Long-term Safety of Minocycline in Patients With Gum Disease
PeriodontitisThis study will look at the safety of using the study medicine for a long time. It will see if the germs get used to the medicine, making it not work as well, if it's used by people with gum disease for a long time.

Platelet Derived Growth Factor Stimulates Bone Fill and Rate of Attachment Level Gain
PeriodontitisThe aim of the study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) mixed with b tricalcium phosphate (BTCP) for the treatment of advanced periodontal osseous defects at 6 months of healing.

Gingival Crevicular Fluid Vaspin and Omentin Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Chronic Periodontitis...
Chronic PeriodontitisDiabetes MellitusThe aim of the present study were 1) to determine the role of these adipokines in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, inflammation and tissue destruction comparing with gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) levels of TNF-α, which has a known pro-inflammatory effect in periodontal disease, 2) to investigate the effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on GCF vaspin and omentin levels in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients with Chronic Periodontitis (CP).

Treatment of Periodontal Disease in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
PeriodontitisThe main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of treatment periodontal endothelium-dependent artery of the arm in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation undergoing primary coronary intervention.

The Effect of Intra Oral Cryotherapy in Patients With Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis
Post Operative PainInflammationThe participants were divided into two groups: Group I (cryotherapy) (n =10) after the completion of the mechanical preparation intra oral cryotherapy was applied. Group II (control) (n =10) received standard root canal treatment without the application of any type of cryotherapy.

The Potential Association of Long Non-coding RNA (NEAT1 and MALAT1) in the Process of Epithelial-mesenchymal...
Periodontal DiseaseAVDC Stage 3and 42 morePeriodontitis is a polymicrobial, inflammatory condition affecting tooth-supporting tissues. It is characterized by a progressive loss of epithelial attachment and resorption of alveolar bone, which can lead to tooth loss. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been proposed as a reversible process that shifts the cell phenotype from epithelial to mesenchymal-like and may be involved in the process of periodontal inflammation either completely or partially. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a large class of regulatory transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides lacking evident protein-coding potential. Studies have shown that lncRNA dysregulation plays key roles in human diseases, including cancer, by modulating the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The involvement of lncRNAs markers in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease induced EMT has not been studied thoroughly and have created a gap in the knowledge.

Evaluation of Nano-crystalline Hydroxyapatite Silica Gel in Management of Periodontal Intrabony...
Chronic PeriodontitisA clinical and radiographic evaluation of Nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite silica gel in comparison with open flap debridement for management of periodontal intrabony defects.

Comparing the Outcomes of Incisions Made by Colorado® Microdissection Needle
PeriodontitisThe aim of the present study was to compare the outcomes of incisions made by Colorado® microdissection needle, electrosurgery tip and surgical blade during periodontal surgery.

Evaluation of iRoot SP as Root Canal Sealer: A Clinical Study
Irreversible PulpitisApical PeriodontitisThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of iRoot SP as a root canal sealer in comparison with AH Plus sealer within 1-year follow up.Patients needing root canal treatment were enrolled and allotted into either iRoot SP group or AH Plus arm randomly. After root canal shaping and cleaning, the teeth were obturated according to their arms. Assessment of postoperative pain was done 1 week after root canal obturation using visual analog scale. After 1-year follow-up, clinical and radiographic evaluations were carried out. Statistical analysis at P < 0.05 was conducted to measure difference between the arms.

The Effect of MTA and PRF Application in Periapical Lesions
Apical PeriodontitisWound HealA total of 40 periapical lesions from the 33 patient undergoing apical surgery were randomly selected from December 2016-November 2017. Patients were informed about the surgical procedure and signed a consent form. Groups were divided in to 4; as control, MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate), PRF (platelet rich fibrin) and MTA+PRF groups. Apical resection was performed in all groups. No other interventions were made to the control group. Routine radiographs were taken in the 1st. 3th and 6th months. In the (approximately) 12th month of the procedures computerized tomography scans were taken. Primary healing of the periapical tissues were evaluated and the outcomes were measured. Patients have still been under control for the long term outcomes of the study.