Intra-pocket Application of Tea Tree Oil Gel in the Treatment of Stage-2 Periodontitis
PeriodontitisThis study aimed to assess clinically and biochemically the effect of intrapocket application of tea tree oil (TTO) gel adjunctive to SRP in the management of stage 2(moderate) periodontitis and to correlate the biochemical levels with clinical response.

Timing of Periodontal Re-evaluation After Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy
PeriodontitisLiterature on non surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) shows lack of clarity in reporting information on re-evaluation timing and clinical response. If the re-evaluation was done shortly after NSPT, this is also likely to have an influence on the surgical treatment plan. The aim of this prospective clinical trial is to investigate the effect of re-evaluation timing at 1-3-6 months after NSPT in terms of pocket closure, PD reduction, comprehensive treatment plan, and costs for the patient.

Effect of Antibiotics on Systemic Inflammation
PeriodontitisEvidence support that pathogenic bacteria are not only responsible for periodontal destruction but also contributes to systemic inflammatory burden either directly or indirectly through increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines. Scaling and root planing (SRP) with or without local antibiotics contributes to reduced systemic inflammation. However, studies also reported insignificant changes in systemic inflammation after SRP. It may be due to incomplete control of periodontal inflammation. Systemic antibiotics proves to beneficial in treatment of severe periodontitis. Systemic antibiotics along with SRP results in improvement of vascular health and systemic inflammation. However, till date no study has been done to evaluate the role of systemic antibiotics as an adjunct to SRP on systemic inflammatory markers. In this randomized control study impact of adjunctive use of systemic antibiotics along with SRP on systemic inflammation would be assessed in periodontitis patients.

Periodontal Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Rheumatoid ArthritisPeriodontitisPeriodontitis is a chronic disease that leads to the loss of teeth. It has been associated to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Periodontal therapy (NSPT) has been shown to have systemic effects. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on biochemical parameters of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), periodontal parameters and quality of life in patients with and without RA. Adult patients with and RA and periodontitis can participate in the study. Participants benefit from the effects of conventional tooth cleaning (periodontal therapy) and oral hygiene instructions. There are no significant risk associated with periodontal therapy. The study is conducted at the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. The study is set to start 2019 and end mid 2021. The study is funded by a grant from the Universidad de Antioquia. Contact person: Javier Enrique Botero (javier.botero@udea.edu.co)

The Adjunctive Effect of Probiotics to Non Surgical Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic PeriodontitisEvaluation of clinical and microbiological effect of lactobacillus reuteri probiotics.

Transplantation of Allogeneic MSC in Patients With Pulp Necrosis and Chronic Apical Periodontitis...
Pulp NecrosesApical PeriodontitisThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell (MSC) implantation on pulp and periapical regeneration of immature teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic apical periodontitis. BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic pulp necrosis prevents root development in children and adolescents. The multipotent ability of MSC to differentiate into bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) and dentin-forming cells (Odontoblast) has allowed the development of protocols to induce dental pulp regeneration in preclinical models and patients with immature teeth with pulpal necrosis. IMPACT: Worldwide, post-traumatic pulp necrosis in children and adolescents constitutes a health problem in the endodontic area. Treatment with MSC would provide an effective therapeutic alternative to patients with pulp necrosis and incomplete root formation. The possible pulp and periapical regeneration of immature teeth induced by MSC would have a huge impact on the treatment of these patients. Eligibility for EMC implant study Age: 6 to 16 years Sex: Male or Female Healthy volunteers accepted: NO. TREATMENT GROUPS: In the present study, the implantation of MSC will be performed in patients with immature teeth with pulpal necrosis with apical periodontitis, who will receive the appropriate endodontic treatment (according to the guidelines of the American Association of Endodontics) and implantation of allogeneic BM-MSC . This group will be compared with the history made in the Postgraduate Endodontics of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) and with international case series made by revascularization. Clinical follow-up of each patient: Clinical controls (facial evaluation, gingival evaluation, apical palpation, horizontal and vertical percussion, cold and heat sensitivity tests) will be carried out on days 0, 7, 30, 90, 180 and 364. Additionally, a clinical evaluation will be carried out at the two years post-implantation of MSC. Radiological controls will be carried out on days 0, 7, 30, 90, 180 and 364. Additionally, they will be carried out two years post-implantation of MSC. A tomographic evaluation will be performed when was evident periapical repair in a periapical radiograph. To measure root formation, root canal narrowing and verification the periapical repair in 3D.

Evaluation of Local Delivery of Aloe Vera Gel as an Adjunct to Non-surgical Treatment in Patients...
Chronic PeriodontitisAim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of Aloe vera gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the management of chronic periodontitis.

Effects of Nd:YAG Laser and Air Abrasive Combined Application in Patients With Periodontitis
PeriodontitisThe aim of this clinical study is to investigate the effectiveness of the combined application of Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) laser and air abrasive applied in addition to nonsurgical periodontal treatment on clinical parameters in patients with periodontitis. A split-mouth, randomized study included 24 systemically healthy, non-smoker, periodontitis patients. In addition to non-surgical periodontal treatment, air abrasive (erythritol-chlorhexidine powder) and Nd:YAG laser (2 W, 200mJ, 10 Hz) combined application was applied to the test group, while only non-surgical periodontal treatment was applied to the control group. Clinical periodontal records of the patients, including plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), were taken before the treatment and at the 1st and 3rd months after the treatment. All clinical parameters improved significantly from baseline for both groups after treatment (p˂0.05). In the evaluation between the test and control groups, no statistically significant difference was found in the PI, GI and BOP parameters of the patients at any time (p˃0.05). While the amount of change in PD and CAL values after treatment in medium deep pockets in the study groups was compared, no significant difference was observed between the groups (p˃0.05), statistically significant improvements in PD and CAL parameters were observed in the test group compared to the control group only for deep pockets (≥7 mm) among the groups (p˂0.05).In conclusion, it has been observed that the combined application of Nd:YAG laser and air abrasive in systemically healthy, stage III and grade C periodontitis patients is in the short term on PD and CAL, especially in inaccessible areas such as deep pockets.

Assessment of Autogenous Dentin Graft in Treatment of Infra-bony Defect
Periodontitis (Stage 3)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of demineralized autogenous dentine on treatment of infrabony defects.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ALH-L1005 in Patients With Chronic Periodontitis...
Chronic PeriodontitisThe main objective of this study is to evaluate efficacy and safety of ALH-L1005 in patients with chronic periodontitis