The Effectiveness of Stretching and Orthoses in Individuals With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThe objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of stretching and prefabricated orthoses versus orthoses alone in individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) using validated condition-appropriate outcome measures such as BCTQ, pain levels, grip strength, and nerve conduction studies.

Digital Multimodal Rehabilitation for People With Post-acute COVID-19 Syndrome.
Post-COVID SyndromeAlthough most infected people survive the infection, many have persistent sequelae or symptoms, which cause disability or decreased quality of life. The World Health Organization has called on countries to prioritize the rehabilitation of the consequences of COVID-19 in both the medium and long term, as this chronicity is expected to impact the health public and the economy in the coming years. RehabCOVID (also referred to as RehabNautilus) is born from the need to provide solutions to persistent cognitive impairment symptoms of people who have suffered from COVID-19. Thus, we will offer people with long COVID that accomplish inclusion/exclusion criteria to participate in a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive stimulation therapy combined with physical exercise and mindfulness. The current project is a single-blind randomized control study, where we will compare two combined interventions with a control group that will encompass different functional, structural, and biochemical changes and interactions in the brain. We will study the effects that this combined intervention produces in the brain. We expect to gain more insight into the specific neuroplasticity mechanisms of cognitive persistent COVID symptoms.

Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior in Children With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome...
Cornelia de Lange SyndromeThe goals of this clinical trial are to identify factors associated with the development of problem behavior in Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) and to develop an effective behavioral assessment and treatment model for problem behavior in children with CdLS. The hypotheses are as follows: Based on pilot data, the investigators hypothesize that individuals with CdLS will exhibit preferences for auditory stimuli relative to other categories (e.g., visual, tactile) of stimuli. Based on pilot data, the investigators hypothesize that individuals with CdLS will exhibit problem behavior to obtain adult attention or to escape task demands relative to tangible and control conditions, as measured by functional analysis results. Function-based behavioral treatments will reduce problem behavior in individuals with CdLS by 80% or greater relative to baseline rates. Individuals with CdLS and problem behavior will exhibit more impaired communication, demonstrate increased emotion dysregulation, and exhibit more severe symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) relative to those with CdLS and no problem behavior. Participants in the intervention group (families of children with CdLS and problem behaviors) will be asked to complete study measures and attend 2 full days and one half-day of clinic services at Kennedy Krieger Institute so that the study team can provide assessment and treatment of child problem behaviors, and then train parents to apply the intervention. Participants in the control group (families of children with CdLS and no problem behavior) will be asked to complete study measures once every 3 months for a 2-year period to monitor the children. This study will improve the ability to effectively treat problem behavior is CdLS, as well as identify key variables associated with problem behavior in CdLS which may be examined in future studies and clinical practice to foster early intervention and prevention efforts.

Effect of Neurodynamic Exercises and Education Program Applied With Virtual Reality Assisted Telerehabilitation...
Carpal Tunnel SyndromePeripheral Neuropathy1 moreThe aim in this prospective, randomized and controlled, single-blind study; In the conservative treatment of patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, to investigate the effects of neurodynamic exercises that applied with nonimmersive virtual reality technology and patient education program presented by the telerehabilitation method on pain-numbness, functional status and quality of life, to compare the effects of neurodynamic exercises that applied with traditional methods and standard education given to patients in outpatient clinic conditions on the same parameters.

The Optimal Route of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS - Irritable Bowel SyndromeMicrobial SubstitutionThe object of this study is to find out is there an optimal route for the fecal microbiata transplant (FMT) in patients that suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. The investigators compare outcomes in patients with repeated fecal microbiome samples and make symptomatic questionnaires (i.e. IBS-SSS, GSRS) to find out if there is difference in severity of symptoms compared to FMT given in duodenogastroscopy or in coloscopy.

Pain Medication Tapering for Patients With Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2, Treated With...
Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2Spinal Cord StimulationThe primary objective of the study is to examine whether there is a difference in disability after 12 months of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) in patients with Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2 (PSPS T2) after receiving a standardized pain medication tapering protocol before SCS implantation, a personalized pain medication tapering protocol before SCS implantation, or no tapering protocol before SCS implantation. The secondary objective of the study is to examine whether there is a difference after 12 months of SCS in PSPS T2 patients after receiving a standardized pain medication tapering protocol before SCS implantation, a personalized pain medication tapering protocol before SCS implantation, or no tapering protocol before SCS implantation on pain intensity, health-related quality of life, participation, domains affected by substance use, anxiety and depression, medication use, psychological constructs, sleep, central sensitization, and healthcare expenditure.

Two-arm Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Ianalumab (VAY736) in Patients With Active Sjogren's...
Sjogren SyndromeA randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, 2-arm multicenter phase 3 study to assess the efficacy and safety of ianalumab in patients with active Sjogren's syndrome (NEPTUNUS-1)

Effects of Kinesiotaping With and Without Active Release Technique in Patients With Carpal Tunnel...
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThe goal of this study is to compare the effects of Kinesiotaping and Active Release Technique in patients with CTS to see which method is better for improving Pain, Grip Strength, Range of Motion and functional disability.

Extracellular Vesicle Treatment for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (EXTINGUISH ARDS)...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeARDSTo evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravenous (IV) administration of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicles (EVs), ExoFlo, versus placebo for the treatment of hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).

Liver Resection and Simultaneous Sleeve Gastrectomy for MS-HCC (LIRESS)
CarcinomaHepatocellular1 moreHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) related to metabolic syndrome (MS) as unique risk factor is gradually overpassing the more common viral and alcohol etiology, becoming a global health issue. Liver surgery for metabolic syndrome-related HCC in this frail subset of patients constitute a challenge, due to high morbidity and mortality rate reported in literature, and contrasting results in term of oncologic outcome. The present multicentric prospective study aims to ascertain if the combination of sleeve gastrectomy and liver surgery in the same surgical procedure may have benefit in terms of reduced perioperative morbidity and prolonged Overall Survival and Recurrence Free Survival. Secondary outcome will be the evaluation of the consequences induced by sleeve gastrectomy on liver disease, in particular liver fibrosis evaluated in term of NFS score (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Fibrosis score), FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4 Index for Liver Fibrosis) score and Fibroscan transient elastography.