Electronic Communication Augmented Mental Health Care
Depressive DisorderAnxiety Disorders1 moreMood and anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in the United States, and are associated with significant morbidity, mortality and overall impairment in functioning. These conditions often have an onset in adolescence and can be especially problematic during this time-period because it can impede normal development and attainment of important milestones. While there are evidence-based treatments for these disorders, these disorders often go untreated or under-treated with negative outcomes, particularly suicide in the case of mood disorders. Electronic communication via text messages and social media are ubiquitous and are often the predominant form of communication in adolescents and young adults. A growing body of research suggests that - at the individual level - electronic communication, including social media, activity can reflect the underlying course of mood and anxiety disorders and reveal associated risks for worsening course and negative outcomes such as suicide. In this pilot study, the investigators propose to develop and evaluate a dashboard for mental health therapists to augment the care of patients with mood/anxiety disorders.

Compassion-Focused Therapy for Distressing Mood Swings: A Case Series
Bipolar Affective DisorderThe goal of this case series is to investigate whether a brief compassion-focused intervention is a safe, acceptable and feasible therapy for clients with bipolar affective disorder. The secondary questions are whether a brief compassion focused intervention for BPD clients is associated with changes in bipolar mood symptoms and/ or with changes in psychological processes linked to mood symptoms in bipolar, including: Self-compassion, perfectionism, social comparison and social safeness. Four visual analogue scales will also be completed daily by each participant throughout the project. These scales will measure domains relevant to BPAD symptomology and self-compassion. Participants will complete a 4 session Compassion-Focused Therapy Intervention. The first session will involve completion of the psychoeducation and formulation work which was started during the initial assessment session. Each intervention session will also involve the introduction and practice of CFT techniques or exercises. The trial therapist will introduce the exercise and practice it together with the participant during the session. Participants will then be asked to continue practicing the exercises for homework. Their experience of the practice and any difficulties can then be discussed at the start of the next session.

Early Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderInvestigators will conduct a confirmatory efficacy trial of Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) delivered via telehealth for offspring of bipolar parents (OBP; age 12-18, n=120) at elevated risk for BP onset via risk calculator score. All participants receive a baseline clinical assessment of psychiatric symptoms and sleep disturbance (via objective and subjective methods), followed by a feedback session. Youth are then randomized to receive 8 sessions of IPSRT or a manualized Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Program (HL) delivered via secure videoconference. As clinically indicated, youth are offered Community Treatment Referral (CTR) for any psychiatric symptoms/disorders identified at intake. Primary outcome domains over 18 months include mania and affective lability. Investigators will also further investigate the hypothesized mechanism underlying IPSRT (i.e., sleep/circadian disruption) across levels of analysis, and the contribution of interpersonal stress to sleep/circadian disruptions. Application of Implementation Science methods throughout maximizes ultimate scalability and feasibility if efficacious. Investigators will also examine whether passive cellphone sensing may serve as a portable, cost-effective measure of mechanisms and outcomes to enhance ultimate dissemination.

Study of Bipolar Disorders and Retinal Electrophysiological Markers
Bipolar DisorderThe BIMAR study aims to compare electrophysiological data measured with electroretinogram (ERG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) between a group of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and a group of healthy controls subjects. Secondarily, the investigators also want to: Compare combined electrophysiological measurements with ERG and EEG between the two groups. Identify relations between clinical, neuropsychological and circadian phenotypes in patients with BD and electrophysiological measurements measured with ERG and EEG. The main hypothesis of the investigators is that differences exist in the ERG and EEG measurements between subjects with BD and healthy subjects. Those differences could be identified as candidate markers for BD which, if confirmed in later studies, could be used in current practice to guide the management of patients with BD.

Clonidine to Prevent Delirium After Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Major Depressive DisorderCatatonia2 moreElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment for some psychiatric disorders like major depressive or bipolar disorder, but may lead to agitation and delirium after the procedure in up to 65% of patients. This can have negative side effects and be dangerous for patient and attending staff. Clonidine, a central-acting alpha2-receptor agonist, is an approved antihypertensive medication with known sedative side effects. Clonidine's newer but more expensive successor, dexmedetomidine, has recently shown its potential to reduce this kind of delirium. The investigators therefore hypothesise that pre-treatment with 2 mcg/kg clonidine prior to electroconvulsive therapy will significantly reduce the incidence of postictal delirium. This potentially makes a highly efficient treatment for patients with otherwise refractory psychiatric illness safer and more accessible.

