Effects of Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation on Cognition and Language in Down Syndrome and Obstructive...
Down SyndromeObstructive Sleep ApneaThis study is a prospective, single-arm study conducted under a common implant and follow-up protocol. The objective will be to follow fifty-seven (57) adolescents and young adults (10-21 years of age), with Down syndrome, moderate to severe sleep apnea, and post-adenotonsillectomy, for 12 months after undergoing implant of the Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) System. The study is being conducted in order to evaluate objective change in cognition and expressive language after implant and therapy with the Inspire UAS System.

Comparing the Addition of an Anti-Cancer Drug, Pomalidomide, to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaAcute Myeloid Leukemia Post Cytotoxic Therapy4 moreThis phase II trial studies the effect of adding pomalidomide to usual chemotherapy treatment (daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome) in treating patients with newly diagnosed acute leukemia with myelodysplastic syndrome-related changes. Pomalidomide may stop the growth of blood vessels, stimulate the immune system, and kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs, such as daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Adding pomalidomide to chemotherapy treatment with daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome may be effective in improving some treatment outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed acute leukemia with myelodysplastic syndrome-related changes.

Pilot Clinical Study of NOA-001 for ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe primary object of this clinical study is to investigate the efficacy and the safety of NOA-001 in patients with ARDS (ARDS caused by Non-COVID-19 or COVID-19).

Efficacy of Empagliflozin or Linagliptin as an Alternative to Metformin for Treatment of Polycystic...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)The study aims to compare the efficacy of Empagliflozin or Linagliptin as an alternative to Metformin for treatment of non-diabetic patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Subthreshold SCS or BMT
Failed Back Surgery SyndromeGiven the substantial socioeconomic impact of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) implantations and given that currently no direct high-quality evidence with a relevant outcome measurement is available to guide the treatment choice between subthreshold SCS versus best medical treatment in patients with Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2 (PSPS-T2), we here propose a scientifically well-constructed randomized controlled trial to answer this question. The primary scientific objective is to examine whether subthreshold SCS, compared to best medical treatment, provided to patients with PSPS-T2 results in a higher percentage of clinical holistic responders at 6 months. The secondary objective of the study is to examine if subthreshold SCS compared with BMT is having more efficacy in improving patients' individual competencies for self-management, increasing the likelihood to return to work, work status and healthcare expenditure, improving pain relief, obtaining pain medication reduction, decreasing anxiety and depression, increasing quality of life and decreasing disability.

Meibomian Gland Probing in the Sub-Acute Phase of Patients With Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal...
Stevens-Johnson SyndromeToxic Epidermal Necrolyses4 moreThe investigators' aim is to study the effects of mechanical expression of meibomian glands on eyelid disease, ocular surface health in the subacute phase of SJS/TEN. The primary outcome is to use meibomian gland imaging to assess the health and caliber of the meibomian glands of both lower eyelids, between the treated and non-treated eyes before and after the intervention. Monitoring of outcomes will be measured by comparing the results of meibography at the initial visit and at the 6-month follow-up. The secondary outcome assessed will be patient symptoms. The Ocular Surface Disease Index survey will be administered before each treatment and patients will be asked to differentiate their symptoms between the two eyes, both before and after the intervention. The investigators hypothesize that mechanical expression of meibomian glands within the first 6 months of SJS/TEN onset will significantly improve ocular surface disease and symptoms in those patients.

HALOS: A Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Study of Multiple Ascending...
Angelman SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of ascending doses of ION582 administered intrathecally in participants with Angelman syndrome.

