Postoperative Pain and Healing in Teeth Treated With GentleWave or EndoActivator
Symptomatic Irreversible PulpitisApical PeriodontitisPatients with painful molars will be randomly assigned to 2 different groups: GentleWave and EndoActivator. The root canals will be completed using identical protocols except in the mode of delivery and activation of irrigation (using either the GentleWave or EndoActivator). Postoperative pain and pain pill consumption will be measured for the 4 days following their root canal using a Visual Analog Scale and Pain Pill Log, respectively. The alternative hypothesis is that patients undergoing treatment using the GentleWave will experience less pain postoperatively and will consume fewer pain pills. A 12-month follow up with exam and radiographs will be completed to evaluate healing.

Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 After Intrapocket Treatment in Moderate Periodontitis Patients....
PeriodontitisUsing local delivery drugs as adjunctive to scaling and root planing and evaluating gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biological molecular markers (MMP-8).

Treatment of Chronic Medium-severe Periodontitis With Mesenchymal Stem Cells Predifferentiated in...
PeriodontitisChronicTreatment of chronic medium-severe periodontitis with mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells predifferentiated in osteogenic direction

DNI Values After Periodontal Treatment
PeriodontitisPeriodontal Inflammation1 moreThe study included 70 systemically healthy individuals, as a test group of 35 patients with Stage 3, Grade A periodontitis and a control group of 35 individuals with no periodontal disease. Blood samples were taken for the examination of DNI, white blood cells (WBC), immature granulocytes (IG), procalcitonin, C-reactive protein (CRP), lymphocyte count and neutrophil count. For the patients with periodontitis, blood sample assays were repeated 3 months after NSPT.

Assessment of Different Disinfection Protocols on Regenerative Potential of Mature Teeth
Apical PeriodontitisRegenerative endodontic procedures have been used to successfully treat human mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and apical periodontitis. Many researchers have begun to apply regenerative endodontic procedures to mature teeth in adult patients. Several clinical case reports have shown complete resolution of signs and symptoms of pulp necrosis in mature teeth, even those with large periapical lesions, as well as signs of pulp canal obliteration. The aim of this study is to assess the regenerative potential of mature permanent teethwith necrotic pulps after disinfecting the root canal using diode laser andcompare it with dynamic agitation of xp-endo finisher and conventionaltriple antibiotic paste

Early Versus Delayed Orthodontic Treatment After Periodontal Surgery on Periodontal Health in Periodontally...
PeriodontitisAdultRESEARCH QUESTION: Will there be a difference in periodontal health of two groups of periodontally compromised orthodontic patients with early and delayed start of orthodontic treatment after periodontal surgery? Population: Adult orthodontic patients with periodontally compromised dentition requiring periodontal surgical management Intervention: Fixed orthodontic treatment started 10 days after periodontal surgery Control group: Fixed orthodontic treatment started 3 months after periodontal surgery Outcomes: changes in osseous (Alveolar bone level) and non-osseous (PI, GI, BOP, PD, CAL) periodontal parameters of the teeth involved in periodontal surgery. Time frame: One year and four months Study Design: Prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial. Specific: Yes Measurable: Yes Achievable: Yes Relevant: Yes Time: One year and four months Feasible: Trained staff, infrastructure, time, study design Interesting: A new treatment protocol will be investigated. Novel: No study comparing these waiting time intervals after periodontal surgery before starting orthodontic treatment. Ethical: Yes Relevant: As there is no clarity on waiting period after periodontally surgery in periodontally compromised adult patients, this study will be of great help in establishing treatment management protocol of such patients.

Chronic PeriodontitisAim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between initial probing depth (IPD) and changes in clinical parameters following non-surgical periodontal treatment (NPT) in chronic periodontitis patients. Material and Methods: A total of 1672 periodontal pockets having 3 mm≤IPD≤9 mm in 15 chronic periodontitis patients were included. NPT consisting of oral hygiene instructions, scaling and root planing was applied in two sessions. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level, gingival recession (GR) were measured before and eight weeks after treatment. Pocket sites were grouped according to their IPD and root number of teeth as single- or multi-rooted.

Single Versus Multiple Visits Endodontic Treatment
Periapical PeriodontitisHealing rate after single visit or multiple visit endodontic treatment using triple paste intracanal medicament will be assessed both clinically and radio-graphically for follow-up period up to one year

The Use of Erythritol Powder and Metronidazole Gel for the Non-surgical Treatment of Periodontitis...
Periodontal PocketAim of the present study is evaluate the use of erythritol powder with/without the adjunct of local metronidazole in the treatment of periodontal pockets. 20 consecutive adult periodontal patients, requiring cause-related therapy as phase 1 of their treatment plan, and presenting ≥4 sites with probing pocket depth ≥4mm will be enrolled. For each patients four sites will be considered for the study, and two sites will be allocated in the test group and two sites will be allocated in the control group. In the test group, ultrasonic debridement of the pocket will be performed using a piezoceramic ultrasonic device with the a tip connected to the handpiece for 5 minutes/pocket. Then, it will be followed by the subgingival use of erythritol powder 2x5 seconds/pocket. At this time the subgingival delivery of metronidazole gel will be provided. In the control group, the same protocol will be used except for the use of a placebo instead of metronidazole. After instrumentation, patients will rinse with chlorhexidine 0.20% 3 times/day for 2 weeks. At baseline, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months the following parameters will be evaluated: Probing Pocket depth (PPD), Bleeding on Probing (BoP), Clinical Attachment Level (CAL).

Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft Versus Platelet...
PeriodontitisInflammatory periodontal disease often results in loss of bone around the teeth. Bone defects that have a certain size and shape (called intrabony or intraosseous defects) may be improved by using a graft material in the bony defect. The purpose of this study is to compare healing of periodontal intrabony defects that are treated using demineralized freeze dried bone allograft (DFDBA) versus autogenous platelet-rich fibrin. The null hypotheses is that there will be no significant differences in bone fill, CAL gain, PD reduction or recession at sites treated with PRF compared to sites treated with DFDBA.