Photodynamic Therapy During Supportive Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal DiseasesChronic Periodontitis1 more27 subjects on SPT, each with at least two residual pockets ≥5mm, were recruited for this randomised, split-mouth controlled trial, providing a total of 72 sites. At baseline, probing pocket depth (PPD), recession, clinical attachment level (CAL), plaque and bleeding on probing (BOP) of all sites were examined. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were collected to determine level of cytokines IL-1β, -6, -8, TNF-α and MMP-8 via ELISA. Control sites received subgingival instrumentation and rubber cup polishing with pumice. In addition test sites received a single application of PDT using Fotosan® and photosensitizer consisting of toludine blue O solution. The subjects were recalled three and six months later and re-examined. Site level analysis was performed.

Comparison of Autogenous Periosteal Pedicle Graft and Collagen Membrane in Management of Periodontal...
Chronic PeriodontitisA clinical and radiographic evaluation of autogenous periosteal pedicle graft in comparison with collagen membrane for management of periodontal intrabony defects.

Randomized Clinical Trial of Enamel Matrix Derivative: Radiographic Analysis
Chronic PeriodontitisThis is a split-mouth, double-blind randomized controlled trial. Computerized linear radiographic measurements were used to detect infrabony defects treated with open flap debridement (OFD) or OFD associated with enamel matrix derivative (EMD), after 24 months. Ten patients presenting 2 or more defects were selected (43 defects). An individualized film holder was used to take standardized radiographs at baseline and after 24 months. Images were digitized and used to measure the distances from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar crest (AC), CEJ to the bottom of the defect (BD) and infrabony defect angle.

Effect of Laser Use on Guided Tissue Regeneration in Treatment of Molar Teeth With Class 2 Furcation...
Furcation DefectsPeriodontitis1 morePurpose: The proposed study will evaluate and compare the clinical response of using bioresorbable collagen membrane alone or defect debridement with erbium Laser irradiation in conjunction with bioresorbable collagen membrane in the treatment of Class II furcation defects in maxillary and mandibular teeth. The study will examine whether there is a superior regeneration potential when the laser energy is combined with membrane defect isolation. Procedure: The study will use 2 groups, a control group and a test group with 16 patients in each group, with severe chronic periodontitis having clinical or radiographic evidence of Class II furcation defects in the buccal or lingual of the mandibular molars or Class II furcation defects on the buccal of maxillary molars. 16 patients will serve as the control group and open flap debridement with bioresorbable collagen membrane will be the mode of treatment. Group 2: 16 patients will serve as the test group and will undergo open flap debridement in conjunction with Er, Cr: YSGG laser irradiation and a bioresorbable collagen membrane will be used.

Immediate Implant Placement in the Molar Regions
PeriodontitisDental Caries1 moreThe purpose of this study is to look at the bonehealing when a molar has been extracted and immediately replaced by an implant leaving some defects around the implant. The defects are being treated in three different with the hypothesis that the three ways of treatment result in equal bonehealing.

Effects of Irrigation Activation on Clinical Outcomes of Root Canal Treatment
Periapical PeriodontitisRoot Canal InfectionThis study evaluates postoperative pain and radiographic healing of asymptomatic posterior teeth with chronic apical periodontitis following root-canal treatment performed using different methods of irrigation activation.

Erbium Chromium: YSGG Laser Effect on Surgical Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis
Generalized Chronic PeriodontitisMicrobiological and Clinical assessment of Er,Cr:YSGG laser in conjunction to open flap debridement (OFD) in treatment of chronic periodontitis through real time PCR assay for quantification of total bacterial load.

Teh Effect of Subgingival Irrigation Wif Ketorolac and Chlorhexidine in Patients Wif Chronic Periodontist...
Chronic PeriodontitisIn this study, 40 patients with a history of Mild- Periodontitis who were diagnosed with clinical and radiographic findings showed that all of the periodontal parameters before the treatment, during the treatment period Then, scaling & Root planing and oral hygiene instructions were given to the patients, and after 2 weeks, the patients who received the study were randomly divided into two groups (Balanced Block Randomization) with four blocks according to the visit time. To group A, oral chlorohexidine and to B group, the drug Ketorolac was given. 5 mm of the drugs required every 15 days the areas underwent a gingival wash with an insulin syringe, which lasted for 3 months.

Effects of PDT and Bioceramic Filling on Periapical Healing and Postoperative Pain After Endodontic...
Apical PeriodontitisThe purpose is to investigate influence of bioceramic filling of the root canal and photodynamic therapy on periapical healing and development of postoperative pain after endodontic retreatment. Patients are divided into two main groups and each of the group is divided into two subgroups. Main groups are patients receiving photodynamic therapy and patients receiving passive ultrasonic irrigation. Each of the main group is divided by the root canal filling material on the AH+ group and BioRoot group.

Postoperative Pain and Healing in Teeth Treated With GentleWave or EndoActivator
Symptomatic Irreversible PulpitisApical PeriodontitisPatients with painful molars will be randomly assigned to 2 different groups: GentleWave and EndoActivator. The root canals will be completed using identical protocols except in the mode of delivery and activation of irrigation (using either the GentleWave or EndoActivator). Postoperative pain and pain pill consumption will be measured for the 4 days following their root canal using a Visual Analog Scale and Pain Pill Log, respectively. The alternative hypothesis is that patients undergoing treatment using the GentleWave will experience less pain postoperatively and will consume fewer pain pills. A 12-month follow up with exam and radiographs will be completed to evaluate healing.