EPPIC: Easing Pelvic Pain Interventions Clinical Research Program
Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (UCPPS)Interstitial Cystitis5 moreThe EPPIC (Easing Pelvic Pain Interventions Clinical Research Program) study evaluates an ultra-brief, 4 session cognitive behavioral pain treatment transdiagnostic in design for urologic chronic pain syndrome (UCPPS) with clinical and practical advantages over existing behavioral therapies whose length and focus limits their adoption by clinicians and coverage for mechanistically similar comorbidities. A theoretically informed, practical, empirically grounded approach will systematically unpack CBT's working mechanisms, clarify for whom it works, ease dissemination, appeal to patients, providers, payers, and policy makers in the COVID-19 era favoring low resource intensity treatments, and reduce cost and inefficiencies associated with high intensity therapies whose complexity, length, and scarcity restricts uptake and impact.

Effects of a Manual Therapy Program to Reduce the Evolution Time of Axillary Web Syndrome
Breast CancerMastectomy; Lymphedema4 moreABSTRACT Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women, with more than a million new cases annually. One of the most frequent surgical and post-actinic sequelae and well known is postmastectomy lymphedema. The axillary web syndrome is another sequel that limits the functionality of the patient and delays the protocol times of application of treatments cancer, and in many cases this sequela is misdiagnosed. This surgical sequelusually disappears spontaneously after the third month of appearance, but this implies a long period of discomfort and limitations for the user, at the same time that it may delay the application of Radiotherapy within the indicated protocol deadlines (due to the need for a body posture with abduction and flexion of the affected upper limb for its application and with the lymphatic thrombus is impossible to get). With the present quasi-experimental study, the investigator intend to show that the application of Kinesitherapy and stretching from the beginning of the appearance of the cord, in a controlled and scheduled way by the physiotherapist, it is possible to reduce the time in which the lymphatic thrombus is present, and therefore, recover functionality, mobility, reduce pain and be able to apply the patients´ treatments within of the established deadlines. The investigator intend to apply this therapy in the intervention group and compare thrombus evolution times with the control group.

Effect of Prone Positioning on Mortality in Patients With Mild to Moderate Acute Respiratory Distress...
ARDSAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome2 moreAcute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) accounts for almost 10% of intensive care units (ICU) admissions. Three ARDS stages have been defined, based on the PaO2/FIO2 ratio measured with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) ≥5 cmH2O: mild (201-300 mmHg), moderate (200-101 mmHg), and severe (≤100mmHg). They represent 30.0%, 46.6%, and 23.4% of ARDS, respectively. Mechanical invasive ventilation (MV), the cornerstone of ARDS patient care, has a primary goal to protect the lung from ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). Delivering MV in a prone position (PP) has been shown to improve oxygenation, protect the lung through a better homogenization of lung stress/strain, and stabilize hemodynamics. A meta-analysis of four randomized controlled trials showed beneficial effect of PP vs. supine position (SP) in the most hypoxemic patients. A fifth randomized controlled trial further showed a significant reduction in mortality with PP in ARDS patients with PaO2/FIO2 <150 mmHg, when neuromuscular blockade and long prone positioning sessions were used. Therefore, PP has since been strongly recommended for ARDS patients with PaO2/FIO2 <150 mmHg. Yet, there is limited evidence in patients with mild to moderate ARDS. There are, however, strong arguments supporting the need for a new trial in ARDS patients with PaO2/FIO2 in the range 150-300 mmHg: There is no trial that has specifically tested PP in this ARDS subset; PP is safe and has become a standard of care in ICU; Should VILI prevention be a mechanism through which PP improves survival, this should be involved in all ARDS patients; The mortality at hospital discharge in this subset of ARDS remains significant, amounting to 34.9% (95% confidence intervals 31.4-38.5%) in mild and 40.3% (37.4-43.3) in moderate stages; Among 580 patients with mild ARDS at admission to the ICU, in-hospital mortality was 10%, 30%, and 37% for those who improved, persisted, and worsened ARDS, respectively. Finally, PP has been shown to be cost-effective under commonly accepted thresholds. The hypothesis is that in patients within the 150-300mmHg PaO2/FIO2 range at the time of ARDS diagnosis, PP can reduce mortality as compared to a similar group left in the SP.