the Effect of Aerobic Training on Insulin Sensitivity on Diabetic Patients During Tobacco Cessation...
DiabetesPrevalence of smoking in men and women ages 15 and over who currently smoke any tobacco product on a daily or non-daily basis Egypt smoking rate for 2018 was 21.40%, a 0.1% increase from 2016. According to WHO reports, smoking is currently responsible for six million premature deaths every year, of which 600 000 individuals die from the effects of second-hand smoke. Egypt is one of the 21 countries and territories of the International Diabetes Federation Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. 463 million people have diabetes in the world and 55 million people in the MENA Region; by 2045 this will rise to 108 million. The most profound impact of smoking in diabetic patients is on insulin sensitivity, Cigarette smoking worsens insulin-resistance in patients with diabetes, as smoking decreases subcutaneous absorption of insulin, resulting in increased dosing requirements. When the action of insulin is impaired chronically in smokers, a dose response relationship can be seen between the number of cigarettes smoked and the degree of insulin resistance. Consequently, quitting smoking should improve glycemic control. Therefore diabetic patients can get huge benefits from tobacco cessation as they give their bodies chance to decrease percentage of nicotine and increase percentage of insulin so decrease risk of getting atherosclerosis, so smoking cessation improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity.

Nutraceutical Improvement of Glucose Metabolism, NAFLD and Insulin Resistance by Oat-fiber Supplementation...
Type 2 DiabetesNAFLDCohort studies show an association between increased intake of insoluble (cereal) fiber and decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cancer, infectious and inflammatory disorders. Intervention studies, specifically addressing non-fermentable carbohydrates instead of their food sources (whole grain, pulses, legumes) are still sparse. Whole grain trials reported beneficial effects, but cannot pinpoint these benefits on fiber, as minerals, vitamins, grain protein and food matrix contribute to the metabolic results. The antidiabetic effectiveness of cereal fiber might be explained by a) an increased secretion of incretins and other glucose-induced gastrointestinal hormones, b) an alteration of the gut microbiome, or c) a fermentation to short-chain fatty acids. Fermentable fibers (most of which are soluble) show these mechanisms, but lack strong diabetes-protective associations in cohort studies. In recent supplementation trials, insoluble, mostly non-fermentable fibers improved insulin resistance, glycemia and inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome or prediabetes. Between 2022-2024, we want to assess the effectiveness of insoluble, poorly fermentable cereal fiber in a shorter Intervention period in patients with high responsiveness (insulin-naïve overt type 2 diabetes mellitus with insulin resistance and NAFLD), using a fiber drinking supplement. Our triple-blinded RCT compares the metabolic effects and mechanistic outcomes of isocaloric treatments with 15 grams of oat-fiber supplement per day (vs. placebo) in 92 patients, covering an intervention period of 12 weeks.

A Study Evaluating Daily Oral Doses of TLC-3595 in Participants With Insulin Resistance
Insulin ResistanceThis Phase 2a study is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, effectiveness, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of TLC-3595 in subjects with insulin resistance.

Study of Growth Hormone Inhibition Using Pegvisomant in Severe Insulin Resistance
Insulin Receptor MutationPartial LipodystrophyBackground: Lipodystrophy (LD) syndromes are a group of rare disorders that affect how a person s body can store and use fat tissue. Many people with LDs become severely insulin resistant. Some people are insulin resistant because of a variant in the insulin receptor gene. Insulin resistance causes many health problems. Objective: To learn if blocking the effects of growth hormone in the body will help people with severe insulin resistance. Eligibility: Adults aged 18 to 65 years with either a known variant in the insulin receptor gene or with a diagnosis of partial LD. Design: Participants will have 2 hospital stays, about 1 month apart. Each stay will be 3 or 4 nights. During each hospital stay, participants will have many tests. They will have a physical exam with blood tests. They will have all of their urine collected for a 24-hour period. They will have scans to measure their muscle, bone, and fat tissues. They will have tests to measure metabolism and insulin sensitivity. They may have an optional biopsy of fat tissue. During the first hospital visit, participants will learn how to give themselves shots of a drug (pegvisomant) that blocks growth hormone. The drug is injected under the skin. Participants will continue to give themselves these shots once a day at home. After the first hospital visit, participants will talk on the phone with members of the study team once each week. After 2 weeks they will have blood drawn for tests. Participants will stop the shots after the second hospital visit.

The Influence of Daily Honey Consumption on IR in Obese Women With IR
Insulin ResistanceThe main objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of daily honey consumption on insulin resistance as a preventive measure against diabetes. in women with insulin resistance.

Using a Complex Carbohydrate Mixture to Steer Fermentation and Improve Metabolism in Adults With...
Insulin ResistanceImpaired Glucose Tolerance2 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a fibre mixture added to a high-protein diet on metabolic, gut and brain health.

Effect of Celery Seed on the Components of Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion...
Metabolic SyndromeThe Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors, which include abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure. MS is a global health problem, it represents a risk factor for the progression of cardiovascular disease, entitie that constitute the main cause of mortality in the world and in Mexico. The current treatment involves lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment for each of the components of MS, however, there is no single approved treatment to control all components. Celery seed (Apium graveolens L.) from the Apiaceae family contains the flavonoids apigenin and luteolin; essential oils such as d-limonene, selinene and phthalides such as 3-n-butylphthalide. Thanks to its bioactive components, celery seed has proven to be effective in treating individual MS disorders; however, most studies are in animal models and there are no clinical studies that evaluate its effectiveness on all components of the system. MS, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion so it could appear as a new, safe and effective complementary therapy for the treatment of MS. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of celery seed on the components of metabolic syndrome, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion.

Brain Insulin Resistance in Mood Disorders
Major Depressive DisorderBipolar Disorder2 moreThe overarching aim of the study is to determine the role of insulin signaling on the neurobiological substrates subserving anhedonia within individuals with mood disorders (i.e., Bipolar Disorder (BD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)). Specific aims include: Molecular: Assessment of components of the insulin cascade, as well as of anhedonia and reward-related processes, using a proteomics and gene expression approach; Physiology: Measurement of peripheral sensitivity to insulin and metabolic correlates, including body mass index and dyslipidemia; Neural Circuits: Evaluation of the insulin sensitivity of prefrontal (e.g. prefrontal cortex) and striatal (e.g. nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area) networks in the resting-state and during an effort-based decision making test, using acutely administered intranasal insulin and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); Behavioral: Measurement of willingness to make effort for rewards, as well as of other components of reward response and anhedonia, using validated behavioral tasks and clinical scales (e.g. Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale - SHPS). This initiative represents a proof-of-concept study that insulin is important to anhedonia, neurocognitive functioning, and behavioural deficits in MDD, representing a novel and safe therapeutic avenue.

Change of Adipose Tissues and Triglyceride After Bariatric Surgery or Life-style Intervention
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseObesity6 moreThe study is aimed To quantify the change of adipose tissues, triglyceride in liver and pancreas and cholesterol after lifestyle intervention or bariatric surgery. To test the hypothesis that Brown fat is an independent biomarker for the development of Non Alcoholic Fat Liver Disease (NAFLD) To study the association among Brown fat, NAFLD and obesity.

The Effect of Biktarvy (B/F/TAF) on Whole-body Insulin Sensitivity, Lipid and Endocrine Profile...
HIV-1-infectionThis study will investigate changes in insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism and endocrine profile in HIV-negative subjects exposed to Biktarvy (B/F/TAF) compared to subject not exposed to B/F/TAF for 28 days.