Acute Alcohol Response In Bipolar Disorder: a Longitudinal Alcohol Administration/fMRI Study
Bipolar DisorderAlcohol Drinking1 moreAlcohol use disorders (AUDs) affect up to 60% of individuals with bipolar disorder during their lifetime and is associated with worse illness outcomes, yet few studies have been performed to clarify the causes of this comorbidity. Understanding biological risk factors that associate with and predict the development of AUDs in bipolar disorder could inform interventions and prevention efforts to reduce the rate of this comorbidity and improve outcomes of both disorders. Identifying predictors of risk requires longitudinal studies in bipolar disorder aimed at capturing the mechanisms leading to the emergence of AUDs. Previous work in AUDs suggest that subjective responses to alcohol and stress-related mechanisms may contribute to the development of AUDs. In bipolar disorder, altered developmental trajectory of critical ventral prefrontal networks that modulate mood and reward processing may alter responses to alcohol and stressors; consequently, the disruption in typical neurodevelopment may be an underlying factor for the high rates of comorbidity. No longitudinal data exist investigating if this developmental hypothesis is correct. To address this gap, the investigators will use a multimodal neuroimaging approach, modeling structural and functional neural trajectories of corticolimbic networks over young adulthood, incorporating alcohol administration procedures, clinical phenotyping, and investigating effects of acute stress exposure and early life stress. Research aims are to identify biological risk factors-i.e., changes in subjective response to alcohol and associated neural trajectories-that are associated with the development of alcohol misuse and symptoms of AUDs over a two-year longitudinal period in young adults with bipolar disorder and typical developing young adults. Longitudinal data will be collected on 160 young adults (50% with bipolar disorder, 50% female; aged 21-26). This study is a natural extension of the PI's K01 award. How acute exposure to stress and childhood maltreatment affects subjective response to alcohol and risk for prospective alcohol misuse and symptoms of AUDs will be investigated. The investigators will test our hypothesis that developmental differences in bipolar disorder versus typical developing individuals disrupt corticolimbic networks during young adulthood, increase sensitivity to stress, and lead to changes in subjective response to alcohol and placebo response increasing risk for developing AUDs.

Acute Alcohol Response In Bipolar Disorder: a fMRI Study
Bipolar DisorderAlcohol Drinking1 moreAlcohol use disorders (AUDs) affect up to 60% of individuals with bipolar disorder during their lifetime-a rate 3 to 5 times higher than what occurs in the general population. The mechanisms that contribute to elevated rates of comorbidity are not known. Early identification in individuals with bipolar disorder who are at risk for AUDs could inform novel intervention strategies and improve life-long outcomes. The primary objective of this protocol is to use alcohol administration procedures and functional MRI techniques to investigate subjective response to alcohol, compared to placebo, and relationship with functional responses of, and connectivity among, brain regions in ventral prefrontal emotional networks in young adults with bipolar disorder and healthy comparison young adults. Baseline clinical and structural MRI assessments will be completed in 30 bipolar and 30 healthy young adults (21-26 years of age, 50% women). Then, following standard beverage administration procedures, participants will complete within-person, counter-balanced, fMRI scans and complete measures of subjective response to alcohol while under the influence of alcohol or placebo. Specifically, individual differences in the experience of stimulating, sedative, and anxiolytic effects of alcohol (measured with self-report surveys) and individual differences in neural responses to alcohol within ventral prefrontal emotional networks will be investigated and differences in bipolar disorder compared to healthy participants assessed. Functional MRI scans during a continuous performance task with emotional and neutral distractors (CPT-END) and at rest will be collected while under the influence of alcohol and placebo and compared. Experience of stimulating, sedative, and anxiolytic effects of alcohol from self-report survey data and neural responses to emotional stimuli while under the influence of alcohol compared to placebo will be the primary data outcomes assessed. Additionally, associations between subjective and neural response to alcohol and drinking patterns will be explored (secondary outcomes). The primary endpoint of the study will be after completion of both alcohol and placebo beverage conditions.

Skills for Wellness
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreSevere mental illness such as schizophrenia and mood disorders typically develops at a young age and can cause life-long disability. Currently available treatments cannot cure severe mental illness. This makes it important to find ways to prevent severe mental illness in young people before it has a chance to develop. This research study will pilot a new preventive intervention for young people who are at high risk of developing severe mental illness. The investigators will target early preceding factors (the 'antecedents') to severe mental illness which includes anxiety, unusual hearing and visual experiences, the loss of previously acquired abilities, and sudden and unpredictable changes in mood. These antecedents strongly predict an increased risk of developing severe mental illness. They are often impairing and distressing to the individual but can be improved with self-management skills and parent training, and they are present in the individual years before the onset of severe mental illness which makes them an ideal target for early intervention. The goal is to intervene early enough in the young person's life that severe mental illness can be prevented, hopefully leading to a happy, healthy and productive adulthood. The investigators want to test the acceptability and short-term efficacy of this new preventive intervention.

Ketamine Associated ACC GABA and Glutamate Change and Depression Remission:
Major Depressive DisorderTreatment Resistant Depression1 moreThis is a feasibility study and the goal of this project is to evaluate whether peak ACC GABA and glutamate, quantified as a CSF-corrected absolute concentration percent change from baseline, is associated with clinical remission, Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) total score of <10, to the anti-glutamatergic antidepressant ketamine. As MRS is expensive, we also aim to study a correlation between change in peripheral metabolites (GABA and glutamate) and central GABA and glutamate levels.

Intervention for Comorbid Substance Use and Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar DisorderSubstance Use DisordersThis trial aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel intervention for patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders following a psychiatric hospitalization. Half of the participants will receive a specialized psychosocial intervention program, while the other half will receive an enhanced safety monitoring program, both provided in addition to their routine care.