a need for simple exercises that the patients can easily adhere to.

Effects of Association of Trunk Stretching and Segmental Stabilization Exercises in Chronic Unspecific...
Low Back PainThe incidence of chronic nonspecific low back pain is the highest in the world population and can lead to disability. One of the standards treatments for this condition is the segmental stabilization exercises, as well as trunk stretching. However, there is no study that associates these two treatments for nonspecific low back pain. This study will be a controlled clinical trial, randomized, prospective, single-blind with a quantitative approach that compares the efficacy of the association between segmental stabilization + trunk stretching with segmental stabilization + placebo stretching in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain.

Placebo In Chronic Back Pain (Phase 2)
Chronic Low Back PainThis study is designed to examine brain properties for placebo response in chronic back pain patients. The investigators have preliminary data indicating that, in blinded clinical trial studies with neutral instructions regarding treatment, chronic back pain (CBP) patients can be subdivided into placebo responders and non-responders, and these differences are PREDICTABLE a priori, by brain activity. The results imply that CBP placebo may have clinical utility and that its properties can be studied by human brain imaging techniques. In Phase I of the study, the investigators seek to identify brain imaging parameters that predict the propensity for the placebo response in an independent CBP cohort. In Phase II, the investigators will evaluate the interaction between placebo response and medication treatment in individuals stratified as placebo responders versus non-responders. This research is designed to critically assess the neurobiology of placebo analgesia for chronic pain in a partially-blind clinical trial.

BackToBasic: Infliximab in Chronic Low Back Pain and Modic Changes
Low Back PainLow-Back Pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Even though LBP relates to different underlying pathologies, there are a substantial number of patients with chronic complaints that have vertebral bone marrow lesions visualized as Modic changes (MC) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite the clinical evidence that MC is painful, the etiology is unknown and there is currently no established treatment. It has been suggested that MCs are secondary to a biomechanically induced degradation with a subsequent autoimmune response, supported by evidence showing that Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α plays a critical role in intervertebral disc degeneration and MCs. Clinical trials suppressing inflammation with TNF-alfa blockers in patients with acute low back pain and sciatica provide evidence to support the initiation of a clinical trial assessing the effect of TNF-alfa blockers in patients with chronic low-back pain and MCs. Since TNF-alfa blockers is an established treatment for immune-mediated disorders like spondyloarthritis by reducing pain as well as bone marrow lesions, the researchers aim to assess whether this treatment is effective for chronic LBP with MCs. In addition refine diagnostic assessment and explore potential biomarkers, which will provide an increased understanding of underlying factors causing LBP, and ultimately result in better management and treatment for one of the most costly and challenging patient populations.

A Decision Support System for Self-management of Low Back Pain - PILOTSTUDY
Low Back PainThe pilot study precedes a larger randomized controlled trial, to be starting in February 2019. In this pilot study all participants are allocated to the intervention group. The intervention consists of a digital decision support system delivering a weekly plan of suggested activities that the participant can use to self-manage their low back pain. The plan is presented to the participant in the selfBACK app.

The Effect of Yoga and Stabilization Exercise in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainIdentification of the effects of yoga, stabilization exercise and home exercise approaches on pain, function,stress and quality of life in individuals with low back pain.

Motivational Interviewing in Physiotherapy for Patients With Low Back Pain
Motivational InterviewingThis study aims to evaluate the efficacy of motivational interviewing (MI) on adherence to exercises and on levels of pain and incapacity in patients who engage in physiotherapy for low back pain. Sixty patients attending a 15-day program of physiotherapy for low back pain were allocated to experimental (EG) and control groups (CG). A regular treatment of physiotherapy with at-home exercises is offered to all participants. On day seven, MI is applied to the EG. The CG receives an anti-inflammatory information program.

Efficacy of Pain Neurophysiology Education in Combination With Motor Control Training for Unspecific...
Low Back PainThe purpose of the present study is to evaluate whether the addition of two pain neurophysiology education sessions to motor control training may result in an improvement of the outcome measures of pain and disability, compared to motor control training alone.

Influence of the Pilates Method in the Treatment of Unexpected Chronic Lombar Pain
Lower Back PainThis study aims to verify the influence of the Pilates Method on the improvement of pain in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain

Platelet-rich Plasma for Low Back Pain
Discogenic PainPlatelet-rich PlasmaThis study aims to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on discogenic low back pain by comparing the pre- and post-interventional outcomes in patients receiving intradiscal injection of autologous PRP.