
Active clinical trials for "Periodontitis"

Results 461-470 of 1118

Effects of Smoking on Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy in Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis

Generalized Aggressive PeriodontitisSmoking

Smoking is the major preventable risk factor in the initiation and progression of periodontal diseases. Periodontitis risk was found to be 3.9 times higher among smokers aged between 19-30 years and 2.8 times higher among smokers aged 31-40 years compared to non-smokers. Aggressive periodontitis (AgP), is characterized by a rapid attachment loss usually incompatible with the amount of plaque and dental calculus. It is often not possible to predict the prognosis of treatment with various treatment options in cases of aggressive periodontitis. It was hypothesized that non-smoker patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP) will respond better to conventional mechanical non-surgical periodontal therapy compared to the smokers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of smoking on the outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment in terms of the clinical, biochemical and microbiological parameters.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Efficacy of Supplementation With Probiotics as Adjuvant to Mechanical Treatment in Chronic Periodontitis...


It aims to demonstrate the superiority of a 6-week supplementation with Lactibiane Buccodental compared to placebo, as adjunctive therapy in chronic periodontitis in patients with generalized chronic periodontitis

Completed16 enrollment criteria

Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in OSAS...

PeriodontitisObstructive Sleep Apnea1 more

The main objective of this study is to investigate whether the non-surgical periodontal treatment of patients with periodontitis and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) affects the prognosis of OSAS positively with polysomnographic, serum and saliva parameters.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

1% Metformin in Moderate and Severe Periodontitis


This study evaluates the efficacy of 1% Metformin gel in treatment of moderate and severe periodontitis subject.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the KLOX BioPhotonic OraLum Gel With a LED Curing Lamp in Moderate to Severe Chronic...

Moderate to Severe Chronic Periodontitis

Multicenter, prospective, interventional open case series study using a randomized split-mouth design in moderate to severe chronic periodontitis patients having half-mouth treated with the KLOX BioPhotonic OraLum gel with a LED curing lamp as an adjunct to conventional non-surgical periodontal treatment (SRP) versus SRP alone in the second (control) half-mouth.

Completed24 enrollment criteria

Full-mouth Periodontal Debridement and Metronidazole Gel in Patients With Chronic Periodontitis...

Chronic Periodontitis

Hypothesis: metronidazole gel applied topically after periodontal debridement in smokers volunteers could improve clinical parameters when compared to metronidazole tablets + periodontal debridement. Method: 30 smokers with chronic periodontitis were randomly assigned into 3 groups: periodontal debridement combined with 3 g placebo gel; periodontal debridement combined with daily topical application of 3 g metronidazole benzoate gel (15%); and periodontal debridement combined with a daily single dose of 750 mg metronidazole. Clinical parameters evaluated were visible plaque, gingival bleeding, probing pocket depth and relative attachment level.

Completed15 enrollment criteria

The Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus Interrelationship Among Adult Malaysians

Chronic PeriodontitisType 2 Diabetes

Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease which results in irreversible attachment loss, bone destruction and tooth loss, is a major oral health problem affecting 90.2% of Malaysian population. It was initially demonstrated that Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) was a risk factor for periodontitis and subsequently a two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontitis was proposed. Diabetes has been shown to cause defects in neutrophil function by overproduction of pro-inflammatory mediators such as Tumour necrosis factor-α, Interleukin-1β and Prostaglandin E2 by macrophages. The inflammatory mediators released in response to plaque have been reported to be insulin antagonists that disturb binding of insulin to its receptors and further complicate hyperglycaemia in T2D. The hyperglycaemia in diabetics promotes more pathogenic bacteria into the subgingival microenvironment making them more susceptible to chronic periodontitis. Studies however differ in the types of periodontal pathogens present in these pockets. At the same time, very few studies have quantified them. This study proposes to investigate the effect that non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) has on the periodontal parameters, HbA1c levels, microbiological profile and CRP levels of T2D patients with chronic periodontitis as compared to oral hygiene education (OHE)alone.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Photodynamic Treatment FOTOSAN® Efficacy in Periodontology


Periodontitis are infectious and inflammatory diseases of gum and tooth supporting tissues leading to tooth loss and oral disability. Twenty to 30 percents of patients treated for periodontal diseases display more or less pronounced persistence of periodontal tissue infection, inflammation, and destruction. The therapeutic additional value of photodynamic anti-infectious treatment remains controversial. The objective of this study is to evaluate the mid-term effect of the photodynamic device Fotosan®630 on severe periodontitis treatment outcomes and to define its specific therapeutic indications.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

Moxifloxacin in Situ Gel to Treat Periodontal Pocket.

Chronic Generalized Periodontitis

In this Randomized clinical trial locally delivered moxifloxacin in situ gel was evaluated as an adjunct to scaling and root planing for efficacy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis and for short-term effects on the periodontal microflora.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Clinical and Microbiological Efficacy of Systemic Ayurvedic Immunomodulator Septilin in the Treatment...

Chronic Periodontitis

The present clinical trial was designed to investigate the clinical and microbiological effectiveness of systemic ayurvedic immunomodulator Septilin as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of chronic periodontitis (CP)

Completed10 enrollment criteria

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