Effects of ELDOA on Hamstring Tightness
Non-specific Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to find the effects of ELDOA in increasing hamstring length in patients with nonspecific low back pain.This research will bring awareness about the concept of ELDOA exercises among clinicians and people to understand its benefits for treating back pain issues. Further, it will provide an important addition to the evidence-based treatment intervention of ELDOA

Immediate Effect of Mulligan Two Leg Rotation and Bent Leg Raise Techniques on Hamstring Tightness...
Low Back PainHamstring PulledThe aim of this study is to compare the immediate effect of mulligan's two leg rotation and bent leg raise for hamstring tightness, core muscle weakness in chronic low back pain, lumbar Range of motion. A randomized control trial is being conducted at Women Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences Abbottabad. It consisted of 68 participants with moderate chronic low back pain 4-6 on VAS scale, weak back extensors, and abdominal muscle weakness .and hamstring tightness. 34 patients in Group A is receiving moist heat for the hamstrings muscles prior the Mulligan Two leg rotation technique for 10mins .core muscle strenthening exercises for back extensors and abdominals. 34 patients in Group B is receiving moist heat for the hamstrings muscles prior the Mulligan Bent leg raise technique for 10 minutes.Study duration was of 6 months. Sampling technique being applied is purposive.Study includes patients with mechanical LBP more than 3 months.Tools being used in the study are Goniometer, Measuring tape, Pressure Biofeedback Unit, Visual analogue scale (VAS), Mulligan's belt. Data is being analyzed through SPSS 21.

Physiotherapy in Lumbar Disc Pathologies
Lumbar Disc DiseaseLumbar Disc Herniation3 moreThe aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of four physical therapy treatment approaches for lumbar region pathologies. Eighty volunteers who have back pain will be included in the study. Subjects will be randomly divided into four groups; Group 1: Soft tissue mobilisation techniques and stabilization exercises (n=20), Group 2: Kinesiotape and stabilization exercise (n=20), Group 3: Stabilization exercises (n=20), Group 4: Reflexology and stabilization exercises (n=20).

Treatment of Hamstring Muscle in Patients With Low-back Pain
Low Back PainThis study evaluates the treatment of hamstrings in the management of patients with mechanical low back pain of non-specific origin. Half of the participants will received the application of a dry needle technique in the most hyperalgesic areas of the muscle, while the other half will received the same technique in areas not hyperalgesic.

Prevention of Residual Low Back Pain After Percutaneous Kyphosis(PKP) Using Posterior Branch Block...
Osteoporotic FractureThe purpose of this study was to block the posterior branch of lumbar spinal nerve during PKP operation and compare it with the patients without spinal nerve block, so as to verify the effect of posterior branch block of spinal nerve in relieving short-term and long-term residual low back pain after operation.

The Effect of Therapeutic Neuroscience Education on Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainOngoing fear and catastrophization in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP) causes increased pain, disability and kinesiophobia, and decreased endurance of trunk muscles. Nowadays, recurrent low back pain complaints are increasing day by day. Besides the use of electrophysical agents and exercise in the treatment of chronic low back pain, education methods used to reduce the negative effects of psychosocial factors are important for healing. Although there were studies about the combination of Therapeutic Neuroscience Education (TNE) with exercise in CLBP, there are no studies that combine electrophysical agents, exercise and TNE methods in the literature. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate whether TNE combined with physiotherapy consisting of electrophysical modalities and home program exercise is superior to only physiotherapy in patients with CLBP.

High Level Pulsed Heat Versus Low Level Steady Heat in Subjects With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic PainLow Back Pain2 moreThis study is a double blinded randomized active placebo controlled trial in subjects with chronic low back pain. The trial compares pain relief by a device that delivered high level pulsed heat (45 °C) to pain relief delivered by a steady heat lower temperature device (37 °C). The hypothesis is that the high temperature pulsed heat device will produce significantly better pain relief as compared to the lower level steady heat device. The secondary hypothesis is that pain relief will occur faster in the high pulsed heat device as compared to the control device.

Neural Gliding Exercise for Low Back Pain
Low Back PainLow back pain is a very common problem that causes pain, disability, gait and balance problems. Neurodynamic techniques is used for treatment of low back pain. The aim of the study is comparing the effects of electrotherapy and neural mobilization techniques on pain, functionality, gait and balance.

Pain Neuroscience Education for Depression
Chronic Low-back PainDepressionThis study will look at the effects of Pain Neuroscience Education on a Depression outcome tool in patients with chronic low back pain.

Pain Types and Pain Severity in Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainThe aim of this study is to characterize the distribution of pain phenotypes in people with chronic low back pain and to determine the effects of pain phenotypes on pain severity, functional status and quality of life. Participants will be examined to determine the type of pain and questions will be asked to identify the effects.